Sunday, November 15, 2020

Childhood Trauma & EFT

Dr. Gabor Mate in his book In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts on page 370 writes, "it's not what happened in the past that creates our present misery but the way we have allowed past events to define how we are and experience ourselves in the present.

The greatest damage done by neglect, trauma, or emotional loss is not the immediate pain they inflict but the long-term distortions they induce in the way a developing child will continue to interpret the world and her situation in it. All too often these ill-conditioned implicit ((those held unconsciously) beliefs become self-fulfilling prophecies in our lives. We create meanings from our unconscious interpretations of early events, and then we forge our present experiences from the meanings we've created."

Christian EFT is a tool we can use to learn to live in the present moment, allowing those events and memories of the past to integrate into our soul to harmoniously abide with other happier memories. 

Your past does no longer HAVE to drive your future. Call a Christian EFT Practitoner today.

Remember, EFT is not a substitute for medical or psychological help. Take care of yourself and phone your own personal physician.

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Author of EFT for Christians (2015)
Author of EFT for Christians, Tapping in God's Peace & Joy (2016)

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