Thursday, December 29, 2016

Christian EFT and Thanksgiving - Change Your Life!

Combining EFT with thanksgiving has a powerful effect over our psyches and our physical health.

Let me explain.

What thoughts go through your mind when your grandchild profusely thanks you for a gift you have given her? You feel delighted that you were able to delight her, don’t you? And your reaction to all these heartwarming feelings is what? You want to give her more and more! The more pleased her reaction the more you want to please her in order to elicit again and again that same reaction that warms your own heart!

How do you think God the Father feels when we are grateful to Him for His mercies and gifts to us?  Right, the exact same way! Gratitude begets blessings and blessings should beget more gratitude. Positive attitudes moves one forward; negative attitudes pushes one backwards.  Honor God with our thanksgiving, so more blessings come!

It also proves to God that you really are thankful for the circumstances right here and now, no matter how good or bad the issues really are. And when situations improve, how would you know that they have improved except to have been where things weren’t good at all. Gratitude gives us a rule from which to judge future events.

Psalm 149:4 reads, “For the LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory.” Psalm 35:27 says, “May those who delight in my vindication shout for joy and gladness; may they always say, "The LORD be exalted, who delights in the well-being of his servant.”

God wants to give us more and more, but we must be grateful for what we have right now. Right now may not look too prosperous, but God expects gratitude for what it is. Like that grandchild of yours, the more excited you are with God’s blessings, the more He will shower upon you.

God does allow tests in our lives to see if we are faithful to trust Him, but He also supplies us according to His riches and favor, as stated in Philippians 4:19, “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”

So, what does any of this have to do with EFT?

First, confess your ingratitude to God. Tap and confess your faithlessness, mistrust, and lack of belief in Him for Who He is.

Now, begin a new habit of tapping regularly and thanking God for every little thing in your life!  

However, tap and thank God for what you want as if it has already come to pass.  Tap in the past tense.  “Thank you, Jesus, for my healed right knee,” thank you, Lord, for our amazing relationship,” thank you, Father, for our repaired plumbing (within a budget I can afford),” “thank you, God, for beautiful new car I needed to get to work.”

It may not be true today, but you would like it to be true, and you would like God to make it so.

Proverbs 6:2 tells us we keep ourselves trapped by our own words, “You have been trapped by what you said, ensnared by the words of your mouth.”

When we talk negatively about our life, what we say will come to pass. Stop saying what you don’t want. Thank God in gratitude and praise for what He has given you, and pray the same for what you want as if it has already happened. Speak it into existence. “It is written: ‘I believed; therefore I have spoken.’ Since we have that same spirit of faith, we also believe and therefore speak,” 2 Corinthians 4:13.

Our own words trap us into a life we don’t want. Negative words stop God’s blessings in our life. We can literally prophesy our own future. “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Proverbs 18:21) are powerful words! Stop speaking problems into your life.

Pay attention, and become mindful of what comes out of your mouth!  When you catch yourself saying something negative about your life, yourself, or another person, make a mental note of it as something to later investigate, asking the Holy Spirit the source of the thought. And then tap it away, breaking that habit. But more importantly, when you stop yourself, change the wording to something positive. Speak it as if it has already happened. Keep all negative language out of the statement. Be careful you aren’t making a negative statement in a positive manner!

When time allows, bring forth into your mind while tapping, the source of the memories that led you to believe God won’t bless you. Negatively tap (here is the appropriate use of the negative)  away all the hindrances of these beliefs, and watch your attitude change and shift toward thanking God for all He has given you.

Declare out loud what you know God wants of you and allow our God to change the circumstances to make that promise come alive in you. “I can do all this through him who gives me strength” is written in Philippians 4:13. Apostle Paul understood adversity. Scholars aren’t completely sure where Paul was when he penned this to the Philippians, but the consensus is he was in prison in Rome awaiting eventual death. Now, that’s adversity!

Allow no one to talk you out of what God has asked you to do. Take a big step of faith and move out, declaring out loud the truth of your purpose and mission. Expect God to move, and He will most certainly do so.

