Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Epigenetics and Tapping

Epigenetics - have you ever heard the term? I wrote a a chapter on "Generational Curses" in the EFT for Christians book, Tapping into God's Peace & Joy, but it appears there is so much more going on here around "generational trauma". Exodus 34:6-7 is one set of the "sins of the father's" verses, among others. These incidents may not be "sins" per say, but trauma experienced decades or centuries ago by a family member.

Don't confuse these ideas with "past lives" as that is not what this is or what I am talking about here. There are studies, few done on humans because we live way longer than mice and nematodes (!) that show the memories live in the body anywhere from 3 to 14 generations after an ancestor experiences an untoward event IF the trauma hasn't been processed. Most of these studies looked at how traumas are transferred via male sperm because sperm are easier to study than female ovum. These types of traumas can be processed with EFT tapping and Matrix Reimprinting, the other EFT technique many of us use.
Bottom line here is some of our personal emotional issues simply may not even be our own, but DNA/RNA markers carried on our genes, as an unpleasant gift from one of forefathers or foremothers. The DNA doesn't change, but it does get a "marker" attached to it.
And using EFT tapping to thoroughly process the negative events/memories/feeling you experience could well save countless future generations the PAIN YOU ARE FEELING TODAY.

Give your kids a gift - tap and let the old stuff go!!
EFT is not a substitute for medical care, so please consult your physician first before using tapping on any medical or psychological condition.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
EFTC 52 Tapping Devotions, Volume 2 Coming Christmas, 2019

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

EFT for Christians Tapping Video #40 - Sneaking Away Technique

EFT for Christians Tapping Video #40 - Sneaking Away Technique explains how to "sneak away" when one runs out of time during a tapping sessions.

Effectively simple!

Remember, EFT is not a substitute for good medical care, so please contact your personal physician when emotional or physical care is needed.
Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

Monday, November 30, 2020

Cancer/Diseases and Epigenetics

As a R.N. I've often thought about this! We know fear generates a ton of internal stress, so fear of death or whatever other stresses (financial, relational, etc.) someone encounters during cancer treatment could potentially mess with any treatment.

We also now understand if one fears GETTING cancer or any other disease (based on family history) is probably enough for gene expression to occur. Simply the stress from fearing a possible disease could be enough to give one the disease!

How many times have we heard a friend say something like this, "My grandmother died of ovarian cancer, my mother now has ovarian cancer, so I guess I will get ovarian cancer?'

That statement repeated often enough could possibly come true! You may not even have an ovarian cancer gene in your body that was going to give you cancer, but repeating the above statement (about anything) could be enough to epigenetically express a cancer gene.

This same idea goes for anything in our lives, not just diseases! "My parents were divorced, so will I", "my grandparents died young, so will I", my sister flunked out of college and she is smarter than I, I can't possibly graduate", etc., etc. are all epigenetic statements of sorts.

Watch what you say in daily life! Tap the negative beliefs away!

Internal stress reduction is imperative, especially the thoughts you simply think about - the ones you keep repetitively telling yourself in your own head!

Remember, EFT is not a substitute for sound medical or psychological care, so consult your own personal physician before using EFT.  Thank you!

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Certified EFT Practitioner         
Author EFT for Christians (2015)
Author of EFT for Christians, Tapping into God's Peace & Joy (2016)
Author of EFT for Christians Advanced (2017)
Author of EFT for Christians 52 Tapping Devotions (2017)

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Childhood Trauma & EFT

Dr. Gabor Mate in his book In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts on page 370 writes, "it's not what happened in the past that creates our present misery but the way we have allowed past events to define how we are and experience ourselves in the present.

The greatest damage done by neglect, trauma, or emotional loss is not the immediate pain they inflict but the long-term distortions they induce in the way a developing child will continue to interpret the world and her situation in it. All too often these ill-conditioned implicit ((those held unconsciously) beliefs become self-fulfilling prophecies in our lives. We create meanings from our unconscious interpretations of early events, and then we forge our present experiences from the meanings we've created."

Christian EFT is a tool we can use to learn to live in the present moment, allowing those events and memories of the past to integrate into our soul to harmoniously abide with other happier memories. 

Your past does no longer HAVE to drive your future. Call a Christian EFT Practitoner today.

Remember, EFT is not a substitute for medical or psychological help. Take care of yourself and phone your own personal physician.

