Friday, July 26, 2013

EFT & Gratefulness

EFT and gratefulness fit together like a glove on a hand! 
It is an amazing process to participate in.  As I clear all my childhood emotional and verbal abuse, I just feel gratefulness to God welling up within the innermost parts of my being. My soul rejoices with the knowledge that God still does heal. Clarity in life comes as the emotional garbage is hauled away by Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). God is taking out the trash!
He not only takes out the trash, but He comes into our soul and mind, bringing His tiny broom, dusting out the very remote corners of our emotional being, doing the housecleaning we have desired for so very long.  How long I have begged Him to take away my emotional pain! Near hopelessness had set in because I could see no end to it. I tried everything I knew how to do, but still the pain persisted.
By a miracle, EFT entered my life. God did indeed answer my prayer! It took a while. No, it took what seemed to be an interminable amount of time – decades; however, God was honing me to understand the depth of my healing. Without the pain I would not be the woman today that I am. The woman He desires me to be, totally surrendered and committed to His Will. He wanted me to understand completely that He was in control and that He was the Healer and that He wanted the praise and glory from my healing.  I do understand the depth of the healing and that is what makes me so extremely grateful to Him! 
The worse the pain; the more impact the healing has. My heart overflows in gratitude for the healing. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!
Hymn by Louis Bourgeois and Thomas Ken
Arrangement, Additional Chorus and Words for verse 2 & 3 by Michael Schroeder
© 2009 Michael Schroeder/Worldwide Impact Publishing (ASCAP

Praise, God from whom all blessings flow, (James 1:17)
Praise Him all creatures here below; (Psalm 145:21)
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host; (Rev 5:11-14)
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Matt 28:19)
Praise to the Father praise the Son
Praise to the Spirit Three in One. (Matt 28:19, Deut 6:4)
Praise to the most high God we sing. (Psalm 136:2)
Praise to our Savior, Lord and King. (2 Peter 1:11, Psalm 74:12)
Praise Our God, praise His Name, (Psalm 96:2)
Praise our God, for our God saves. (Psalm 68:20)
Let every mouth the Lord proclaim. (Psalm 145:21)
Let earth and heaven sing His praise. (Psalm 96:11)
Let every knee before Him bow, (Romans 14;11)
Great is our God, the Lord of all. (Acts 10:36)
Praise Our God, praise His Name, (Psalm 96:2)
Praise our God, for our God saves. (Psalm 68:20)
Praise, God from whom all blessings flow (James 1:17)
Praise Him all creatures here below; (Psalm 145:21)
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host; (Rev 5:11-14)
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Matt 28:19
The thankfulness can flow, as I tap in that gratefulness, with a newer Christian contemporary song from Mikeschair – All I Can Do (Thank You).  Listen below and tap along.
All I can do is say thank you, God!
For more information, go to
To schedule a free EFT coaching session, email me at

Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own health and well-being.

Friday, July 19, 2013

EFT and Energy Techniques

I had a crazy thing happen yesterday. It was my day to go to a personal EFT session with Irene Baum, EFT-INT, on north side of Milwaukee. Last week, Irene & I pulled out some real emotional dirt for me around my baby sister’s death back in 1961, when I was 8 years old. We cleared a lot of it, but I knew it wasn’t done, so I made another appointment with Irene for yesterday. Last week, a day after the appointment, I finally tapped, asking my subconscious to please hang onto the junk for another 4 days. It has done it for me for 52 years, I just needed 4 more days over the 4th of July holiday weekend, and it could cut loose at 1 P.M. on the Tuesday thereafter. I’d be at Irene’s for this appointment and we would deal with the emotional pain/issues then. The subconscious complied until early afternoon on the following Monday. I wondered if I miscalculated and should have told it “5 days”! The subconscious is very literal, you know. It does exactly what it is told to do, right down to the minute sometimes, I think. Monday afternoon hit and I could feel something building, once again, in my chest. I was getting crabby and irritable. This is how I feel when something is trying to escape from my memories. A couple nights before, for some unknown reason, I felt so itchy all over, and suddenly the words came to me, “Something is itching to get out!” Seriously? Monday, I knew it was really “itching” to escape.

