Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Worry & EFT

Worry!  It pervades our modern life. It is what we do as humans. We worry about relationships. We worry about finances. In certain instances, we worry about our safety and we worry if we will have sufficient food to feed our children the next day. We just worry. And often, if there is nothing to worry about, we worry about that! I’ve actually had clients come to me to tap on just that specific idea. If they have nothing to worry about, they will create something worrisome. Worry is what they do.

Philippians 4:6-7 reads, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” All our fears, anxieties, and worry are to be placed into His loving arms. They are His to carry.

I believe Apostle Paul is referring to an attitude. An attitude of knowing who our Savior is and what He has done for us. That knowing keeps us surrendered to Him all day long, through the thick & thin of life’s travails, desiring to do His will every minute of our lives. J. Vernon McGee wrote in one of his Thru the Bible entries entitled “The Attitude of Prayer, “Prayer is an attitude of the life. It is more an attitude of life than an action of the lips.”

Dr. McGee ended the short study with this, “There was a famous preacher, years ago in the state of Georgia, who had many very unusual expressions. One of them was this, ‘When a man prays for a corn crop, God expects him to say Amen with a hoe.’ You can’t just stay on your knees all the time and pray for a corn crop. That’s pious nonsense. But to pray for the corn crop and then go to work is the thing our Lord is talking about in days when men’s hearts are failing them. “Men ought always to pray, and not to faint.” (Luke 18:1).

Prayer is an attitude of awareness that God is with us, and unlike the New Ager’s non-personal god, He is interested and involved in our every thought and action. We whisper prayers of thanksgiving throughout the day, or ones asking for help, if something difficult arises. We just know He is right there with us, a prayer or thought away.  He waits for us to talk to Him. He desires that communication. If at Baptism the Holy Spirit indwelt us, how can we do anything differently? 

Now, that all said & done, we know nothing is that easy!  After all, we are human, and our thoughts turn to worry, fear, discouragement, and anger.  It is life, and it appears to be the way we are programmed. Or is it?

As we go through the day, prayer should be our first response to everything that makes us fearful, anxious, or angry, etc.  A lack of prayer will cause us to be dependent on our own abilities and thoughts instead of depending on God's grace and mercy and help. Unceasing prayer is the humbling of ourselves through continual dependence upon and communication with the Father.

But what happens when the fear, worry, or anxiety continues to rear its ugly head?  What happens when we cannot seem to follow that Biblical admonition to stop worrying? Do we not trust God? Is God not answering our prayers?  I don’t believe that to be the case at all. God created us with a specific physiology. He knows what He created and how we function within our bodies. God allows certain situations to occur in our lives, sometimes for decades, to keep us growing closer to Him, or to teach us something important, lessons required for us to do a job God has appointed us to do for Him.

God’s physiology goes something like this:  We learn worry early in our lifetime. Oh, it might be something that today we would find inconsequential, like being afraid of the history report we must give before the class tomorrow, or not understanding the science in an upcoming big test. Worry and anxiety set in. The cognitive learning process instilled in our mind has just begun.  We brew up unconsciously a mix of neurochemicals. Each mix is different, but specific to us, for each emotion we feel. Our bodies memorize those chemical mixtures.

Time and time we feel the exact feelings when we experience similar circumstances because those special chemical mixtures are brewed and dumped into our blood streams.

We become accustomed to the feelings. Sometimes, we even like them because they are familiar to us, or, as the body is prone to do, we like the kick of endorphins it releases immediately after the neurochemical mix is released. Endorphins relax us, and the body is programmed to do that to ameliorate the original stimulating chemicals it released in emotions of fear, worry, or anxiety.

Over the following decades, other problems arise that reinforce all that worry and fear and anxiety. Each time, it seems we worry more and more, or the worry is more deep set. Finally, by middle age, we find ourselves literally worrying about nearly every single thing in our lives. We can tell ourselves a million times that we have nothing to worry about – God has it all under control, but, for some reason, that never really reassures us, and we continue to worry (Matt. 6:25-26, Luke 12:22-31).  Eventually, the guilt about worrying begins to set in, too, adding to the angst. We know in our heart it is wrong and sinful, as it places us in control of our life, not God, and we pray diligently to be delivered from it.

We all know God can do whatever He finds necessary. Sometimes, He simply rescues us from our deep-seated worry, setting us free. Other times, it continues, like St. Paul’s thorn, leaving us overburdened and sick. God, at other times, brings alongside us something else to assist us, and answering our prayers in other ways.

If you have prayed for God to help you stop worrying about everything, perhaps it is now time to consider using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).

Hindsight is a wonderful thing!  Now, after praying for more than 40 years for God to “fix” my life, one that I felt was pathetic, filled with constant negativity, self-doubts, self-hatred, and persistent worry, He lead me to a permanent solution – EFT!

Would I right here, right now, be doing what I now do – tapping with hurting people, teaching other wonderful Christians to become Christian EFT practitioners, and writing this article, if God had promptly and immediately, when I first asked 40 years ago, relieved me of that early emotional turmoil. Absolutely not!

God used all that horrible negative stuff to mold me (Isaiah 64:8) and make me as He wished me to be and desired me to do for Him.  