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Author of EFT for Christians (2015)
Author of EFT for Christians, Tapping in God's Peace & Joy (2016)

Friday, October 30, 2020

Notes and Thoughts on Victim Blaming and EFT

Dr. Stephen Porges has a socialization theory that ties in so well with why EFT works!

Here is one of his articles.

And here are my thoughts and notes based on this article. Please read the above article and then check out these notes.
Immobilization =freeze reaction = trauma. Dr. Peter Levine writes about this, too, because it is in the freeze response that the trauma gets "stuck" in our nervous system. When we "fight" or flee, we blow off that "energy", often ridding our system of much of it.
When we think we are going to die when attacked, we are flooded with endorphins (think natural morphine), so we are numbed for the possible attack. Endorphins have a relaxing effect in addition to their painkilling effect. The body's biochemical reaction here is really interesting.
In court, women who don't fight off their attackers can be made out to be complicit or "they were looking for it". It's not they didn't want to fight, they cannot fight due to the body's chemical reaction to the attack. Try punching hard when in a semi-sleep relaxed state!
We tap about our perceptions and reactions to the event(s). It's the perceptions, not necessarily the event, that is important and driving our biology. How do we feel about it today? The emotional answer to that question is what fuels our behavior today. Tapping works so very, very well for these memories! When we can pull the emotional content out of a past event, we can heal because the memory then just becomes a neutral, non-biological memory! And that is what tapping does!
We say this often - "trauma to one person is not trauma to another." What bothers one of us doesn't bother all of us. This often is fueled by our own personal history. Chemical biology builds up our experience implanting our perceptions about people, places and things around us. Our reactions to future events is all based on our past epigenetic chemical reactions. These are learned patterns. Not learned in the sense of our thinking brain, but learned by our subconscious mind - learned to keep us safe, a safety as the subconscious mind understands it. The subconscious mind keeps us safe based on past experiences - the subconscious mind isn't interested in whether these "safety" patterns are helpful to you personally in life. Many of our personal habits are safe from a neurochemical perspective, but they still run our life in a disorganized and erratic manner, leaving us feeling stuck and unfulfilled.
A practitioner's job while tapping is to hold that sacred space for the client as they work through the past trauma events. Certified Christian practitioners have been taught skills to keep the client SAFE while doing this work. Unless trained, don't tap big T traumas alone!
ACE score is indeed incomplete. I've said this from the very beginning! Death, medical procedures, natural disasters, accidents, fires, witnessing trauma being inflicted on others, bullying, etc. aren't part of the scoring system. These all can be big T traumas, too.
As practitioners (and even just a friend) we need to listen in an impartial manner without judgment. It's not our life or our trauma when others are telling you their story. Just because we might think that the story is no big deal, it obviously is to the one who experienced it. It's still trauma!
But YOU as the listener can be a huge help in the healing process. The positive social engagement is a big part of this. Connecting with another human being who doesn't judge and tell us "to get over" whatever has happened to us can make all the difference.
Smiling and positive non-judgmental understanding can also deliver oxytocin, a healing/connecting/love hormone, to the one who has experienced trauma.

Remember, EFT is NOT a substitute for medical advice or help, so please contact your own personal physician if medical assistance is needed.
Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Christian EFT Goal?

For all of us who were raised on a catechism, we were taught that our job on earth was to glorify God.
Jesus took it another step when He gave us the Greatest Commandment.
Matthew 22:37-40 reads like this, "Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.'”
Note how Jesus words this - Love your neighbor as YOURSELF. This is not a selfish love, but an accepting love. It is a "I'm ok right here, right now" kind of love. So, how do we love ourselves first?
This song tells us how. By having sufficiency in Christ Jesus and His finished work at the Cross, we have all that we need. He carries our load. He fills our heart. He gives us life.
ANYTHING that interferes with any of this is a tappable issue! EFT can get to the bottom of what is keeping us from relying completely on our Lord God for our every need.
No finger pointing here - I'm not there yet either, but I do have a goal and a technique that is moving me in that direction.
Keep tapping! Jesus is the Wellspring of our soul! He loves you. He wants the very best for you. EFT is one of our spiritual disciplines!

EFT is not a substitute for sound medical advice or care, so please call your personal physician if you have some medical need.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Tapping Emotional Triggers EFT for Christians YouTube Video

EFT for Christians presents a video on how to tap on emotional triggers. 

