Thursday, October 15, 2020

Christian EFT Goal?

For all of us who were raised on a catechism, we were taught that our job on earth was to glorify God.
Jesus took it another step when He gave us the Greatest Commandment.
Matthew 22:37-40 reads like this, "Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.'”
Note how Jesus words this - Love your neighbor as YOURSELF. This is not a selfish love, but an accepting love. It is a "I'm ok right here, right now" kind of love. So, how do we love ourselves first?
This song tells us how. By having sufficiency in Christ Jesus and His finished work at the Cross, we have all that we need. He carries our load. He fills our heart. He gives us life.
ANYTHING that interferes with any of this is a tappable issue! EFT can get to the bottom of what is keeping us from relying completely on our Lord God for our every need.
No finger pointing here - I'm not there yet either, but I do have a goal and a technique that is moving me in that direction.
Keep tapping! Jesus is the Wellspring of our soul! He loves you. He wants the very best for you. EFT is one of our spiritual disciplines!

EFT is not a substitute for sound medical advice or care, so please call your personal physician if you have some medical need.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

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