Romans 9:20 as written in the Message says it best: “Who in the world do you think you are to second-guess God? Do you for one moment suppose any of us knows enough to call God into question? Clay doesn’t talk back to the fingers that mold it, saying, “Why did you shape me like this?” Isn’t it obvious that a potter has a perfect right to shape one lump of clay into a vase for holding flowers and another into a pot for cooking beans? If God needs one style of pottery especially designed to show his angry displeasure and another style carefully crafted to show his glorious goodness, isn’t that all right? Either or both happens to Jews, but it also happens to the other people. Hosea put it well: I’ll call nobodies and make them somebodies; I’ll call the unloved and make them beloved. In the place where they yelled out, “You’re nobody!” they’re calling you “God’s living children.” Isaiah maintained this same emphasis: If each grain of sand on the seashore were numbered and the sum labeled “chosen of God,” They’d be numbers still, not names; salvation comes by personal selection. God doesn’t count us; he calls us by name. Arithmetic is not his focus. Isaiah had looked ahead and spoken the truth: If our powerful God had not provided us a legacy of living children, We would have ended up like ghost towns, like Sodom and Gomorrah. How can we sum this up? All those people who didn’t seem interested in what God was doing actually embraced what God was doing as he straightened out their lives. And Israel, who seemed so interested in reading and talking about what God was doing, missed it. How could they miss it? Because instead of trusting God, they took over. They were absorbed in what they themselves were doing. They were so absorbed in their “God projects” that they didn’t notice God right in front of them, like a huge rock in the middle of the road. And so they stumbled into him and went sprawling. Isaiah (again!) gives us the metaphor for pulling this together: Careful! I’ve put a huge stone on the road to Mount Zion, a stone you can’t get around. But the stone is me! If you’re looking for me, you’ll find me on the way, not in the way.

Emotional Freedom Techniques is another of those answers to prayer. While He allows worry, fear, and anxiety to be part of our human experience, one started in response to original sin our first parents committed in the Garden of Eden, He also instilled in us a mechanism to relieve just those emotions.

EFT, or tapping, is a physiology process where by these fore mentioned emotions can be permanently dismantled. How? By allowing the subconscious to bring to the surface those early memories where the worry first began, and tapping away the emotions attached to those events. As we can read in the next paragraph, we must break the negative worry patterns in our lives in order to maintain our health. Even our grandmothers understood that worry could kill us. Now, science understands why.  The old computer adage, “Garbage in, garbage out” works within our own bodies. Every piece of negativity we think or speak is picked up by the antennae on our cellular receptors, and all 50-200 billion cells in our bodies have 50,000 to 100,000 cellular receptors on each. That is an awful lot of communication tools to pick up negative vibes.

Dr. Allison Adams writes in an article, “According to Dr Lipton, all living things and all cells can only be in one of two modes. The first of these modes is 'survival' whereby they are in a protective or bracing mode and the second is that they are reproducing. For any cell in the body, to remain for too long in the 'protective mode' eventually undermines the body's defenses as normal replacement and maintenance cannot take place and the adrenal system shuts off the immune system which can ultimately result in various diseases. 

Dr Lipton determined that all cells have antennae that are tuned into the signals broadcast by the mind and that fearful signals cause the cells to remain in their 'protective' mode indefinitely. Individual humans, he maintains all have unique frequencies associated with all their cell membrane receptors. Further, that many of the beliefs that we broadcast to our cells are unconscious and were acquired in a semi-hypnotic state before the age of 7 years of age.

This means that in order to get a different physical outcome, we must change the broadcast and this can be done either by becoming very mindful of our internal chatter, undergoing hypnotherapy (to access the same mind state as the program) or by using one of the energy psychology techniques such as Emotional Freedom Technique, body talk, Avatar, holographic re-patterning or Psyche-K.” (

It’s how God created us when He breathed breath into Adam’s nostrils on the sixth day of creation.

EFT will break all that negative self-talk, those voices in your head, that cause you to worry, or feel God doesn’t love you, or you are worthless to humanity, etc.

Free yourself of those emotions of anxiety, fear, and worry through EFT, opening you up to an awakened spiritual experience through God’s mighty grace.  Somehow once EFT knocks back those unwanted feelings, a whole new world of God’s grace opens up to us. It’s been there the entire time, but we have been wallowing in base emotions, allowing them to drown out our Savior’s voice. Instead of allowing worry or fear to persist, overwhelming those cellular receptors, tap instead, allowing them to flood you with God’s mercy and grace and love.

Allow God to instill into you the peace of God that passes all understanding by using this EFT mechanism God implanted in you at birth.

God bless your walk with Him! 

EFT is not a substitute for a physician's care. Call your doctor if you determine to need to do so. Please take responsibility for all of your physical needs. 

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author EFT for Christians (2015)

Monday, December 7, 2015

Psalm 131 & EFT

Psalm 131 reads,"But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me."

A weaned child tends not to be too happy as he likes the comfort and closeness of Mom. Eventually she finds a way to comfort herself away from mother.

EFT does that for us. It gives us a way to self-soothe, self-regulate our emotions. EFT gives us back our sense of control.

Add in our Savior and we have a winning combination.

Give tapping a try today.

Take personal responsibility for your emotional and physical well-being, as EFT is not a substitute for medical care.

Blessings in Christ!

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author EFT for Christians (2015)

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Relaxation and EFT

We all know our cortisol levels are much too high. We don't have enough time in the day to sit down and clear our minds. Life is just plain hectic.

Try this technique:

Teach yourself to relax your tongue on the floor of your mouth as much of the day as you possibly can.

Why?  You engage the vagal nerve system, parasympathetic part of your autonomic nervous system, the part of your nervous system that relaxes you.