As we Christian EFT practitioners tap with hundreds of people a year, we see this exact process play out time after time. Once we have used tapping to eliminate the negative memories and the accompanying reaction to the events in our life, we sit back and watch God motivate and prosper that brother or sister with whom we tapped. I’ve personally seen amazing sights God has brought about through EFT. Women moving out into ministries that God had set up for them to do. Others are writing music for God. Books are written to the glory of God. God is using these healed women (and men) to forward His Kingdom – they are truly His hands and feet.

As the shift comes, and it will come, God will amaze you at the blessings He will shower upon you once you change your mind and begin speaking out the positive truth of what He wants to give you, and thanking Him for what He has already given you,  because He loves you more than anything else that exists.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Holiday Triggers and Tapping

Tonight I have an example of a trigger.

Earlier today I found out that a friend of ours, younger than I am, was rushed to the hospital and put on life support. This is difficult for a family. Even more difficult close to the holidays.
A few minutes ago I noticed myself with constricted breathing. Now as of 5 minutes before that I was perfectly healthy, so what is going on?

My guess is this is a trigger - an unconscious memory brought on by something else, probably sensory, around me. I'm sure it is a trigger because tapping releases it. There is nothing wrong with me.

For giggles I looked at the calendar because I'm pretty sure what this is. 2 months ago today was the day I thought my brother Joe was going to the hospital for his defibrillator inplant (in reality it was 2 months ago tomorrow). I spoke to him that Thursday night for the very last time on the phone, telling him I was a day early (by God's grace!) calling him and would he please phone me Friday night after his procedure to let me know how he was. By Friday night he was on a ventilator fighting for his life. His earthly life ended November 1st when he went to heaven.

Earlier today I told Brad that our now hospitalized friend was going the way Joe did - this didn't look good at all for her.

Triggers are like this. Something in our real regular life reminds the subconscious of something else in the past that was painful emotionally, and we experience some kind of physiological reaction about it again in the present. The subconscious mind doesn't understand the concept of the past vs. present. It thinks everything is present time!

Me? Chest constriction just like our friend and brother Joe neither of whom could breathe on their own thus necessitating a respirator.

Secondly, that cellular memory of holidays and anniversaries.

Yes, people, your body DOES remember often even if you think you have resolved the emotions around an event.

Just make sure you have, or simply be aware that something in the immediate environment could TRIGGER you anyway. And it is ok if it does. God is giving you further opportunity to heal even more!

If something does trigger you this holiday season, please do as I just did. Be mindful of what you feel and then tap, allowing God to release the physical and emotional discomfort. He is faithful to often do that for us.

It has taken alot of events in my life to make me wake up to the wonderful gift of EFT God has given us. Don't be as slow as I was to accept His gift and use it frequently.

To God be all the glory!

Remember, EFT is not a substitute for medical or psychological help. Do not tap if you have a true medical emergency, call your physician, or 911, or visit an emergency room quickly.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

EFT & Allergies

This is a Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) case I tapped a couple of years ago. For all of you new to EFT, I have found that sometimes allergies, particularly seasonal ones, are based in grief. Clear the grief issue and the allergies may disappear, too. Other times, allergies are the body's way of being overly sensitized to the environment. I was taught an allergy clearing method that has worked well for multiple clients. It is easy to learn & easy to use. 

Here is the EFT allergy case study I wrote up for my certification process:

Carol presented to me with “my horrible allergies. They are driving me totally nuts. I don’t know what else to do. I take so, so many antihistamines a day & still get no relief”.  She knew I was “doing something new” & decided she’d ask me if I could use it on her. Prior to our meeting I gave her the website & asked her to look at and/or print the mini manual, so she had some idea of what we would be doing in the session so we could get right to the heart of tapping, as I suspected this might turn out to be a longer session than I normally did. I’ve known Carol for years and her allergies were indeed out of control.
I asked Carol when her allergies started, as she has had allergies for the 25 years I have known her. She had to think awhile on this.  Finally, she told me no allergies through college, meaning they had to have started in early adulthood after graduation.
On a SUDS level of 0-10, Carol was 8 or higher.  I decided to tap generally on the allergies & see where EFT took us. 
Set-up was:
Even though these allergies are driving me nuts, I completely & deeply accept myself.
Even though I eat a bottle of allergy pills a day and get no relief, I completely & deeply accept myself.
Even though I feel these allergies run my life and not the other way around, I deeply & completely accept me.
While tapping the head & body points I used:
These allergies.
I’m sick of all these allergies.
The allergies are running my life.
The allergies are ruining my life.
All I do is eat one pill after another & I still get absolutely no relief.
These allergies are maddening to me.
These allergies.
I hate these allergies.
I had informed Carol, as I do all my clients, that if my words do not ring true or do not touch them emotionally to either ignore them or change the words to make the session more meaningful to them. In order to make the EFT more effective, she needed to feel the emotion of the words. They needed to impact her. She agreed.
We tapped through the body & head points effectively twice with Carol following my lead.  I stopped her & asked her to take a drink from the water provided for her, breathe deeply, and tell me what she was thinking and feeling.
Carol began telling me about her Mother’s death.  Her Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer a year or two after college graduation.  Carol seemed extremely dependent emotionally on her Mom.  Mom had chosen Valley of the Good Shepherd as the hospice of choice.  This was back in the decades when doctors told patients to smoke to “calm their nerves” & Carol’s Mom dutifully bought a pack of cigarettes to use to calm her anxiety. Carol hated the fact her Mom “took up smoking” while she was dying of cancer. The cigarette smoke smelled badly & irritated Carol’s eyes.  
We tapped on the cigarette smoking while Mom was dying of breast cancer.
I hated that cigarette smoke.
It was bad enough Mom had cancer but now she was taking up smoking, too.
It smelled terrible.
That smoke made my eyes water.
All I can remember is the big cloud of smoke over Mom’s bed.
I hated that cigarette smoke.
My eyes burned like crazy.
I totally detested that damn cigarette smoke, stinking stuff.
Once again, I did 2 rounds of tapping over the smoking issue. I could see a shift of some kind in Carol’s eyes. She just looked like her thoughts were off in the distance.  I stopped her, asking what just happened.  I questioned her if the SUDS was down any at all on the smoking issue, as it, too, had begun at an 8.  It had come down to a 4, but now Carol started to relate to me a smothering feeling she had a week or 2 after the smoking issue commenced when they were called back to the hospice about midnight because her Mom had “made a turn for the worse”.  Asking her SUDS level on the smothering issue, she related it to be a 7. We started the tapping once again.
They called us back because Mom wasn’t doing too well.
She was moaning in pain.
Her breathing was awful.
She looked blue.
All I could smell was the cigarette smoke & suddenly I didn’t feel I could breathe either.
I felt like I was smothering just like Mom seemed to be.
Is this what it is like to die?
This is my Mom.  This is terrible. She really is dying.
Again, we tapped 3 rounds on the breathing issues as Carol had tears running down her cheeks.  I could see this obviously had an huge impact on her.  We stopped to evaluate what was going on. The SUDS had come down to a 2 after being a 5 after 2 rounds.  Tears stopped. I told her to take another drink & sit quietly for a few minutes.  When I asked her overall how she felt, she told me she felt lighter. It simply “felt good to get this off my chest, but I remember Mom in the hospital after the cancer surgery hooked up to all those tubes with blood on the bandages. I just about fainted. I had to go outside the room to get some air.  I was scared”.
