This is another letter I wrote to another Christian on facebook that inquired about Matrix Reimprinting. It is a very short overview, but hopefully will give you some basic knowledge about MR.
I know about Matrix Reimprinting (MR) with EFT because I took the class.
My only objection to MR is the "past lives" part. I don't go there. When I die, as a Christian, I'm going to heaven and I'm not coming back! Only Jesus gets to do that!
MR has about many different "protocols" for what a client wants changed, like a memory, a scene, etc. Anyway, what makes this real to me is the science. Everything has changed in physics and biology in the past 20 years.
I graduated from nursing school 40 years ago & none of what we know today was known. Quantum Physics now teaches there is something out there that connects us all. Albert Einstein died knowing that, but he couldn't ID it either. We Christians know what It is - it's called God. Einstein showed that only we humans do linear time, and the coming of the railroads in 19th century imprinted on us the need for correct time. Time is curved and wavy, nebulous in ways. God is described as timeless. Non-linear time mixes past, present & future. Seriously, scientists are actually thinking time travel is possible. Seriously!
What does Scripture tell us - 1000 years is as one day to God. “Do not let this one thing escape your notice, that a single day is like a thousand years with the Lord and a thousand years are like a single day” 2 Peter 3:8. This is hard to understand stuff.
When I read the descriptions in my quantum physics book of what science is finding, they are describing God as the best we humans can describe Him. I think because the subconscious stores every single second of our lives for us, and everything we feel because, if the science is correct, everything around us is perception (wave particle, vibration, and spinning energy - what exists is only so because we "observe" it into existence - yes, experiment after experiment keeps showing the same science) and the past, present & future are mixed, why can't we go back, while tapping, and change events around memories for the better, improving our "perception" of it?
Things like death or an abuse incident or rape that actually "happened" can't be changed, but the resources around it seemed to able to change, giving us a different outlook. MR does exactly that.
You bring up a painful memory, tap away all the emotions around it, and in the process, and you might have already done this with EFT, find your younger ECHO (Energetic Conscious Hologram), like another technique, known as Inner Child that really works well. The ECHO is the person (you) at the age the painful incident happened. You see all this in your mind's eye, clear as a bell, because it is already stored in your subconscious (your subconscious takes in 40 million bits of info per second - you process 40 bits of it, according to Dr. Bruce Lipton!). Tapping drops you down into alpha & theta brain waves areas, like meditation, and you can consciously access those memories.
It can get a bit nebulous from there, but if you are tapping into the "Matrix", or the God part of the Universe, you can bring in all kinds of other people into the scene. I know it sounds different. I get it, but it works. Now, you can change details around the painful scene to make them better. You are wide awake, but relaxed when you do this. Once you figure out what the ECHO "needs" to make her better, you breathe in & blow this new picture "out there". It's like re-recording over a memory, like EFT does. The memory is still there, but it has a completely different twist to it.
It's all perception anyway, right? Did your Mom really mean she was mad at you when she curled her lip? Probably not, but that is how you interpreted it & encoded that in your subconscious, so just change what you think she meant & the sting of the lip curl goes with it. Does any of this make sense?
That all said feel free to ask any question you want, as I love answering this stuff. I'm probably one of the few in EFT who can answer some of the questions. I love this stuff!
Many people say MR changed everything for them.
God gave us EFT & I believe we should be doing all we can to clean up our lives so we can live more fully for Him. In my personal life, I never, ever thought I would be where I am today - fully alive, healthy, living for Jesus. It took me 4+ years to clear out my childhood abuse PTSD. Yes, it was that bad!
I never imagined God could cure that self-deprecating, self-defeating chatter in my head - the self-talk my subconscious had held since I was a kid, but He did! Praise Him for His wonderful kindness to us!
If you want more info on how I explain the Christian aspects of EFT Blessings in Him whom we serve!
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Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own health and well-being.
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