The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) revs you up to make you move, think, and do. The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) relaxes you, quiets you down, allowing your internal batteries to recharge.

All of this is mixed up with specific neurochemicals, each doing their own thing, in attempt to keep you healthy.

You must relax to keep yourself healthy. Your body cannot repair itself when the SNS is on full speed ahead.

Relaxing your tongue on the floor of your mouth engages the PNS.

If you get yourself into a tight spot, relax your tongue. This signals your PNS that you have it all under control. It puts the blood back into the pre-frontal cortex where you do your thinking, instead of having that blood in your large muscle groups because your SNS thinks you must defend yourself.

Give it a try. It's hard to get angry with your tongue on the floor of your mouth!

And then, if you can, tap on your favorite tapping spot with your tongue relaxed.

EFT is not a substitute for medical care. Contact your medical provider if you have a medical emergency.


Comments? Email me at address below:

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author EFT for Christians - on

Friday, November 20, 2015

EFT and Sinners

Martin Luther used a phrase that has come down through the centuries in our Christian theology - simul justus et peccator. We are saint and sinner at the same time.

That is the gospel. While we sin against an amazing God often, we are redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, destined for eternity in heaven because of His death.

The crazy wonderfulness of EFT is God has handed us a tool to help us with sanctification - the part of us that strives to me more like Jesus. We are created in the image of God and our job with the help of the Holy Spirit is to strive to be holy and sinless like Jesus. God is the creator; we are His creatures.

It's a hard road, and none of us will achieve it this side of heaven, but EFT is amazingly helpful in interacting with the neuroscience in our brain that holds us fast in habits we hate in ourselves or we know to be sinful.

Give it a try today. I think you will be utter amazed!

Pick up a copy of EFT for Christians today! Go to my website below for ordering instructions. Thank you!

I tap for Jesus!

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Author of EFT for Christians (2015)
Certified EFT Practitioner

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Let it go!

We are told all the time to just "let it go". It's a horrible disservice to say this to a person in emotional pain, but you can introduce them to Christian EFT, giving them a tool to really "let it go!"

EFT is not a substitute for medical care. If you have something that needs a doctor's attention, please make that appointment!

Blessings in Christ!

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author EFT for Christians (2015)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

EFT - Nothing is as it appears

Dawson Church teaches in his EFT classes that, "Nothing appears as it really is."
Today, while cleaning our bathrooms, a thought came to me around this idea.

First, why does God always seem to use the ordinary, nearly "profane" times to speak deeply to us? Jesus, when curing those around Him, used spittle, mud, and bathing facilities as physical means to make those He cured whole. He does the same to me.....often. Maybe I should just set up shop in the bathroom!

If, as Dawson says, what we see in the physical realm as related to our bodies is not as it appears because the physical, as the new physiology teaches, tends to be rooted in the emotional, doesn't that parallel what God does in the spiritual world?

We humans without the mind and eyes of Christ have no idea what is going on around us in the spiritual realm. Apostle Paul talks about those spiritual battles raging all around us. Do we actually see them?

No, we don't, except with our spiritual Jesus eyes, and even then it is difficult to believe it all is really happening. We deny those spiritual battles, and we deny that many of the physical manifestations in us are really our emotional issues coming home to roost within our bodies.
Jesus sometimes forgave sin, and then healed. Other times, He healed, and then forgave the cured person of his sins.

This sounds like a chicken or the egg scenario. Which does our God do?

Honestly, I don't know, but knowing my God, I suspect He is very creative, doing just as He pleases when He so pleases to do it!

The longer I live, the more I see so many, many parallels between our physical life and our spiritual life.

We humans seem to separate them, and even we born-again committed Christians don't at times seem to get it either.

God has set up His eternal principles as to how the universe, creation, and humanity works. It's beginning to look more and more similar. Everything is a bigger or smaller version of something else, all reflection of the Father Himself.

As an example, fractals is one of these ideas.  I don't profess to even begin to understand mathematical fractals, but I see the esthetic-ness in the them; the artistic beauty. And I see how God has set up everything He created in the same basic manner. It's so simply that it confounds the most brilliant of scientists, just like the salvation He offers in Jesus is so simple that, sadly, so many people simply miss it!

I found this definition of an artistic fractal on the internet: "A geometric pattern that is repeated at ever smaller (or larger) scales to produce (self-similar) irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical (Euclidian) geometry.

"Relative to science, fractals are essentially geometric shapes or forms that are represented in natural objects, from a fern leaf or tree, to a spider web or snowflake, to larger phenomena such as clouds, hurricanes, or even galaxies in space. The discovery of fractals allowed for defining irregular shapes which could not be defined, or represented before by mathematics. One could define (or model mathematically) a square, rectangle, triangle, etc., but one could not define, or model, the irregular shape of a cloud formation, or tree outline, or coastline.

"One very common shape or form, found both in fractals & throughout nature, is the spiral. This is one of the most common forms represented in the fractals one sees frequently on the internet, and this mathematical shape is pervasive throughout nature as well. Is there a connection between the mathematics and science, and creation? Fractals have been called the "Thumbprint of God", perhaps they are!"