On this issue Carol related that she was a 6.  We once again began tapping.  I didn’t do any further set-ups because Carol had an obvious emotional connection to these issues. In the cases & readings I have done, I have found that with an obvious emotional attachment to the issue there seemed to be no need to set up the tapping, so I went right back into this issue.
I was scared.
Mom was hooked up to all those tubes.
There were so many.
Oh my, and the blood is everywhere. Why hasn’t someone cleaned up this mess?
I can’t get my breathe.
I feel like I’m going to faint.
Why is no one doing anything for her?
I don’t know if I can stay here & look at this.
I’m so scared.
At this point I asked Carol if there was another time in her life when she felt like passing out.  After thinking for a few minutes, Carol brought up another surgery of her Mom’s when she was 10 or 12. This was a hysterectomy at St. Luke’s . Her Mom didn’t want her home with her Dad & older brother because “they wouldn’t take good enough care for me. Who would have done my hair for school? So Mom sent me to Auntie Mabel’s & Uncle George’s for the 2 weeks. I didn’t really like it there even though Auntie Mabel took me everywhere on the street car.”  Carol recalled nearly fainting at the sight of blood that time, too, when she went to visit her Mom in the hospital.  The hysterectomy issue was another 6 on SUDS level.
We tapped:
There was too much blood for me to handle.
I was scared.
I was only 12. Why did they make me look at that?
I didn’t want to go to Auntie Mabel’s. She was a flighty old woman.
I wanted my Mom.
No one told me anything.
What was going on?
When was Mom coming home again?
Once again I noticed a shift. Asking Carol what she was thinking, she told me, “Mom didn’t come home that last time. She died.”  And the crying started. “I miss her so much. No one could replace Mom. She was the center of our family.” I asked her if I could tap on her. She agreed; however, she managed to keep tapping around at my request while she related some of the following story:
I told Carol that she could tell me the story of her Mom’s death, but that I would stop her & tap whenever I felt the issue or particular detail was especially emotional for her. I also told her I would tap on her head/face if she could not continue at any point. She agreed.
Carol once again went back to being called back to the hospice the night her Mom died.  They were bedded down in the waiting room, not being permitted to stay in the room with her dying Mom. Another aspect change happened here again.
We tapped:
We weren’t allowed to stay with Mom.
They made us go to another room.
I didn’t want to go to sleep, I wanted to be with Mother.
They gave us blankets & told us to stay in the waiting room.
The nurses would call us if they thought we were needed.
I wasn’t allowed in the room.
No one cared if we wanted to be in the room.
Mom was dying. I wanted to be with her for what time she had left and no one cared.
This issue had begun at an 8. It was down to a 4 after 2 rounds of tapping, so we did 2 more rounds to bring it down to a 2.
Carol never told me about the actual death, but went right to the funeral which obviously had a great impact on her.  “Mom didn’t want a big get together, but there was anyway. I felt guilty about that, but it wasn’t under my control”.  Carol felt this was a 5 on the SUDS scale of 0-10.
So we tapped:
Mom wanted a quiet funeral.
She didn’t want a big get together.
It was a closed casket. At least, they listened to that part.
The guilt that we didn’t listen. I tried to tell Dad.
Mom hated to be in the middle of things.
I feel badly we didn’t do as she asked.
I didn’t like this at all.
Everyone did as they wanted. No one listened to Mom.
With a quick water break, I ascertained this issue was now a 1 and Carol continued her story:  “No one showed up from my work at all for the funeral. No one cared enough to come.”  Carol related that this was a 6.
We tapped:
No one cared.
No one cared enough to show up.
Mom wanted to be insignificant.
I feel insignificant.
Where is everyone?
No one cares.
Can’t someone take some time.
No one cares.
This dropped to a 2 pretty easily with one round of tapping.  And Carol continued by relating that in the procession to the front of the church just before the funeral service started, she was so upset that her older brother & sister were practically holding her up as she walked. “I was crying really hard,” she said, “then someone near the front leaned over and said to me, ‘Stop crying. You are acting like a heathen.’” I asked her what she then did.  Carol said, “I sniffled a bit more. Stood up straight & bucked it up even though we were in the front row with everyone staring at us, listening to ‘Abide with Me’, which I can’t play on the organ for any funerals now without crying”.
We tapped. Carol was weeping again as this was a 9 on the heathen issue and an 8 on being in the front row getting stared at.
I was really crying hard.
Mom was dead.
This was it. Funeral was here.
I’d never see her again.
Arlene & Roger were holding me up as we walked.
I could barely stand this. What was I going to do without Mom here?
Stop crying, you heathen.
You’re weak.
Twice through with head & body tapping only brought this down to a 6, so we kept going:
You are acting like you have no hope.
Why are you crying?
Stop crying.
Are you a baby?
Everyone is staring at you.
Abide with me.
Stop crying.
Stop crying. You must be a heathen for crying.
We tapped on this for probably 10 minutes until her crying stopped and the SUDS came down to between a 1 & a 2.  Carol remembered another person telling her, “You are now an orphan” after her Dad died a few years later.  The orphan issue was a 6 SUDS. Aspect change after aspect change kept coming fairly quickly.
We tapped:
You are an orphan.
Everyone is now gone.
You are alone.
No one cares.
You are now an orphan.
Mom & Dad are dead.
I’m an orphan.
I’m an orphan.
Carol then changed the words for the next 2 rounds to:
“I am no longer an orphan, I’m adopted by God”. Her face changed to a slight smile and the enthusiasm that I know to be Carol slowly came back.  I could see her demeanor lighten the more she said it.  Finally, she broke out into a big grin, telling me, “Yeah, I’m adopted by God. He tells me so in His Word.”  This issue melted away to a zero.
I wanted to get back to the initial issue of the allergies before this long session ended, so I asked Carol to take another drink, finishing off the glass of water, & think about her allergies once again by answering this question for me:  “Did you cry again about your Mom after that person in church told you to ‘stop crying like a heathen’?” She thought awhile & told me, “not really”.
I then asked her if she thought the allergies and the grief were related in any way.  She thought awhile & finally answered, “None that I can think of, although the timing is close”. I’ve known Carol for many, many years, so I felt enough of a rapport to help her out here a bit, something I may not do in other situations.  I asked her to think about this, “Do you think it possible, knowing what I have told you about EFT & the articles you have read that I have given you, that the tears of grief were prematurely stopped, but your subconscious is still crying for your Mom in particular, Dad maybe, and it is coming out as a runny nose & eyes in the form of allergies”?
Her face looked puzzled and she answered with, “I never thought of that! Maybe it does have something to do with each other!” I told her I think it probably does have a lot to do with each other & we should meet again soon & work on her specific allergies if she wanted, or she could do the tapping on them herself, too.
I asked Carol just for good measure to relate once again to me before we quit the entire story regarding the funeral, starting at the point before the family was called to the hospice that last night. Carol did so without a tear shed & fairly matter of factly, telling me, “It was a bummer to me Mom died when I was so young, but the whole thing has helped me grow & I understand how others feel when they have a loved one die, too.  I won’t be like that person who told me to quit crying. They had no clue.”
I was pleased with this session as it was pretty comprehensive. We started with one issue and ended up with her Mom’s death as the real core issue. As I stated before Carol & I have known each other for over 20 years, so rapport wasn’t an issue here. Prior to this session, Carol & I had discussed EFT as we discuss just about everything in life. If I said this would help her, Carol would just agree to try it because she trusts me after all these years.
I didn’t discuss confidentiality with Carol because it is implied in our relationship. It’s just the way it is. Our trust factor just handles all those things. I did use a bit of mirroring with Carol when she did change some of my wording or added a bit of her own during the session. I try to simply follow the client’s lead whenever possible. My intuition came in when I realized that her allergies now are possible repressed grief tears.
As a follow-up a month later, Carol continues to report to me that her spring allergies settled down immensely & she has stopped all Benadryl & Claritin without any more problems. She is extremely pleased!  God be praised!

To schedule a free 15 minute consultation session, email me at

I also hold EFTUniverse classes Levels 1 & 2 twice a year in Milwaukee. If you have an interest in becoming an EFT practitioner or just learning more about EFT, visit my class page on my website:

Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own health and well-being.  Consult a physician for any serious medical issues.

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author of EFT for Christians 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Christian EFT YouTube Videos

Check out my Christian YouTube Tapping EFT videos here:

Please subscribe to them, as I hope to upload videos fairly often.

Remember, EFT is not a substitute for medical care. Contact your own personal physician for all your emotional and physical needs.

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)