Thursday, December 29, 2016

Christian EFT and Thanksgiving - Change Your Life!

Combining EFT with thanksgiving has a powerful effect over our psyches and our physical health.

Let me explain.

What thoughts go through your mind when your grandchild profusely thanks you for a gift you have given her? You feel delighted that you were able to delight her, don’t you? And your reaction to all these heartwarming feelings is what? You want to give her more and more! The more pleased her reaction the more you want to please her in order to elicit again and again that same reaction that warms your own heart!

How do you think God the Father feels when we are grateful to Him for His mercies and gifts to us?  Right, the exact same way! Gratitude begets blessings and blessings should beget more gratitude. Positive attitudes moves one forward; negative attitudes pushes one backwards.  Honor God with our thanksgiving, so more blessings come!

It also proves to God that you really are thankful for the circumstances right here and now, no matter how good or bad the issues really are. And when situations improve, how would you know that they have improved except to have been where things weren’t good at all. Gratitude gives us a rule from which to judge future events.

Psalm 149:4 reads, “For the LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory.” Psalm 35:27 says, “May those who delight in my vindication shout for joy and gladness; may they always say, "The LORD be exalted, who delights in the well-being of his servant.”

God wants to give us more and more, but we must be grateful for what we have right now. Right now may not look too prosperous, but God expects gratitude for what it is. Like that grandchild of yours, the more excited you are with God’s blessings, the more He will shower upon you.

God does allow tests in our lives to see if we are faithful to trust Him, but He also supplies us according to His riches and favor, as stated in Philippians 4:19, “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”

So, what does any of this have to do with EFT?

First, confess your ingratitude to God. Tap and confess your faithlessness, mistrust, and lack of belief in Him for Who He is.

Now, begin a new habit of tapping regularly and thanking God for every little thing in your life!  

However, tap and thank God for what you want as if it has already come to pass.  Tap in the past tense.  “Thank you, Jesus, for my healed right knee,” thank you, Lord, for our amazing relationship,” thank you, Father, for our repaired plumbing (within a budget I can afford),” “thank you, God, for beautiful new car I needed to get to work.”

It may not be true today, but you would like it to be true, and you would like God to make it so.

Proverbs 6:2 tells us we keep ourselves trapped by our own words, “You have been trapped by what you said, ensnared by the words of your mouth.”

When we talk negatively about our life, what we say will come to pass. Stop saying what you don’t want. Thank God in gratitude and praise for what He has given you, and pray the same for what you want as if it has already happened. Speak it into existence. “It is written: ‘I believed; therefore I have spoken.’ Since we have that same spirit of faith, we also believe and therefore speak,” 2 Corinthians 4:13.

Our own words trap us into a life we don’t want. Negative words stop God’s blessings in our life. We can literally prophesy our own future. “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Proverbs 18:21) are powerful words! Stop speaking problems into your life.

Pay attention, and become mindful of what comes out of your mouth!  When you catch yourself saying something negative about your life, yourself, or another person, make a mental note of it as something to later investigate, asking the Holy Spirit the source of the thought. And then tap it away, breaking that habit. But more importantly, when you stop yourself, change the wording to something positive. Speak it as if it has already happened. Keep all negative language out of the statement. Be careful you aren’t making a negative statement in a positive manner!

When time allows, bring forth into your mind while tapping, the source of the memories that led you to believe God won’t bless you. Negatively tap (here is the appropriate use of the negative)  away all the hindrances of these beliefs, and watch your attitude change and shift toward thanking God for all He has given you.

Declare out loud what you know God wants of you and allow our God to change the circumstances to make that promise come alive in you. “I can do all this through him who gives me strength” is written in Philippians 4:13. Apostle Paul understood adversity. Scholars aren’t completely sure where Paul was when he penned this to the Philippians, but the consensus is he was in prison in Rome awaiting eventual death. Now, that’s adversity!

Allow no one to talk you out of what God has asked you to do. Take a big step of faith and move out, declaring out loud the truth of your purpose and mission. Expect God to move, and He will most certainly do so.

As we Christian EFT practitioners tap with hundreds of people a year, we see this exact process play out time after time. Once we have used tapping to eliminate the negative memories and the accompanying reaction to the events in our life, we sit back and watch God motivate and prosper that brother or sister with whom we tapped. I’ve personally seen amazing sights God has brought about through EFT. Women moving out into ministries that God had set up for them to do. Others are writing music for God. Books are written to the glory of God. God is using these healed women (and men) to forward His Kingdom – they are truly His hands and feet.

As the shift comes, and it will come, God will amaze you at the blessings He will shower upon you once you change your mind and begin speaking out the positive truth of what He wants to give you, and thanking Him for what He has already given you,  because He loves you more than anything else that exists.

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