Our Creative God often, when we seem to need it the most, offers us a glimpse of Himself. As He opens Himself up, allowing us to know small pieces of Him, I see the interaction and the interconnectedness of our emotions, our physical selves, and our spiritual selves, just like fractals appear to be a possible building block of nature. The deeply profound is found in simplicity.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) often seems to be that unique tool God uses to make much of this make sense to my human mind. He so uniquely created us to remain in communion with Him. The more I study His Word and all the newly uncovered science, the more I see where EFT surely appears to be the tool that allows it all to make the most sense!

The God of the Universe continues daily to astound me with His diversity and beauty. I don't profess to know the Mind of God, but I surely do want more of Him, more of His wisdom, grace, and mercy in my life.

Open my eyes, Lord, open my eyes!

EFT is not a substitute for medical help, so please take responsibility for your own physical and emotional health.

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Ret.), B.A., EFT-EXP
Mentor of Christian Women
Certified Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner
EFTUniverse Trainer
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

All Things EFT

For all of you reading my blog here who may want more information of exactly what Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) are, go to my EFT website at, then click the "about" page.

On the right side of the page is a blue box, click it.  The link will take you to EFTUniverse, a website with all things EFT.  There are 10,000 pages of research, case studies, videos, etc. that will give you the most up to date information available.

Classes, books, & certification can be obtained through the website. Look it over. Email me if you have any questions. I can talk a blue streak about the benefits and science of EFT.

To schedule a free EFT coaching session, email me at 

Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own health and well-being.

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author EFT for Christians 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Your Life isn't Over, Nor Are You at the End of Your Rope

Whatever you are or whatever you did, God is waiting to heal you!

His arms are wide open awaiting you to ask Him to heal you, and to ask for His forgiveness.

He loves you unconditionally!

Sidewalk Prophets song "Prodigal" says it all>

Learn Christian Emotional Freedom Techniques.

God has a tool to eliminate your past pain and negative emotions.

EFT will help you change that sinful behavior you so hate in yourself!

Call a Christian EFT Practitioner to help you.

Email me, as I have a list of Christian EFT Practitioners waiting to help you!

It's time to re-surrender your life to Christ, your Savior, allowing Him to get you back on track again.

EFT is not a substitute for medical care, so take full responsibility for your emotional and physically health.

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Certified EFT Practioner
Author EFT for Christians (2015)

Friday, October 2, 2015

Paula's Story about Her Dad's Death

EFT for Christians book has been out for many months now, and exciting things have been happening.

Here is a case study outlined in EFT for Christians on pages 163-170 with a follow-up comment Paula listed at the bottom of the case study. This is a shortened version of the printed book story.

If you are a Christian, or if you know anyone interested in becoming a Christian EFT practitioner, please give them my website - . My email and book ordering information can be found there.

Paula and Dad
As a member of a Christian medical organization, I was asked to give a speech about exactly what our group does. I agreed. The only business cards I had with me were my EFT for Christians ones, so I tossed them, literally, on the tables for the ladies to take if they so desired.

I did my presentation as requested. As we finished with the follow-up questions, someone asked me, “What is this?” pointing to my business card. I asked if it was permissible for me to describe it. The group agreed for me to go ahead.

During the talk, an older lady began to cry. I, of course, noticed her, and inquired what was wrong.

Paula looked me in the eye, and asked, “You mean to tell me if we tapped, I can move some of these emotions I have about seeing my Dad killed before my very eyes when I was seven years old?” I grinned and told her, “Yes, I think I can help you. When do you want to tap?” “Right now!” came her answer.

I was agreeable to tap right then and there, as the rest of the group was ready to go home to supper. A few asked if they could stay to “watch.” I gently told them I didn’t think that to be a good idea. Paula and I needed to do this tapping alone.

I found us a quiet corner in the building, and then I went looking for some tissues, and a pen and paper. I almost always take notes. I use them to go back to test and retest our tapping results. I believe I get a more thorough clearing because sometimes, I, too, get into the client’s story and to remember later the possible six, or eight, or ten different things we covered is difficult. Note-taking is a personal choice. No client has ever asked me not to do so.

As with my usual methodology, I opened with prayer and I asked Paula to begin tapping immediately. Some coaches dislike this because they feel it brings the emotions down too much, making it more difficult for the client to access what is going on in the memory. I, personally, find it does the exact opposite. It gives notice to the subconscious to wake up and help out here, it is time to tap and clear out emotional memories. 

With that earlier little crying sentence Paula gave me, I didn’t anticipate this to be a dry, tearless session – her father’s death. No way was this story going to be told without many tears.

I inquired as to how old she was when her father died. Paula answered, “I was seven and I saw it happened and it has influenced my whole life since. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about that accident. And, I know it impacts my relationship with my husband, and my children. I hover over them for fear something bad will happen to them. I can’t ever lose someone like that again, but I know I have to leave things in God’s hands, and I can’t. I worry constantly.”

“Paula, tell me the story, please, in your own words. When you hit a part in the story that is really emotional, stop and we will tap that part until you are comfortable going on,” I instructed her.
She began the story, “My dad was the godliest man I knew. He read the Bible to me, took us all to church, and treated us all so well. I pretty much just adored him. He decided one weekend to help a neighbor man move to a new apartment. He took all of us kids along in order to give Mother a break. We loved being with dad. Everything was loaded in the truck and I asked dad if I could sit in his lap. He and my older brother were sitting on the open tailgate of the truck. Dad told me no and put me up against the truck cab in front.