Remember, EFT is not a substitute for sound medical advice or care, so please contact your own personal physician when psychological or physical help is needed.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Tapping Suggestions for Children

Tapping with children suggestion:

I'm a Donna Eden aficionado! Donna has been teaching Energy Medicine for decades. Example: Last weekend my head was clogged. I looked up Donna's thoughts on draining my sinuses. Following her simple instructions, within minutes, my head began to drain (after putting up with 2 weeks of it being clogged!).
While reading I found another of her suggestions. Sorry, I don't know how to shorten this so it will still make sense.
"Tapping the k-27 points (in EFT that is our collarbone points) 'flips' your energies around. It is so simple and unobtrusive to tap or massage K-27 points that you can use this technique in a classroom or business meeting.
"Tapping the K-27 points not only can keep you awake, but also can help you think more clearly {I also suggest the gamut point on the back of the hands}. I have countless times seen children in school, sitting at a desk, looking first at what the teacher is writing on the blackboard and then looking back to the desk. By the time some children's eyes reach the desk, their mind is blank or the information has become totally muddled. The energy circuitry has been disrupted by this up and down movement of the eyes. THIS IS THE MECHANISM THAT ALLOWS EYE MOVEMENT DESENSITIZATION TO DISENGAGE A TRAUMATIC STRESS RESPONSE FROM A TRAUMATIC MEMORY, but it can also keep you from absorbing new information.
The K-27 points (collarbone tapping spots) are juncture points that affect all of the other meridians.
Donna suggests that one consider tapping with hands crossed over the chest (tap right K-27 with left hand, and tap left one with right hand) because it assists "the energy in crossing over from the left-brain hemisphere to the right side of the body" and vice versa.
For what this is worth......I may just tap with my hands crossed sometimes for the heck of it!
Energy Medicine, Donna Eden, pages 74-75

Remember, EFT is not a substitute for sound medical care, so please contact your own personal physician when medical needs arise.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
Use Promo Code SAVE20 when ordering from Publisher to get 20% Off

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Life's Thought Filters

Recently I was asked:  "Is this true?   That once we judge something is true or a fact, our brain actually filters the input we receive to support what we’ve already decided we believe."

My answer:  Yes, you have it!!

What happens from the "learning" of something is we build strong, thick neural pathways, like interstate highways, where our thoughts just tend to gravitate to.  Once we believe something and these neural highways are built that is exactly where we head - right down the same thought line we believe to be our truth, and we return to that pathway over and over again. We are then STUCK!  It kinda is a "dog returning to its vomit".

Canadian researcher Donald Hebbs said, and we repeat, "Neurons that fire together, wire together". In EFT, our motto is, "Neurons that don't fire together, never wire together" which means we can break down those pathways with tapping so we don't with a knee jerk reactionimmediately run down that same thought road.

2000 Nobel prize winner Eric Kandel taught us that ONE hour of thinking the same thought, be it positive or negative, DOUBLES the size of the neural pathway of that thought.  So, worry and rumination strengthens and almost guarantees us more worry and rumination because again we are stuck, literally, in that thought pattern.

Since we have kazillions of neural connections, so many of our thoughts intersect with other thoughts, binding them altogether in one big mass of lies. Cathy & I call these our lying emotions because of that idea.

Good part of this is with tapping comes the "generalization effect" where disconnecting some neural pathways often takes out big chunks of other rather unrelated life habits and patterns that were peripherally connected. This is why other thoughts or even physical afflictions or things just seem to go away without any tapping at all. Subtle personality changes happen and we often don't even notice.

I'm not sure, but you could be correct, that this a spiritual piece of EFT as much as it is a physiological piece.

God put these learning patterns in us to create safety for us. We learned what was good for us and what could harm us.

With Adam & Eve's sin, the whole system went awry. What was meant for good, like everything else, turned not so good when trauma or abuse is introduced into our lives. Instead of knowing that a yellow snake could bite and kill us (and we stay away from it), we now ruminate and worry about the "snake", trying to keep ourselves safe, but the worry finally digs us a big fat stress hole whereby our health can be ruined with chronic illnesses. Dumb example, but you get my gist!

Tapping is all about safety. We will attempt to heal WHEN we feel it is safe to do so. Those who "resist" or have secondary gain around getting better, either spiritually, emotionally, mentally, or physically, don't feel safe at that moment to step into that healing.

