From this week's EFTUniverse Newsletter, "Dr. Robert Scaer, a researcher
and specialist in treating trauma, maintains that any type of negative life
event that occurs when the person is in a state of relative helplessness can
produce the same changes in the brain as those that occur in combat, rape, or
abuse. He believes that what makes a life event become trauma isn't the nature
of the threat but the degree of helplessness the victim fears plus that person's
history of other trauma."
How many of these have all of you seen? A memory/event/emotion that should
seem to be relatively insignificant ends up being that big T trauma that
tailspins a client's life.
This is why what trauma to one person may not be trauma to another. Much of
the meaning of the trauma is determined by what the client has experienced
previously in life (how much other trauma) and the perceptions built around
those earlier experiences.
Because of all of this, we consistently use the client's words and phrases
because those particular words have a special meaning to the client. Those words
could hold the perception of the event details, including all the sensory input.
Example: Recently another student friend of mine tapped with a man around
a ton of childhood trauma. She phoned me after tapping to "review" what she had
done and to ask if I had any other suggestions for next session.
This client became very agitated when he told her the name his classmates
called him in high school. His SUDS on several emotions were near 10. She asked
permission and then started slowly having him just say that name over and over
again, telling me, "I think we said it 50 times." Guess what, with each
repetition the emotional pull around that name lessened and lessened. My friend
could literally hear and feel the power diminishing.
When the client left my friend's office, one more time on the street, she
said the name to him again (testing), and the client looked at her saying, "Oh,
that is so silly now. What does it matter?"
Success! EFT did its magic, the emotion was neutralized around those
specific words, lessening the charge and the changing the perception around the
events (memory reconsolidation).
How many years have I been doing this? I still stand amazed at all the
Remember to take full responsibility for your emotional and physical health. EFT is NOT a substitute for seeing a MD!
Contact me at to make an appointment to tap, or see all my pins at Pinterest and follow me there, or pick up a copy of my new EFT for Christians book on Amazon!
Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author of EFT for Christians (2015)
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