Off we started with the neighbor man driving. Suddenly, the truck hit a pothole. I heard the tailgate slam up and down, and then I saw both my brother and dad slide off the flipping tailgate. My brother rolled, but dad went straight down on his back, hitting his head on the pavement.”
As you can imagine, the tears began in earnest. I assisted her in tapping every single detail of those two paragraphs, until she could say them without any emotion in her voice.

She continued, “Finally, the man stopped the truck. Someone closed up the tailgate trapping me in the truck. I hollered to get them to let me out. Another man picked me up and set me down on the road. I saw dad. He was lying still with his head in a big puddle of blood.”

The crying understandably resumed at this point.

Once again, I helped her tap down all the emotions around this part of the story. She calmed, blew her nose, and said, “Let’s keep going.” What a brave woman!

A lady from across the street came to get me while all the commotion of the ambulance was happening. I don’t know who called my mother. The lady sat me down on her porch steps and gave me some rootbeer soda and a cookie.

To break the tension a little bit, I stopped her and said, “I bet you don’t like rootbeer soda to this day, do you?” Paula looked at me and inquired, “How did you know that?” I smiled and said, “Because rootbeer is associated with this horrible negative memory, I knew you’d never drink it again.” Paula looked at me like she had never thought of that before (and she probably hadn’t) and I asked her to continue with the tale.

“The ambulance took dad away and I never saw him alive again. I know he was alive in the street because I could hear him moaning.” And, once again, the crying began, great big sobs, with her shoulders shaking, as if she was experiencing the incident right now in the present. Frankly, to her subconscious, she was because, until this incident has EFT applied to it, her subconscious is playing this accident in her mind and body as it is still present tense. 

We repeated the tapping process again, covering all the specific details of this particular part of the story until she settled down and the crying stopped.

At that point, she did tell me more about what happened to the family after her dad died, and how hard it was on her older siblings and her mom to keep food on the table. Paula’s job was to watch the younger kids while everyone else went to work.

We continued to tap as she related the rest of the story details to me, but she never cried again. The “punch” had been pulled out of the incident.

I have no idea how long we tapped, but my best guess is about forty minutes. I asked her to one more time to tell me the whole story again from a neutral place of having breakfast before dad loaded them all in the truck to help the neighbor.

Paula did as I instructed her. Even she was surprised at how little emotion she had about the event. She stopped twice and commented about how different she now felt. I noticed that her emphasis on particular adjectives had lessened. She changed a few words that had a harsh meaning previously to something more subdued. “Terrible” was changed to “bad”. “Huge puddle of blood” under her dad’s head was just a “puddle of blood.” The biggest change was how she said the words, “Bang, bang, bang,” complete with hand raising and lowering emphasis indicating what the truck tailgate had done when the truck hit that fatal pothole. By the third of fourth telling of the story, the “bang, bang” were just words said in an emotionless manner.We EFT practitioners see this quite often. Words change or soften once the emotion is pulled out of the traumatic event.

In the telling of the story, Paula told me how mean this neighbor man had become after that, saying, “Why couldn’t it have been him that was killed and not my dad. He began to drink a lot after that accident.”

I asked her if she hated this man. In typical Christian fashion, Paula said, “Oh, no, we aren’t allowed to hate.” I asked again, “Do you hate this man? Tap and ask the Holy Spirit if you do.”
She compiled, and she looked at me with big wide eyes, saying, “You know, I do hate him. I never realized that!”

Doing the repentance part of Christian EFT, I asked if she would like to confess that sin of hatred right here, right now, before God and complete the process. Paula readily agreed!
I lead her through a confession of sins, in a simple manner, as God doesn’t require lofty words. He just wants to hear us say that we are sorry from a sincere heart, and He will indeed forgive us. He always does! He’s our heavenly Father.

I barely  finished the prayer, and Paula replied, “I never thought of this! No wonder that man was so mean and drank so much. He had a reason to do so.” And I replied, “Yes, because he was responsible for your father’s death!”

Never have I seen such a beautiful grin as the one planted on Paula’s face at that moment. I knew in my heart God had just done another one of his miraculous healings through the power of his created EFT. My heart was bursting, knowing what I had just experienced – freeing of a sister in Christ from a lifelong haunting event. EFT most often is a permanent healing, if we did our work well.

A week later, I received a written thank you from Paula. I quote it here:
“My burden has been lifted since our session together.
I no longer feel like my witnessing of my father’s accident is still happening over and over. I am set free and know it happened, but I don’t relive it. As for my feelings toward the neighbor man, hate is gone and so is the blame. I know all was in God’s mysterious plan.
I live in the now and know I’m part of God’s plan and He leads me.
I tap and unload all other things that come up daily. We are so wonderfully made.
Thank you so much for helping me to help myself.
God bless you and all you do for others,

Paula summed up in one small note nearly everything we teach EFT to be. It pulls the emotion out of our past, putting us in the here and now, living in the present, enjoying all that God gives us. Forgiveness and empathy tends to follow the tapping, giving us the ability to emulate our Savior when He went to the Cross on Calvary and carried all our sins, there to forgive us all.
I am so blessed to be allowed to do this process for my Christian family, and any other precious people that God sends my way. Amen! Paula and I never tapped again, although she has told me she does use EFT when anything emotional arises in her life.