Sadly, some people never do feel safe and maybe never receive their healing on this side of heaven.

So, perceptions usually eventually turn into beliefs about who we are in Christ, which is pretty much the sum total of why we should be tapping! Everything else slides in under this one.

Remember, tapping is not a substitute for medical care from your own personal physician, so please contact a medical doctor when care is needed.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
Use Promo Code SAVE20 when ordering from Publisher to get 20% Off

Friday, August 14, 2020

Brain Signals & EFT

"The signals from our brains are communicated constantly via the matrix of energy conduction within our bodies. Every thought you think is echoing through your connective tissue communication system, turning genes on and off, producing either stress responses or healing responses."
Genie in Your Genes, Dawson Church, page 159

Our thoughts give us the ability to turn our disease genes on and off. Negative hurtful memories and thoughts turn the genes on; positive, peaceful thoughts turn genes off.

Isn't it wonderful God implanted in us this healing ability?

Tapping is a wonderful tool to assist you to neutralize and change abusive, hurtful, and damaging memories.

Email me if you want a Christian EFT Practitioner referral!

Blessings in Christ!

Remember, EFT is not a substitute for medical care. Contact your own personal physician when medical help is needed.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
Use Promo Code SAVE20 when ordering from Publisher to get 20% Off

Friday, July 31, 2020

"Resistance" to Tapping: What is That All About?

Emotional healing is personal to each of us. 

How we do life is all based on what we learned as youngsters. If our family understood emotions, listened to each other express them, and reacted in an appropriate way, we often live our adult lives in a more comfortable emotional way.

When a child has seen much emotional abuse, learning to express oneself as an adult is often more difficult. It is a learned behavior. 

There are times when we wish or think we are ready to heal, but doing so just plain doesn't come easily.


The youngster inside us doesn't feel it is safe to confront or access earlier feelings now because it wasn't safe to do so back in childhood. Our feelings today directly reflect how we felt decades ago.

Tapping is all about feeling safe. 

Sometimes during talk therapy, and I know this from personal experience, discussing how we feel now about something decades ago often brings a torrent of tears, anger, and sadness. It just plain feels safer NOT to discuss any of this. Leaving it buried deep within our psyche seems to be a more prudent course of action, however, doing that usually doesn't bring healing.

When a client doesn't seem ready to change, we call this "resistance" in the EFT trade. Sometimes it sounds like we are blaming the client for not wanting to get emotionally better.

In reality most of the time it has to do with safety and feeling ok to discuss, tap on, and let go of our old emotional baggage that just isn't allowing us to move forward as our Lord would have us do. 

It isn't satan holding us back, it is our own stored stuff. And it may not be our fault we aren't ready to heal now. It is our responsibility to try to work on it though, as emotional healing usually brings us closer to our Lord.

EFT is one of the best techniques and the closest thing to a safety net that is known today. When we access a memory that makes us uncomfortable, tapping most often will settle down the feelings that come up around it. A few tapping rounds usually does the trick.

Don't beat yourself up if there are memories you aren't quite ready to tackle alone with tapping yet. You can also email me to obtain a referral to a Christian EFT Practitioner who can walk beside you as you do tap on these memories. 
Andy Hunt's article is all about feeling safe during tapping in order for us to access and let the emotional content of old memories go back to the Cross where they belong.
God bless your healing!
Remember, EFT is NOT a substitute for sound emotional or medical care. Call your own personal physician when you need that kind of help.
Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
Use Promo Code SAVE20 when ordering from Publisher to get 20% Off

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Why Tap at All?

I’m often asked why we need to tap  when we’ve lived in abusive situations. Won't we just forget the old memories eventually, or just come to accept them?

My answer is always, "No! Because of the way God put our physical body together with its emotional underpinnings, we often need to find a technique that calms not only the emotional impact of the abuse, but also calms the body, too, so it can heal."

Our body continues to react to what it "thought" the abuse meant when it happened. Most abuse occurs in childhood, and as children, we believe the world revolves around us, our wants, needs, and desires. We lack the maturity to see the entire picture of what was happening around us in society, church, and our family.

While the originating abuse was real, the life perceptions we gain over the ensuing years & decades are often faulty because our safety system built into our limbic system by God Himself goes awry. The abuse often is seen personally as something about who we are or what our worth is as a human being. Shame creeps into the scene sending our future actions off in a direction they weren't meant to go because we want to feel safe in our emotional and personal environment.

