Monday, June 29, 2015

PTSD Article

The 6 hour window here is probably why when doing Matrix Reimprinting (MR) we instruct the client to "imprint" the new memory at least once more in the subsequent 5 hours after the session. Two, three or four times would be even better to change those neurons into that new picture.
Memory reconsolidation happens everytime we repeat a trauma story. The story simply changes with each re-telling. We mix stories together. We mess up the details. None of this matters in EFT and MR. Perception is ALL that counts - what did the memory, true or false, mean to the client? That is what we eventually change with tapping - perception.
This is why I instruct parents to tap with kids before bed. Come up with a bedtime routine, be it prayers or reading, that includes a few minutes of tapping.
Allow each child to briefly speak about their day while their siblings tap with them. Everyone gets "borrowed benefits" from the others, and anything that might have bothered the child gets "consolidated" with negative emotional perceptions removed before the hippocampus has time to embed them in the we practitioners can 20-30 years later make alot of money removing those negative memories!!!

For more information, go to

To schedule a free EFT consultation coaching session, email me at

Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own health and well-being.

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