“7/25/15 I must tell you of this happening yesterday. Our four children were gathered at our home for a family patio dinner. Son & wife in from MI & daughter & husband in from lower FL. Our other two children are from here. In our later evening conversation around the fire I had everyone's attention telling them how I was freed from the heavy load I carried for 68 years. I no longer break down when I mention the death of my father. They asked how so told them of my session with you & explained the tapping. This also was the first time my husband had knowledge of it & asked why. I said I felt you would think it hokum. I told them you wrote my experience changing my story in her book which she gave me. At that, my youngest daughter went inside to my bookshelf. She came outside with it finding the Paula story. With everyone silent she read the complete story to all. They were amazed! She then asked if she could borrow the book to read, I said by all means. Not one of the 18 family members belittled it at all!! I can't thank you enough.”

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Mindfulness - Pay Attention

God's Word says, "“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." Mt 6:34

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a wonderful tool to do just that!

Remove the emotions around whatever is going on in your life, and allow God to deal with them.

Tap and let God!

EFT is not a substitute for medical care. Take full responsibility for your own health.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner and Trainer
Author of EFT for Christians (2015)

Monday, September 21, 2015

Something New!

Isaiah 43:19 New International Version (NIV)

 "See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland."

Christian EFT is something new!

EFT is not a substitute for medical help!  Take responsibility for your personal health at all times.

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author EFT for Christians (2015) 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fear and EFT

Fear is a lie of the enemy!

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but utest the spirits to see whether they are from God, for vmany wfalse prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: yevery spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 and every spirit athat does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and bnow is in the world already. 4 Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for che who is in you is greater than dhe who is in the world. 5 They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and fthe world listens to them. 6 We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know hthe Spirit of truth and ithe spirit of error." 1 John 4:1-4 (ESV)

Christian EFT overcomes fear!

Remember to take responsibility for your own personal health when tapping. Email me today with questions, or visit my website to make an EFT appointment to tap with me for Jesus.

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (ret.)
Certified EFT Practitioner           
Author "EFT for Christians" (2015)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Trauma and Using Exact Words in EFT

From this week's EFTUniverse Newsletter, "Dr. Robert Scaer, a researcher and specialist in treating trauma, maintains that any type of negative life event that occurs when the person is in a state of relative helplessness can produce the same changes in the brain as those that occur in combat, rape, or abuse. He believes that what makes a life event become trauma isn't the nature of the threat but the degree of helplessness the victim fears plus that person's history of other trauma."
How many of these have all of you seen? A memory/event/emotion that should seem to be relatively insignificant ends up being that big T trauma that tailspins a client's life.
This is why what trauma to one person may not be trauma to another. Much of the meaning of the trauma is determined by what the client has experienced previously in life (how much other trauma) and the perceptions built around those earlier experiences.
Because of all of this, we consistently use the client's words and phrases because those particular words have a special meaning to the client. Those words could hold the perception of the event details, including all the sensory input.
Example:  Recently another student friend of mine tapped with a man around a ton of childhood trauma. She phoned me after tapping to "review" what she had done and to ask if I had any other suggestions for next session.
This client became very agitated when he told her the name his classmates called him in high school. His SUDS on several emotions were near 10. She asked permission and then started slowly having him just say that name over and over again, telling me, "I think we said it 50 times."  Guess what, with each repetition the emotional pull around that name lessened and lessened. My friend could literally hear and feel the power diminishing.
When the client left my friend's office, one more time on the street, she said the name to him again (testing), and the client looked at her saying, "Oh, that is so silly now. What does it matter?"
Success! EFT did its magic, the emotion was neutralized around those specific words, lessening the charge and the changing the perception around the events (memory reconsolidation).
How many years have I been doing this?  I still stand amazed at all the stories.

Remember to take full responsibility for your emotional and physical health. EFT is NOT a substitute for seeing a MD!

Contact me at to make an appointment to tap, or see all my pins at Pinterest and follow me there, or pick up a copy of my new EFT for Christians book on Amazon!

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author of EFT for Christians (2015)

Monday, September 7, 2015

It's Ok to Not Be Ok

Recently, I have heard from so very many Christians who feel so very guilty about not feeling ok.

Many of them have stresses and strains of life. Marriage, finances, children, jobs, elderly parents, neighbors, and friends' problems weigh them down. Often times they have no idea where to turn and the guilt sets in because they feel overburdened when they don't rest in and rely upon God's help.

Well, what if Christian Emotional Freedom Techniques (CEFT) is God's answer?

I try to explain to these hurting brothers and sisters in Christ that God really is listening, but sometimes He answers in ways we don't expect.

Few of us would hesitate to take an antibiotic for an infection, or have an x-ray done when we think we've broken a bone, so why do we hesitate to do some tapping when we feel stressed?

EFT, especially done from a Christian perspective, is no less a healing modality than any other method done to make us feel better, and according to studies and much anecdotal evidence, it is much more effective than talk therapy because we are actually untriggering ourselves with the tapping.

Think about learning EFT today. Join me in Milwaukee for classes to do just that. I have one coming up this week - September 10-13th, 2015, and the classes for 2016 are listed on my website .  

We need and are looking for more Christian EFT practitioners, so if the Holy Spirit is leading you in that direction, consider joining me for EFT classes soon.

If you are a Christian EFT practitioner, please contact me, as I would love to add you to our Practitioner list.

EFT is never a substitute for medical care. Call your personal physician should you need medical attention. Please take responsibility for all of your own emotional and physical health. God bless you!

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author of EFT for Christians (2015)
EFTUniverse Instructor/Trainer

Friday, August 28, 2015

How Perceptions Work in EFT

My friend and colleague Wendy Williams wrote this fictional story to illustrate how perceptions impact our memory, and how we use them in EFT vs. "Therapy". Printed here with permission.

