Thursday, July 15, 2021

Epigenetics and EFT

As I often do, I pulled out a copy of paragraphs of an article to comment on, but please read it in its entirety. It's not that long.

"We often do not take into account that epigenetically it has been shown that a father’s sperm literally carries the genetic residue of his traumatic experiences in addition to the life experiences of a mother who is carrying the eggs of her yet preconceived child. He references the traumatic lineage of affecting three generations with a singular traumatic event that is fascinating to really take into account."
My comment: This always amazes me as it confirms Scripture of the Exodus and Numbers references to the "sins of the fathers". Sins of the fathers isn't necessarily sins but epigenetic residues tagged ONTO DNA. DNA (gene) doesn't change, but they get tagged with a protein that marks them as important genetic information and is then passed down the generations. Some day I will take time and do a study of the OT word "sin" to see what God really meant here!
"Here are some questions from Mark’s book that you might ask yourself:
• Could you be feeling like, behaving like, suffering like, atoning for, or carrying the grief for someone who came before you?
• Do you have symptoms, feeling, or behaviors that are difficult to explain in the context of your life experience?
• Was there a trauma in the family (an early death of a parent, child, sibling or an abandonment, murder, crime, or suicide etc.), an event that was too terrible, painful or shameful to talk about?
• Could you be connected with that event, living a life similar to the person no one talks about?
• Could you be reliving this family member’s trauma as though it were your own? These kind of questions have us looking beyond our own life experiences and begin the expanded view of looking to how, for a variety of reasons, we have taken on a mission that in a sense has nothing to do with us."
My comment: When one understands emotionally that some of these questions are true in his or her life, most likely a Christian EFT Practitioner's help will be needed to dig to the bottom of the pain.
"Words act as carrier pigeons from the unconscious, fluttering forth with messages that need to be revealed, be it in metaphor or language that feels somehow estranged or belonging to another’s life experience."

My comment: I love this paragraph because METAPHORS and our OFT REPEATED comments or statements (or those of our family members) frequently give clues to what lies beneath the emotional surface. Pay attention to WHAT you say. If you have a saying you repeat over and over, tap and dig below it. Find why it is an important thing stuck in your vocabulary! And take some time this holiday season to ask older family members what life experiences they have had and what family stories they have been told. You might receive a greater gift that will expand your emotional healing than you ever imagined possible! God bless your healing!!

Remember, EFT is not a substitute for sound medical care, so please contact your own personal physician when you feel medical or psychological care is needed.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

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