Friday, February 28, 2014

Christian Quantum Physics of EFT & Prayer

1 Timothy 4:4-5: For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected, if it is received with gratitude; for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer. Philippians 4:6: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Most Christians understand the concept of petitioning God in prayer, but the idea of “praying the answer”, is foreign to most Christians. We just keep asking and asking God for the desires of our heart, but few of us have the faith to simply ask, and then flip into praying with thanksgiving for the answer already given us by Him. Oh, we are doing as He instructs us when we petition the throne of God (Matthew 7:7: "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you), but He has already heard you. In fact, He knew what you were going to ask for before you ever asked. He is omniscient, you know! Pray, and then give thanks for the answer that will manifest itself through God’s mercy.
Quantum physics tells us to take the asking to the next level. Let me explain why. As I have said on numerous occasions that explaining the quantum physics or neurochemistry or neuroscience behind EFT in a few paragraphs is extremely difficult! Let me see what I can with this subject of prayer and quantum physics.
Quantum physics teaches us that we can, and this is all God because this is how He created us, turn our thoughts into reality. I can hear your thoughts (questions) right now and yes, this is for real. God implanted in each of us a mechanism where what we think becomes our reality! Literally! Science has proven this fact. I love when science proves what God does, don’t you?
My premise here is this: If our thoughts are our reality, meaning that thinking something negative will cause the negative to happen, then why don’t we Christians use that physiology that God implanted in us to the full effect, thinking and praying the positive, making that our reality. First, we pray & petition God for what we want, like help passing an exam, or getting over the flu, or safety on an upcoming out of town trip, or Christian conversion for our lost sister, etc., then flip our prayer, while tapping, if you so choose, into one of thanksgiving to God for already answering the prayer. In other words, pray the answer!  Thank you, Jesus, for the A on my exam; thank you, Jesus, for curing me of the flu so I can go back to work; thank you, Jesus, for our upcoming safe trip; thank you, Jesus, for bringing Susie to You.
Now, if during the tapping and praying, some event or memory comes to mind around the prayer & thanksgiving, and it has an associated emotion to it, and then takes this one step further by tapping away the negative emotion, clearing any blockages to the prayer answer. In other words, dissociate any learned neurochemical blocks mentally from what God is going to give you & what you truly want in life. 
Why do our thoughts become our reality?  Because the subconscious is literal, logical, & lineal, and it takes what we think & produces it in our being. If you think you will get cancer, I can nearly guarantee it will happen.  Your subconscious thinks that is what you truly want. How many times have you said, “so and so is a pain in my neck?” How often has a real pain in your neck showed up shortly thereafter the statement? You just manifested your reality by saying it!
How does this happen? Dr. Joe Dispenza calls it the “law of repetition & association”. Donald Hebbs said it best, “Neurons that fire together, wire together.” The feelings and emotions of life make up our present reality. Want your reality to change? Do you want to be that person God wants you to be? Then look at the emotions and feelings of the past, as you feel them today, and change them by tapping. Carrying around the same thoughts and habits day after day, and thinking something is going to change, is probably a pretty fruitless idea. What is the saying – “What’s the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over, but thinking you will get a different result.” By thinking and acting the same day after day, hoping for some change, it tends not to happen. The neural connection need to be fixed for that change to happen.
Recently, a friend of mine told me this story. Her college age daughter called her on the phone saying, “Mom my pillow stinks, I’m going to get pink eye from it”. As always her Mom’s reply was, “Watch what you say.” The following morning the girl called to tell her Mom she indeed did have a reddened eye, probably pink eye. It was confirmed later in the day, necessitating the college kid missing an entire day of classes. Is that incredible? Yes, but it is reality. In the next week, watch carefully, and mindfully, exactly what you say.  Then notice, if what you said was negative, how it manifested itself within your life. Begin to change that behavior. EFT is a wonderful mechanism for that change. In a future video that I will put on Youtube, I will set up a tapping protocol for you to show you how to change some of these negative habits in your life that are manifesting themselves into reality, helping you to become the person God wants you to become.
God doesn’t call us to this. He calls us to abundance and health. Use this God directed tool of EFT to change those negative thoughts and behaviors to something more God honoring and healthy.
For more information, go to .

To schedule a free EFT coaching session, email me at .

Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own health and well-being.  Contact a medical professional, if necessary.