"I too can speak to the differences. By therapy, you are reviewing the event/hurt as you experienced it or recalled it. For the sake of this conversation, let's say my sister beat me up (broke my nose and my spirit) when I was 9 and she was 11. I have never felt close to her since and before that, we were tight. I felt victimized and felt it put a dent in all the family events/ gatherings moving forward. It was a real loss and now, as an adult, I still feel the sting and wish it hadn't happened and still view her as a bully. My stomach gets in knots and my defenses are up whenever I am around her. I feel that my sense of family was damaged/ruined from age 9 on and she is to blame.
This is my "story"... this is how I recall it and it's lasting impact is as I describe and I am sticking to it.
Therapy: Review the event and ask me to review how I felt then and how I feel now and review how to live now... ignore her? Pray for our relationship? Stay away from painful family events? Confront her? Exact apology? Take antidepressants? Take anti anxiety agents? Side with me on "of course you are hurt/damaged.... you were beaten up!"
My sister: Her "story" is bound to be different.... I provoked her? I took her favorite doll/toy/snack ONE TOO MANY TIMES! and she had to lash out! She pushed me hard and I fell against the coffee table and that was what broke my nose. She NEVER touched my face/nose with her fist. IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! And, she has felt terrible and regretful ever since, but I never accepted her apology, no matter how many times she offered it when she was 11, 12 etc. She finally gave up after a couple of years and assumed the "black sheep" role I assigned her. She never sought that role, but, there it is.

My Mom: Those two girls were each other's best friend... I HATE that they came to such an end. I was horrified to see little wendy with that bloody nose... so bent! So many tears... so much blood. I never expected the older one to do that! Punch Wendy? Really?? But, the evidence was there.... a broken nose. I tried and tried to get them to resume their sweet relationship, but after my husband left around that time, I got distracted. In my mind, both of them are good girls and I wish things had turned out differently, but I guess the older one turned ugly with her father leaving us. Ah me...
WHICH OF THESE IS "TRUE"? WHICH IS THE STORY AS IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED? Unknowable... Yet, each person here is telling their TRUTH, right?
EFT: The story is IRRELEVANT because all of our memories and experiences come through our very subjective filter... there is now way to "know" what really happened unless you filmed it and even then, the ways of the hearts involved?? No one knows. 

SO, EFT goes for the neurological charge that is associated with how Wendy recalls it... through stating and tapping how I recall it and sense it. By doing this, the "charge" is re-routed and turned down. The cortisol charge around it is recalibrated and reduced such that further recollection leaves me with hardly any "charge" anymore. It doesn't "hurt" the way it did. I still can recall the event as I experienced it... the memory is not gone... it just doesn't flare up.
This can take a very short amount of time.... I cannot say "how long" but, since it is not about review and recall and rehearse, rather it is about repair of the charge." 

The memory shift happens quickly with EFT. Once the charge Wendy discusses above is gone, the memory becomes, for all intents and purposes, irrelevant. Wendy usually forgives her sister because the accident "just happened" and relationships often get repaired and rebuilt. This is called memory reconsolidation. God is so good!

Consider trying EFT for yourself!  You will be pleasantly surprised!

To God be all the glory!  Amen.

From Wendy Langlois Williams

EFT is never a substitute for medical care. Call your personal physician should you need medical attention. Please take responsibility for all of your own emotional and physical health. God bless you!

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author of EFT for Christians (2015) 
EFTUniverse Instructor/Trainer

Friday, August 14, 2015

The Historical Lessons of Galileo & Christian EFT

The Historical Lessons of Galileo & Christian EFT

Here we go again!  Will we ever learn?
The year was 1633 and Galileo, the famed Italian astronomer, began his Church-imposed house arrest because he refused to step down from his heliocentric viewpoint that the earth revolved around the sun (heliocentrism).

For centuries, astronomers had proposed such a theory but no one could prove heliocentrism because of the ineffectiveness of the observation equipment of those early years – after all, observatories and telescopes hadn’t yet been invented.

Few understood the vast distances that comprised the space between the celestial bodies within the galaxies. This disbelief impeded the entire underpinning of the theory.  To make the sun the center of what we now know as the Milky Way Galaxy, stars had to be much greater distances apart than anyone could possibly fathom in those times to make this heliocentric theory viable. In that era, most people never traveled more than 5 miles from the center of their own village.

Earlier still, Aristotle had believed in geocentrism, meaning the sun, moon, and planets all revolved around the earth. Others added related ideas and, overall, not much had changed regarding celestial observations continued until the 13th century when Thomas Aquinas helped the Church adopt these geocentric theories.  Aquinas called the universe “God-ordained and man-centered” and the Church expounded the glory of God based on how the sky looked with our earth the center of the known universe. Geocentrism was now an officially sanctioned Church theory.

However, in the 15th century, Nicholas Copernicus made a study of the nighttime sky, discussing ways to understand and update all the old theories of just how the universe really did work with the aid of his university professor. While many of Copernicus’s theories in the end proved incorrect, he did finally understand that God’s universe was indeed heliocentric, meaning the planets revolved around the much- larger sun, pushing our now-little earth out of the center of it all. It was still just a theory though.

Once the telescope was invented in the early 17th century, science began to really kick into gear. Things never before seen literally came into focus!

In the end however it all led to Galileo finding himself under Church house arrest for advancing the theory of heliocentrism.  Some say the Church hierarchy was upset because Galileo expounded the theory as truth vs. theory since astronomy still had a long way to go to prove what exactly was going on in that vast night sky. Other authorities claim the Church was angered because Galileo couldn’t prove his theory Biblically.

And of course we know that in due course Galileo’s pioneering theories were fully validated, and he’s now known as the “father of science” and, alternately, the “father of astronomy” (as well as physics).
Today, we are faced with a scientific revolution with more practical applications embodying the similarly “un-seeable” Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) -- and once again, the Church risks being on the wrong side of groundbreaking science. John Polkinghorne, a British physicist turned Anglican priest whose discoveries have sparked a revolution in quantum physics, says that religion -- referring to Christianity -- and science are not at odds with each other, but simply hold views resulting from the different prism they each view the world through, and he expounds these viewpoints in over a dozen or so books he’s written on science and religion.

As a devout follower of Jesus who’s spent more than four decades in the medical trenches (and I also admittedly read quantum physics “for fun”), it is refreshing to hear someone who has lived in both camps explain how neither viewpoint is mutually exclusive and that an amalgam of both disciplines needs be incorporated into our life if we are to experience the most comprehensive degree of truth during our sojourn on this planet.

In my experience during the past 5 years, I have heard little from Christianity but argument and rebuttal against EFT -- the arguments varying from “that is simply New Age stuff” to “EFT is from satan” (lower case intentional!), to “that looks too weird and surely you cannot expect something so simple to actually work.”

 EFT has deep seated, in-depth scientific underpinnings, with now hundreds of scientific studies under its belt completed by major universities around the world, and yet few Christians are taking the time to learn about this new healing resource and how it works.
So the question looms….are we, the Church, once again “pulling a Galileo?” Are we dismissing a scientific discovery because it requires too much effort to understand, or we’re too busy to be bothered, or we think it is earthly science once again trying to pull the wool over our heavenly Christian eyes?

I don’t know the answer just yet to this question, but it would surely be a tragedy if the Church again, a second time, stuck its head in the sand and ignored what has the potential to change history as we know it – both scientifically and theologically.

Jesus told us that greater things would we do than He did saying , “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father” (John 15:20).

EFT has a huge capacity for healing, both emotionally and physically.  Its other hallmark is almost always that healing forgiveness flows in like a river during and after a session, resulting in a restoration to one’s very soul!

Jesus’ main teaching, as outlined in the Great Commandment (Matt. 22:34-40, Mark 12:28-34) was love. Forgiveness must come before love can enter in any damaged relationship. We are all called into communion with each other. We are relational beings. God comes first; neighbor comes second; we are last. EFT repairs the vertical relationship with our God through a thorough clearing of old condemnations our subconscious is stuck on that are causing us to feel separated from Him, allowing us to then more fully confess and repent of our sins, releasing blessed restoration. Many of our negative emotions are rooted in sin  and these emerge and are readily dealt with while tapping. Once we are right with God, God repairs the relationship with our family and friends through the tapping process and its unique and gentle-but-effective power to root out and deliver us from these subconscious blocks of ours.

EFT fits Christianity like a glove! Everything it proposes and claims to do are in direct line with Scripture and all of Jesus’ teaching to us to do good and to love one another. There is nothing within EFT that is anathema to Christianity -- and here I mean Christian EFT teaches that God heals and He receives all the glory and honor and praise for that healing. In fact, Christian EFT supports a right to healing delivered straight from our Lord Jesus!  

Speaking as a fellow American, the Church in this country has no need for purchasing worn, second- hand shoes or day-old bread most of the time (obviously Jesus told us the poor would always be with us, and there are some who do truly need these resources – Mark 14:7), but all American Christians DO need stress relief. Our exhausting, uber- connected digital age has resulted in us being  overburdened by our goods as well as altogether too many activities and perceived obligations.
And EFT is the answer to this overburdening. It is a tool that will keep us healthy and working for the Kingdom until the moment Jesus takes us home to heaven with Him.

The New Age world has claimed EFT as its own, but beyond the science involved, they give the credit for the resulting healing to themselves or “the universe.” As Christians, we know there is instead only one Healer -- He is the Almighty God, King of the Universe, our Creator, our Savior, and our Advocate. Jesus made restoring the sick one of His prime attention- getting activities during His earthly ministry – after all, people  snapped to attention when He performed His miraculous healings!

In these latter days, God has delivered to us a tool to wake up this world to the realities of an amazing God who really wants to be intimately involved in a relationship with us. It is time we Christians take EFT back from the enemy’s camp, adopting it into the Church where it originated from the beginning of time with our Savior God, the One who made our bodies, including the unique aspects of our physiology that respond to EFT’s gentle techniques (“…for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” Psalm  139:14).

In 1992, Pope John Paul II formally acknowledged in a speech that the Church had erred in condemning Galileo for his assertion that heliocentrism was how God created the universe. Gosh, it “only” took Rome 359 years to catch up to by-then long-established science!

Please join me in praying that the Church in some fashion or manner awakens to what God has now handed us. EFT is an amazing 21st century tool for the healing of God’s people. It will change how we minister as it will also change how we evangelize. Fellow Believers, let’s not make another decades (or centuries!) too-late mistake!

Remember, to take full responsibilty for your emotional health. 

Contact me at to make an appointment to tap!

by Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author of EFT for Christians (2015)