Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Tapping Emotional Triggers EFT for Christians YouTube Video

EFT for Christians presents a video on how to tap on emotional triggers. 

Remember, EFT is not a substitute for sound medical advice or care, so please contact your own personal physician when psychological or physical help is needed.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Tapping Suggestions for Children

Tapping with children suggestion:

I'm a Donna Eden aficionado! Donna has been teaching Energy Medicine for decades. Example: Last weekend my head was clogged. I looked up Donna's thoughts on draining my sinuses. Following her simple instructions, within minutes, my head began to drain (after putting up with 2 weeks of it being clogged!).
While reading I found another of her suggestions. Sorry, I don't know how to shorten this so it will still make sense.
"Tapping the k-27 points (in EFT that is our collarbone points) 'flips' your energies around. It is so simple and unobtrusive to tap or massage K-27 points that you can use this technique in a classroom or business meeting.
"Tapping the K-27 points not only can keep you awake, but also can help you think more clearly {I also suggest the gamut point on the back of the hands}. I have countless times seen children in school, sitting at a desk, looking first at what the teacher is writing on the blackboard and then looking back to the desk. By the time some children's eyes reach the desk, their mind is blank or the information has become totally muddled. The energy circuitry has been disrupted by this up and down movement of the eyes. THIS IS THE MECHANISM THAT ALLOWS EYE MOVEMENT DESENSITIZATION TO DISENGAGE A TRAUMATIC STRESS RESPONSE FROM A TRAUMATIC MEMORY, but it can also keep you from absorbing new information.
The K-27 points (collarbone tapping spots) are juncture points that affect all of the other meridians.
Donna suggests that one consider tapping with hands crossed over the chest (tap right K-27 with left hand, and tap left one with right hand) because it assists "the energy in crossing over from the left-brain hemisphere to the right side of the body" and vice versa.
For what this is worth......I may just tap with my hands crossed sometimes for the heck of it!
Energy Medicine, Donna Eden, pages 74-75

Remember, EFT is not a substitute for sound medical care, so please contact your own personal physician when medical needs arise.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
Use Promo Code SAVE20 when ordering from Publisher to get 20% Off

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Life's Thought Filters

Recently I was asked:  "Is this true?   That once we judge something is true or a fact, our brain actually filters the input we receive to support what we’ve already decided we believe."

My answer:  Yes, you have it!!

What happens from the "learning" of something is we build strong, thick neural pathways, like interstate highways, where our thoughts just tend to gravitate to.  Once we believe something and these neural highways are built that is exactly where we head - right down the same thought line we believe to be our truth, and we return to that pathway over and over again. We are then STUCK!  It kinda is a "dog returning to its vomit".

Canadian researcher Donald Hebbs said, and we repeat, "Neurons that fire together, wire together". In EFT, our motto is, "Neurons that don't fire together, never wire together" which means we can break down those pathways with tapping so we don't with a knee jerk reactionimmediately run down that same thought road.

2000 Nobel prize winner Eric Kandel taught us that ONE hour of thinking the same thought, be it positive or negative, DOUBLES the size of the neural pathway of that thought.  So, worry and rumination strengthens and almost guarantees us more worry and rumination because again we are stuck, literally, in that thought pattern.

Since we have kazillions of neural connections, so many of our thoughts intersect with other thoughts, binding them altogether in one big mass of lies. Cathy & I call these our lying emotions because of that idea.

Good part of this is with tapping comes the "generalization effect" where disconnecting some neural pathways often takes out big chunks of other rather unrelated life habits and patterns that were peripherally connected. This is why other thoughts or even physical afflictions or things just seem to go away without any tapping at all. Subtle personality changes happen and we often don't even notice.

I'm not sure, but you could be correct, that this a spiritual piece of EFT as much as it is a physiological piece.

God put these learning patterns in us to create safety for us. We learned what was good for us and what could harm us.

With Adam & Eve's sin, the whole system went awry. What was meant for good, like everything else, turned not so good when trauma or abuse is introduced into our lives. Instead of knowing that a yellow snake could bite and kill us (and we stay away from it), we now ruminate and worry about the "snake", trying to keep ourselves safe, but the worry finally digs us a big fat stress hole whereby our health can be ruined with chronic illnesses. Dumb example, but you get my gist!

Tapping is all about safety. We will attempt to heal WHEN we feel it is safe to do so. Those who "resist" or have secondary gain around getting better, either spiritually, emotionally, mentally, or physically, don't feel safe at that moment to step into that healing.

Sadly, some people never do feel safe and maybe never receive their healing on this side of heaven.

So, perceptions usually eventually turn into beliefs about who we are in Christ, which is pretty much the sum total of why we should be tapping! Everything else slides in under this one.

Remember, tapping is not a substitute for medical care from your own personal physician, so please contact a medical doctor when care is needed.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
Use Promo Code SAVE20 when ordering from Publisher to get 20% Off