Many of us pray for years, and maybe even decades for God to deliver us from one thing or another, be it a physical illness or an emotional problem. Often, we blame God because He doesn’t seem to be listening whatsoever. We find something new, and think, “Ah, this is the answer”, only to have us once again fall flat on our faces, back to the exact spot where we began. Eventually, despair or desperation sets in. We all know about St. Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” which he never fully explained as to what it exactly was, but it does sound pretty annoying to St. Paul, as he roamed the Roman world evangelizing it for Christ.
God has His reason for allowing us issues in life. Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, ruining what was a perfect world, until sin entered it with their act. God didn’t choose that for Adam and Eve; they chose it for themselves and passed those effects on to us today. Some of the denominations call this “original sin”, as it originated in Adam and Eve, our first parents.
Why today God has opened up a newly discovered (probably once known, but lost through the ages) healing modality that is quite effective. It is so radically different than our Western medical mindset that it scares people, many of them Christian. Into our physiology God placed a mechanism for healing, if we are willing to accept it and give the modality a try.
The modality is called Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), accidently found about 20 -25 years ago by Gary Craig, a Stanford University engineering graduate. Over the years, Gary has slowly consolidated the EFT process into a few easy steps from the earlier laborious protocols, which were difficult to learn and tedious to perform. Today, tapping, as EFT is called in some circles, is simply to learn and simple to use. I’ve personally taught 4 year olds to tap for themselves.
In the Book of Joshua, chapter 3, we have a story of the Israelites crossing the Jordan River on their way to the Promised Land of Israel. Interestingly, it is after 40 years of wandering the desert because of their unbelief in the God who saved them from the Egyptians. The Lord the God told Joshua that as soon as the priests’ feet touched the Jordan River water the River itself would part, allowing the contingent of Israelites to cross on dry land.
Does any of this sound familiar to you? How many of you have wandered in the desert of your emotional and/or physical problems for what surely seems like 40 years, wondering when God was going to deliver you from it? Perhaps there is a message here in the story of Joshua and the Jordan River. Is it time for you to step out in faith, once again asking God for your healing, and either emailing an EFT practitioner to help, or downloading an EFT how-to manual from the website ( and trying EFT for yourself?
“Show me the way in which I should walk and the thing I should do” Jeremiah 4:3.
“Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, for I lift up my soul to You” Psalm 143:8.
Stormie Omartian, a popular Christian writer today says, “Once you have taken that first step, God will show you other steps to take. He will teach you how to walk in the Light of His truth, revelation, and love. You’ll discover ways to avoid the things that separated you from Him and all He has for you. You’ll learn to walk away from fear, depression, condemned loneliness, loss, un-forgiveness, and disappointment”.
All of those emotions Stormie listed above are feelings that EFT deals with well. Is today your day to reach out & take the first move & see what miracles God might have in store for you through EFT? It is a scary step for some. I understand, as I had second thoughts myself when I was first introduced to it. Pray about it please.
“He will teach us His ways and we shall walk in His paths Micah 2b.
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord Psalm 37:23.
For more information, go to
To schedule a free EFT consultation coaching session, email me at:
Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own health and well-being.