When that perceptual lens gets clouded early in life, like cataracts, surgery is needed to clear that damaged lens!  Tapping is emotional cataract surgery! It clears our life perspectives not only on an emotional level, but often on spiritual and physical levels, too.

Consider taking a tapping class so you can learn all the nuances of effective tapping. It might be the best education you will ever receive.

Remember, EFT is not a substitute for sound medical or psychological advice, so please contact your own personal physicians when that type of help is needed.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author of EFT for Christians Advanced  (2017)
Author of EFT for Christians 52 Tapping Devotions (Christmas, 2017)
Author of EFT for Christians Devotions (Christmas, 2020)
Use Promo Code SAVE20 when ordering from Publisher to get 20% Off

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Tapping on Prejudice and Other Societal Opinions!

Prejudice is a fact-less and usually negative attitude toward members of a particular group. Common features of prejudice include negative feelings, stereotypical beliefs, and a tendency to discriminate against that group of people. Many definitions of prejudice exist, most of us pick up negative ideas of others based on generalizations from opinions from others, usually those in authority, or ones who are older and deemed wiser and more experienced than we are.

Prejudice can be based on just about anything including sex, race, age, sexual orientations, ethnic background, socioeconomic status, dress, educational background, and religious beliefs.

Most beliefs, including prejudices, are nothing more than arbitrary interpretations of another person’s viewpoints. Events happen around us in the world, but the meaning we give the events is our own personal perception of that event.  It’s these perceptions that shape our life and the actions, thoughts, and behaviors within that existence.

Please don’t misunderstand me. Some of our beliefs are needed to keep us safe.

Should we see a man (that’s an assumption, as I just as easily could have said a woman!) wielding a gun a half a block away, yelling at the top of his lungs about his rights being violated, we would have an immediate “perception” that the situation is not safe and we should duck behind a building until the police have that corridor under control.

We have made a correct assumption that the gun swinging man just might harm us. An incorrect assumption would be that all men of a certain skin color are threatening, whether they hold a gun or no. It’s even more prejudicial if we base that opinion on just this one incident.

Genesis 1:25-31 talks about creation of man. We were created in God’s image. The word Adam simply means “man”. It is not the specific name of the first male creature God created; therefore, there is a male man and a female man – Adam and Eve. They were created male and female for the perpetuation of the human race.

Deuteronomy 10:17, Job 34:19, Romans 2:11, and Acts 10:34 specifically state that God shows no partiality or favoritism. He loves us all no matter who we are or what we are. Galatians 3:38 clearly states, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

So, how do racial, sexual, ethnic, etc. prejudices get formed?

As an infant all our needs must be met by our parents or other caregivers, otherwise we will die. This care includes teaching us all that we need to know to survive in life from how to dress ourselves, eat good food, drive an automobile, act responsibly, how to interact with others, and all other opinions that we feel are unique to us and we came to form freely.

But did we form all those opinion freely? Research science shows clearly we didn’t do this thinking on our own – someone taught us. And some of that training, so to speak, can be epigenetic biases. Another article for another day!

Those opinions and thoughts about the world can come literally from anyone. Our parents, grandparents, older siblings, teachers, pastors, friends, and can include other gang members or people we meet hanging out on a street corner, including the local merchant. As we see behaviors of others played out in our life, we accept them as truth, whether they are moral or immoral behaviors. The filters through which we see those behaviors are based on what we learned early in life as children. It’s the patterns we acquired as we matured that play out later in life in our own behavior.

As children we learn red means stop and green means go. We just as easily learn that apples are yummy to eat, but pine cones really don’t taste too good. And so it is with prejudices. Prejudices are learned traits based on someone else’s opinion.

If someone in higher authority than you rants on about how awful German people are, you have no reason to disagree, and so you believe the well-read woman is correct. At that point, you file away a prejudice that German people are bad. Most likely, because that is “your opinion”, you will state it freely even though you have little reason or experience to know that “German people are awful” on a personal basis. In fact, you literally have no idea in your daily encounters who is German and who isn’t, but should someone state specifically that they are German, your guard, based on previous beliefs and teachings, will come up.

Your heart rate will rise, hearing become acute, listening for any dangerous signals the German person may make, breathing becomes more rapid, blood sugar rises, as does your blood pressure. This all happens unconsciously based on previous information someone else taught you.

