Wednesday, June 29, 2016

EFT & Your Tongue

I want to teach you a simple "trick" for the times when you cannot tap, but you need to tap now!

I learned this years ago from Dawson. I use it when I'm in a hurry, and bothered, but when I can't stop and tap right now.

Drop your tongue, relaxed, on the floor of your mouth. Cross your hands over your heart, and take a few slow deep breaths. 5 seconds in, hold for 2 seconds, 5 seconds out. Do this while feeling where your angst is physically and focus on whatever the problem is.

A nice long red light is ample time to just allow whatever the feelings and emotions are to float off.

Now, teach yourself, and it takes a bit of mindfulness to do this - keep your tongue relaxed as much as possible on the floor of your mouth.

That relaxed tongue engages the parasympathetic nervous system and tells your body that there is nothing wrong no matter what you are feeling at the moment. You might be bugged, but you are NOT in any physical danger.

If anyone tries this, let me know what you think of this short-cut. It doesn't replace your daily tapping, but it can help to get you out of an immediate problem with a quick fix.

Remember, EFT is NOT a substitute for your own personal medical or mental health care professional. See them regularly whenever you feel you must do so!

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Author of EFT for Christians (on Amazon)

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Feelings and EFT

Stop listening to your emotions, many times feeling sorry for yourself, or feeling like a victim, and tap!  Tapping gives you the ability to then stand on the Word of God. Let God tell you who you are and who you belong to.

Remember, satan condemns, but the Holy Spirit convicts!  If you have asked forgiveness for what you have done, but you still feel condemned, it isn't God!

He's already forgotten what you did. If you want to move on, learn EFT, or call a Christian practitioner for EFT help. I can supply a list for you. Email me today.

Stand on the Word of God, not the words of the enemy!

To God be the glory!

EFT is not a substitute for medical care. Call your physician if this is a medical issues.

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Certified EFT practitioner
Author of EFT for Christians (2015)

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Generation Suffering & EFT

Generational suffering - another scientific article explaining the need for EFT and Matrix Reimprinting:

Thursday, June 2, 2016

EFT and Worry - Philippians 4

Philippians 4:6 reads, “in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God”.  All our fears, anxieties, and worry are to be placed into His loving arms. It is His to carry.

But what happens when the fear, worry, or anxiety continues to rear its ugly head?  Is God not answering our prayers?  I don’t believe that to be the case at all. God created us with a specific physiology. He knows what He created and how we function within our bodies.

God’s physiology goes something like this:  We learn worry early in our lifetime. Oh, it might be something that today we would find inconsequential, like not being picked for a kickball team, or not understanding the math in an upcoming big test. Worry and anxiety set in. The cognitive learning process instilled in our mind has just begun.  Over the following decades, other problems arise that reinforce all that worry and fear and anxiety. Each time, it seems we worry more and more, or the worry is more deep set. Finally, by middle age, we find ourselves literally worrying about nearly every single thing in our lives. We can tell ourselves a million times that we have nothing to worry about – God has it all under control, but, for some reason, that never really reassures us, and we continue to worry.  Eventually, the guilt about worrying begins to set in, adding to the angst. We know in our heart it is wrong, and we pray diligently to be delivered from it.

We all know God can do whatever He finds necessary. Sometimes, He simply rescues us from our deep-seated worry, setting us free. Other times, it continues, like St. Paul’s thorn, leaving us overburdened and sick. God, at other times, brings alongside us something else to assist us, and answering our prayers in other ways.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is another of those answers to prayer. While He allows worry, fear, and anxiety to be part of our human experience, one started in response to original sin our first parents committed in the Garden of Eden, He also instilled in us a mechanism to relieve just those emotions.

EFT, or tapping, is a physiology process where by these fore mentioned emotions can be permanently dismantled. How? By allowing the subconscious to bring to the surface those early memories where the worry first began, and tapping away the emotions attached to those events.

The tapping sets up a vibration that interferes with the neurochemical reaction at the cellular receptor level, breaking the cognitive learning pattern of childhood.  It re-regulates the amygdala, the alarm center of our brain, telling it we are safe. God is handling our issues. It’s how God created us when He breathed breath into Adam’s nostrils on the sixth day of creation.

Free yourself of those emotions of anxiety, fear, and worry through EFT, opening you up to an awakened spiritual experience through God’s mighty grace.  Allow God to instill into you the peace of God that passes all understanding by using this EFT mechanism God implanted in you at birth.

If any of these emotions or any other overwhelming emotion is running your life, messing up your prayer life and spiritual walk, email me. It would be my Christian privilege to teach you how EFT can change your spiritual life, as you dismantle the crippling effects of those early leaned memory patterns. Or attend one of my EFT classes in Milwaukee.

Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own health and well-being. EFT is not a substitute for medical care.

God bless your walk with Him!

For more information, go to

To schedule a free EFT 15 minute consultation session, email me at

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT practitioner

Author of EFT for Christians