Early Tuesday morning I awoke & cried my eyes red for probably 30 to 60 minutes, eventually falling back to sleep. By mid-morning Tuesday I couldn't walk or talk straight. I’m never like this. My brain was foggy. I couldn’t figure out where my feet were, nor could I string 7 words together without stopping, like an aphasic person, to think about what the topic was I was commenting on. I was a mess, and I would have had Brad take me to the appointment because I wasn’t sure I could drive decently either, except I broke the toilet earlier and he had to wait for the plumber! I’d had better days! I had brought along a picture to Irene’s of my now dead sister from 1961, showing the 2 of us sitting on Grandma’s sofa. Those haunting eyes of Karen’s are what was getting to me emotionally. Here was my little terminally ill sister at 10 months. I was beside her, but my eyes looked as though I wasn’t present whatsoever. I was off somewhere in la-la land. That was problematic to me, as it simply showed I had already checked out of life by the time I was the age of 8.

I need not tell of everything Irene and I tapped on, or how many tears I cried, but the emotional pain manifested itself in a stabbing pain in my left temple area. Then it was a knife slicing through the back of my head into that same temple, followed by some variations thereof, but I knew what it was. It was Dad back-handing me at the supper table the time he knocked me off my chair and I hit the wall. I know it was that side of my head. It was closest to him. Irene and I tapped everything on the planet out of that memory. We thoroughly scoured it to include plenty of shame and humiliation, anger and sadness, and several other emotions. At the end of the tapping, the pain had changed and I realized it was a hollow pain, like a phantom pain that amputees get, a pain where a memory had been. A deep wound that was now empty. It was a very odd feeling. Something I had never experienced before now.

Then I realized driving home that the left temple would signify what this website showed me: . A friend had just emailed me this site a few days before my tapping session. The left temporal area is where visual memories are stored, according to NLP. Oh, my, that awful memory and all of its accompanying emotions of humiliation and shame of being smacked off my chair in front of everyone had been held in that field ever since. My subconscious once again had been so literal.

Not only was I clouted on the left side of the head that evening long ago, it was the same approximate area where the subconscious held those types of old visual memories. About an hour later the pain just dissipated, as I figured it would do. The memory was neutralized, and the accompanying pain just faded away. This all brought me back to an EFT class I once attended that was taught by Dawson Church. I think it was a Level 3 class, if I’m not mistaken. I remember him, when discussing the use of the Gamut 9, talking about watching the client carefully when circling with the eyes, once in each direction, because, if the practitioner watches carefully, they may detect a spot where the client simply misses in that circling. When that happens, it tends to be the spot where the memory is held, and the practitioner should just go over that spot again and again until the client no longer skips over it with the eye roll. On occasion, as I would once in a while use the Gamut 9 on myself, when I couldn’t get an emotion to totally clear, I thought I caught myself skipping the 2 o’clock and the 10 o’clock positions, or simply glossing over them.

Looking back at yesterday, I suspect that was probably true. Also in Donna Eden Energy Medicine book (2008), she mentions on pages 347-350 about using eye exercises to release trauma. Her exercises are a wee bit different than the Gamut 9, but I don’t doubt any less effective. Once again, I find all of this Energy Psychology/Energy Medicine knowledge so absolutely interesting. Each different modality builds or supplements the other, having a little bit of a different twist here and there, but all of it effective and healing in its own right. Dawson Church is doing a Whole Energy Lifestyle (WEL) workshop, Aug 31 & Sep 1, 2013, in Kansas City. Maybe he is covering topics like the ones I mentioned above. I don’t know, but, if he is, I want to know more about them! See this website: .

Wow, are we privileged to be living in this spectacular time when all of these techniques are coming into full bloom? I stand amazed! And I am grateful to God for showing me the way to use them for healing of both myself and others. I find it all quite humbling!

For more information, go to To schedule a free EFT consultation coaching session, email me at:

Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own health and well-being

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

EFT & Christian Worship

EFT and Christian worship is a wonderful subject. How do the 2 come together?  Let me illustrate a way I do it.
I'm a product of the Rock 'n Roll era so my music genre is Christian contemporary, or Christian Rock. The more drum background with its hard rocking beat the better, in my opinion. I take my favorite Christian tunes, and, yes, any musical genre would work here, and tap to them.  Pick your favorite tapping meridian & tap.
What better ideas to tap into your subconscious than God's Word!  I tap to Scripture, too. I read a Psalm outloud and tap. satan hates hearing God's Word. It's anathema to him. Jesus' name is poison to him.
So, this idea in mind, I have attached a few of my recent favorites. I have many. I will add another one now & then to give you other ideas, but start with these, or simply pick your own. I don't know that it has to be Christian music or hymns either, but that is simply my preference because the words are then implanted into my soul through the tapping itself. - David Crowder Band with After All. - Citizen Way with Nothing Ever (Could Separate Us) - Hillsong Live 2012 with Cornerstone.
God bless your tapping!
For more information, go to
To schedule a free EFT consultation coaching session, email me at:

Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own health and well-being.