Your amygdala just threw you into “Flight, Fight, and Freeze” mode, surging neurochemicals throughout your body based on those prior acquired perceptions. Specifically, you are ready to run or fight and you have no idea what just happened. Prejudicial thoughts just sabotaged your neurochemistry. And you may have no idea why it all just happened, until you investigate by asking yourself about the situation.

Once you get to know the “German” in your midst, you realize he poses no threat to you, and then your neurochemistry will settle down, as you relax.

But what happens when the “German” in your midst is not given a chance to “prove” himself a non-threatening person? This is where prejudice turns violent. We say things to the person we shouldn’t, bullying begins, fists start flying, and soon physical damage is done all based on someone else’s idea of who is good or bad.

As we look back through history, many horrific incidents have taken place all based on someone else’s perception of what was good or bad in life. World War I was started by one person assassinating a political figure who was thought to be unfair. Millions of people died because of an opinion. Pol Pot, leader of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia in the 1970s, had 1.5 million people killed to enforce his opinion that Cambodia should remain an agrarian society. Somewhere Pol Pot was taught modern society was evil.

Most political debacles occur due to someone’s opinion. Often these turn deadly for those around the leader.

So, how should we handle prejudices with Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT, tapping)?

Prejudicial beliefs can be handled like any other problem a client could bring to us. Different techniques could be used to undo the basis of the prejudice.

I personally would want to tap, asking the Holy Spirit, if there is any trauma suffered at the hands of the one against which the prejudice stands. Often this is the case when sexual abuse has been perpetrated.

If a male has abused a young lady, often that woman wants little to nothing to do with males. This is a prejudice, too. Once we tap away the underlying emotions of the trauma, most often this frees the client to see other males in a completely different light, understanding that the abuse was perpetrated by one particular male, not the entire male race!

The same would pertain to a young African American boy who was bullied or beat-up by a gang of Caucasian males. Later in life that same man might come to believe that all white males are dangerous bullies, locking the African American male into a life that keeps him from ever being successful because he won’t involve himself in white society. This becomes a prejudice that denies a person the fullness and abundance talked about in Psalm 31:19. God wants us to have an abundant life filled with love, beauty, and laughter.

I invite you to pray and think about what prejudices in life you have against other people, institutions, churches, etc., which might be holding you back in life from doing your best for God.

What opinions do you hold in life that may have no factual basis at all, except what you heard someone tell you those ideas decades ago?

Consider hiring an EFT practitioner to explore and eliminate those prejudicial viewpoints from your life, allowing God to open up opportunities you never considered for yourself. God just might have a very special job for you to do for Him!

EFT is not a substitute for medical care, so please take personal responsibility for all your physical and emotional needs.

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author of EFT for Christians – order from my website below.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Epigenetics and Today's Societal Unrest

I enjoy going back to reread some of these older epigenetic articles. How much of today's unrest is rooted in past generations?
I quoted a small snippet for those who may not be familiar with epigenetics. Long, but good read, if you like the science of why we tap!
"Bygren and Pembrey proposed that epigenetic mechanisms were at work. Epigenetics, which means, literally, “above genes,” describes how genes are turned on and off by certain molecules that attach to them—called epigenetic marks. The marks essentially act like on/off switches for genes. The cells that make up your brain and your muscles all have the same DNA at their center, and yet the reason the cells lead entirely different lives involves how epigenetic marks turn on or off particular genes, giving the cells their own unique identities. That was known well prior to Bygren and Pembrey’s work. The stunning implication of the ALSPAC smoking data and the Överkalix data was that some important epigenetic marks that impact human health might not get wiped clear between generations, but might actually be passed down for multiple generations along with genes. Bygren finally published his initial Överkalix data in 2001, and he and Pembrey published their joint work in 2006, in the European Journal of Human Genetics. Meanwhile, transgenerational epigenetic inheritance was being definitively demonstrated in animals."
Please send me your thoughts about this article and how tapping can help Christians today release our emotional societal pain and allow God to be God. I'd love to hear from you!

God bless your tapping journey! Join us on Facebook for more discussion opportunities!

Visit my EFT for Christians website and request the free EFT information I have listed there.

And grab a copy of my 5 EFT for Christians How-to Tap books to obtain a thorough understanding of how to incorporate the Christian components into your EFT tapping!

Remember, EFT is NOT a substitute for sound medical or psychological care, so please contact your own personal physician when you need that type of help.
Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner