Epigenetics - have you ever heard the term? I wrote a a chapter on "Generational Curses" in the EFT for Christians book, Tapping into God's Peace & Joy, but it appears there is so much more going on here around "generational trauma". Exodus 34:6-7 is one set of the "sins of the father's" verses, among others. These incidents may not be "sins" per say, but trauma experienced decades or centuries ago by a family member.
Don't confuse these ideas with "past lives" as that is not what this is or what I am talking about here. There are studies, few done on humans because we live way longer than mice and nematodes (!) that show the memories live in the body anywhere from 3 to 14 generations after an ancestor experiences an untoward event IF the trauma hasn't been processed. Most of these studies looked at how traumas are transferred via male sperm because sperm are easier to study than female ovum. These types of traumas can be processed with EFT tapping and Matrix Reimprinting, the other EFT technique many of us use.
Bottom line here is some of our personal emotional issues simply may not even be our own, but DNA/RNA markers carried on our genes, as an unpleasant gift from one of forefathers or foremothers. The DNA doesn't change, but it does get a "marker" attached to it.
And using EFT tapping to thoroughly process the negative events/memories/feeling you experience could well save countless future generations the PAIN YOU ARE FEELING TODAY.
Give your kids a gift - tap and let the old stuff go!!
EFT is not a substitute for medical care, so please consult your physician first before using tapping on any medical or psychological condition.
Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author of EFT for Christians 4 Book Series
EFTC 52 Tapping Devotions, Volume 2 Coming Christmas, 2019