Wednesday, October 30, 2013

EFT and Magic Words

Often I’m asked by clients when I instruct them to tap for themselves at home about “what words do I use”? I’m hoping to settle this question here and now for you readers. While all these tapping protocols and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Youtube videos out there on the internet are nice, as they give a wonderful visual of how EFT is done, I’m not convinced they do a completely healthy service to the EFT world. Now, I can’t complain too loudly, or I will look like a hypocrite here because I, too, have Youtube videos available on the web. However, my concern is that many times the video producing practitioners goes on and on with fancy words and different phrases on each tapping point. It looks complicated and involved to the novice tapper. EFT isn’t that complicated. It really isn’t, nor does it need to be fancy to get excellent results. EFT works at the cellular level to eliminate negative emotions. Words aren’t the key here. Feeling the negative emotion is. That’s why it is called Emotional Freedom Techniques! Few practitioners use the setup phrases anymore. And I agree with them, if the client is really feeling whatever emotion is causing their problem. If a SUDS (subjective units of distress, emotional pain scale) is over a 3 or 4 on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being no pain and 10 being terrible, there is no need to do a setup, as the client is already in the emotional moment. Just begin tapping the points. A setup is needed if the client has an issue but isn’t feeling the issue. That is when they possibly could be reversed and they need the setup phrases done at the karate chop point. My point here is that EFT doesn’t need words to work. All that is needed is to tune into the emotion and really feel it. Magnify it. Intensify it. Just get into it, and then tap it away. Words are useful for the practitioner to understand where a client stands in the process. Sometimes clarification is necessary. Words are useful for that. Other times, like I do, my intuition, which is really the Holy Spirit, kicks in & I will say something I extrapolated from what the client says. Often the client will acknowledge that my words are exactly what they are thinking or feeling. It gets them back into feeling whatever emotion there were feeling. I want to keep them in that emotional moment to get all the bodymind clearing I can get for them. Intensifying the emotions tends to get a more thorough clearing for the client. It’s the vibration of the tapping that knocks the emotion loose, not the words. So, for all you novice tappers out there don’t get all hung up on the right words. Those words really don’t matter. Start tapping, tune into whatever it is you are feeling, intensify the feelings, if you can, and persevere until you completely clear out the problem. If you can make yourself cry about the problem, all the better, as crying is a sure fire sign you know exactly what you are feeling. Cry and tap. I’m pretty sure you will feel a whole lot better when you are done than you would if you simply sat down & had a good old fashioned cry without the tapping. Tapping extracts the emotion, neutralizing it, and it tends to do that on a permanent basis. Crying is only a temporary relief. Personally, I go for anything that improves my emotional lot long term. So, happy crying and happy tapping! Your subconscious thanks you for the relief, as does all your clogged up cells, all 100 trillion of them! For more information, go to To schedule a free EFT coaching session, email me at Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own health and well-being.