Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Wiring Your Emotional Brain

"What most people don't know is that when they think about a highly charged emotional experience, they make the brain fire in the exact sequences and patterns as before; they are firing and wiring their brains to the PAST by reinforcing those circuits into ever more hardwired networks. They also duplicate the same chemicals in the brain and body (in varying degrees) as if they were experiencing the event AGAIN in the moment. Those chemicals begin to train the body to further memorize THAT emotion. Both the chemical results of thinking and feeling, feeling and thinking, as well as the neurons firing and wiring together, condition the mind AND the body into a finite set of automatic programs." Dr. Joe Dispenza

Tapping can often disassemble that wiring for the good. 

God has given us an awesome tool in EFT!

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author of EFT for Christians - 3 books total on Amazon

Thursday, February 15, 2018

EFT for Christians Video # 23: Triggers, Cell Receptors, & Why EFT Seems to Work

Here is another EFT for Christians YouTube instructional video:  EFT for Christians Video # 23: Triggers, Cell Receptors, & Why EFT Seems to Work 

Please subscribe to my EFT for Christians YouTube Channel to get notified about all new YouTube EFT videos as they are produced.

Remember, EFT is not a substitute for sound medical or psychological care. Please call your own personal physician and take responsibility for your own emotional and physical health.

Blessings in our Risen Savior!
Sherrie Rice Smith
Author of the EFT for Christians series found on 

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Childhood Experiences and Tapping

We talk about ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Study in EFT articles.

Here is an overview of what we are discussing and how early childhood stuff affects us throughout our life until we decide to deal with it (or are forced to do so).

Tapping is a fantastic tool to do just that. Since the subconscious mind runs all these early childhood events in the background of our mind as STILL happening today, a tool is needed to tell that unconscious part of us that we are NOW safe and we are ok, having survived the abuse.

Remember, "trauma" to one person is not trauma to another. And sometimes, looking through our adult eyes, we don't see events as problems. Ask the Holy Spirit's opinion when tapping!

Many, many factors enter here. Resiliency is a piece of it. Risk factors build up. Once the child's mind has one event, it's not unusual for a compounding effect to happen.

Feedback? Thoughts?

Remember, EFT is not a substitute for medical care, so please take the proper precautions and call your own personal physician if care is needed.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author of EFT for Christians Advanced (2017)
Author of EFTforChristians 52 Tapping Devotions (Christmas, 2017)
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