Monday, February 1, 2021

Complex PTSD & EFT Tapping

While this article doesn't advocate EFT tapping, this is exactly what we use tapping to resolve emotionally.
EFT, when done well and proficiently, pulls the emotional content out of our hurtful memories. Once the emotional pain has settled, we can begin to process what the trauma means to us. Often we come to realize the emotional events have nothing personally to do with us, but are the painful emotional reactions of others toward us.
Does the resolution happen overnight?
No, it takes time like all healing! But persistence will pay off. Beginning to tap tomorrow doesn't help today, but starting today will most probably help you feel more emotionally stable this time next year!
Are you ready to begin using EFT? Go to my webpage & request the free resources I have available for you there.

Remember, EFT tapping is NOT a substitute for good personal medical or psychological care, so contact your own personal physicians before using EFT.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

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