Thursday, July 28, 2016

EFT & Memory Reconsolidation

In the article referenced at the bottom of this blog, I copied this statement:  "What most probably happens is that memories in long term storage stay fairly stable until they are remembered. The process of remembering alters stored memories in some still unknown but physical fashion so that they become temporarily unstable and need to be consolidated (made stable) once again." {in a more positive fashion when using EFT - my comment}

So, exactly what does that mean in laymen’s language?

When something horrible happens to us, and remember “horrible” is in the eye of the beholder, what is awful to one person means little to another, trauma is personal, we remember. Sometimes the memory stays in the conscious mind, but other times it is only remember subconsciously.

Once that memory is accessed or brought back into the conscious mind, it is friable, or able to be changed. Every time we re-tell a memory we change details in it.

Using EFT, or tapping, we have the ability to change an awful, traumatic into something neutral, and no longer threatening – a memory that holds no triggering charge for us, and no longer runs our life. This is called memory “reconsolidation”. The memory is changed for the better. We remember what happened in the event, but the event is no longer important to our life story, or who we think we are.

Dr Robert Scaer’s definition of a traumatic event is it is horrifically overwhelming and one thinks one is going to die because the situation is completely hopeless and the person feels completely helpless and without resources.  This is why we need to ask clients, "What were you THINKING" when that memory happened. Often the thought of death itself is so buried in the psyche it underpins the memory. Tapping on, "I was going to die" multiple times until it neutralizes, along with tapping the emotion of "shock" that the event even happened takes much of the punch & sting out of the memory, in many cases.

I don’t recommend at all that individuals tap on their own traumatic memories. This is one of those times when it is imperative that you hire an EFT practitioner to help you. Why? Because most likely you will NOT go deep enough to neutralize all the aspects of what happened at that fateful time, and in only partially “fixing” the memory you might drive it deeper into the subconscious. (Please just get help – email me! I have a list of Christian practitioners to help you).

Often huge amounts of the neurotransmitter norephinephrine are secreted during a trauma.  Norephinephrine drives the sensory memory. The more norephinephrine pumped out, the better the memory aspects stick.

"Post-traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is, of course, an anxiety disorder that occurs sometimes in the aftermath of exposure to a horrendous traumatic experience involving death or the threat of death. It essentially involves a person ingesting a trauma memory that is so "hot" and emotionally overwhelming that it cannot be processed and grieved normally and instead is just avoided as best as can be managed. The trauma memory does not degrade as normal memories do, but instead stays fresh and intrudes into the traumatized person's awareness in an unwanted, unbidden and very frightening manner. Three classes of classic PTSD symptoms come out of this situation: 1) hypervigilance for threats, 2) attempts to avoid threats (anything which will trigger the trauma memories), and 3) chronic intrusive remembering of the trauma memory despite attempts to avoid it."

The above definition of PTSD comes from this same article.

I want to stress to you that PTSD symptoms almost never go away spontaneously and the triggers and behaviors resulting from the trauma are NOT your fault! Often trauma leads to PTSD. Memories continue to disintegrate and magnify as years pass. And there is absolutely no way a person with PTSD symptoms can work on themselves using EFT or any other energy techniques and adequately clear the trauma. It is a must that they find a practitioner who can gently lead them where they must go to resolves all the deep-seated trauma pieces of the memory.

Because these memories are so imbedded in the hippocampus, they continue to intrude into the life of the one who carries the memories. Sadly, the damage goes even further in that the hippocampus actually shrinks, taking with the shrinking the good earlier memories when life was good and pleasant, leaving the person with just a life full of bad memories.

Triggers, those short snaps of sensory input, that causes the flare-up of emotions and spontaneously erratic behaviors is nothing one can control. The amygdala in the brain is now in control once these memories are implanted deeply in the psyche.

EFT is one of the few modalities that actually effectively works on neutralizing and calming these awful memories.

Post-traumatic memories are not a weakness in personality or spirit. They are something done to you as a result of something awful that happened years or decades ago. There is nothing shameful about asking for help.

So, do you have memories that haunt you?  God has offered us an opportunity through tapping to once and for all reconsolidate those memories and put them to bed forever.

Are you ready to give EFT a try? Call and let’s talk!

EFT is not a substitute for medical or emotional care from a qualified physician or therapist. Call one when necessary.

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author of EFT for Christians – on Amazon

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