Thursday, February 28, 2019

Friday, February 22, 2019

God Heals in Different Ways

God heals in different ways. 

We humans sometimes want Him to do things differently, but He knows us as a complete being. God created us in an integrated manner - body, soul, mind, and spirit.

Quite often as I do teaching and ministering with EFT, I hear from Christians that they have gone to the altar for prayer very often, but still the emotional pain persists. Frustration has now set in and sometimes their faith begins to waver.

I'm all about prayer, and I highly encourage it, especially when coupled with tapping.

But as we ponder what tapping & prayer is on a spiritual level, let's consider a thought:

What if a pastor feels illness is only a spiritual problem, and he tells his congregants to have more faith, worship more, pray more, etc? Illnesses can definitely have a spiritual component. Scripture is full of examples.

But what IF the congregant's issue is more emotional? What IF that person being counseled had parents that divorced young, or he witnessed his brother killed, or she was abused at a young age, or the mother had a mental illness?  

Asking someone with an emotionally charged childhood to pray more and have more faith frankly isn't always helpful. The science of how their brain is wired sometimes precludes them from doing those exact spiritual exercises. 

While prayer, worship & faith help us cope, there most likely is more going on underneath emotionally for the parishioner. This is where EFT, in addition to all of the above things mentioned, comes in extremely handy! 

The emotional piece is affecting the physical piece that affects the spiritual piece that ends up making us a big life mess! It's all intertwined. 

For EFT, there's something about the actual tapping physically that often integrates it all. Our physical body cellular-ly holds the emotions. Too many negative emotions makes us sick. When we feel physically bad, it affects our spiritual well being & our emotional composure. 

Tapping often relieves the emotional turmoil which heals us physically whereby we give glory to our God for the healing which then brings us spiritually closer to Him in relationship. 

We see our God as a God of unity - all His models show unity. Church, family, health, etc. 

Tapping is a tool to help us get there on so very many levels. 

It truly is an amazing God created tool for healing!

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author of EFT for Christians Advanced  (2017)
Author of EFT for Christians 52 Tapping Devotions (Christmas, 2017)
Author of EFT for Christians Devotions (Christmas, 2020)

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Friday, February 15, 2019

Prayer & Tapping

"Tap continually while you pray. I hear people tell me they only use tapping when they feel upset about something. My best advice is to tap the entire time you pray. Don't stop. Keep going.

Make it an open, honest communication with your Lord. I often walk down the street tapping away, praying to God in my head. We just talk. What I find amazing is how often God really opens up for me different lines of thought if I tap while converse with Him. He gives me ideas that I would normally never think, let alone consider.

Much of my writing is composed while tapping and praying. While I tap, I begin talking to Him on a subject, and I will simply ask His opinion or question Him as to why something happens the way it does. Answers come." 

Page 111 EFT for Christians Advanced, Change Your Feelings, Change Your Life by Sherrie Rice Smith

EFT is not a substitute for good medical care, so please consult your own personal physician if you need that care.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author of EFT for Christians Advanced (2017)
Author of EFTforChristians 52 Tapping Devotions (Christmas, 2017)
Use Promo Code SAVE20 to get 20% Off 

Friday, February 8, 2019

Remorse over Sin

"God designed us to feel remorse over sin in order to produce repentance that leads to victory (salvation, deliverance). This leaves us with no regrets. but sorrow of the world works death." 2 Corinthians 7:10 TPT
Most of the time our tapping is directed at our negative emotions that are usually centered around what someone else has done to us.
There is a time and place for us to allow the remorse (an emotion) we feel about our deeds to lead us to both repentance for the sin we committed against another AND for us to tap about how we feel about what we have done.
Paul points out that "sorrow works death."
He didn't know the emotional physiology in the depth as we now do. Sorrow, regret, and remorse stress our body and it can indeed cause dis-ease and eventually death.

Remember, once we confess our sins God remembers them no more (Hebrews 8:12), so why do we continue to carry them negatively in our body?
Are you holding onto something, perhaps punishing yourself, that you should let go? Jesus already carried whatever it is to the Cross. If you have confessed it multiple times, but still you think often about the deeds committed, perhaps time has come to tap about those feelings.
Once we tap, allowing that emotional control over us leave our body, we can do as Apostle Paul tells us earlier in this chapter.
2 Corinthians 7:1b "we must remove everything from our lives that contaminates body and spirit, and continue to complete the development of holiness within us." This is sanctification - a job EFT excels at doing! EFT frees us to move on with our life and live that way God wants us
This is a spiritual application of tapping - purification of ourselves so we can do what pleases God. Philippians 2:13 says God will revitalize us, implanting a passion in us to do what He wills.

Remember, EFT is NOT a substitute for sound personal medical care from your own personal physician, so please contact that physician when medical help is needed.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author of EFT for Christians Advanced  (2017)
Author of EFT for Christians 52 Tapping Devotions (Christmas, 2017)
Author of EFT for Christians Devotions (Christmas, 2020)
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