Monday, January 15, 2018

Tapping and the Effects of Electrical Activity in our Body - God's Amazing Healing Power

I listened the other day to Lynn Taggart on the Matrix Summit. She was discussing the work of Dr. Robert Becker. I wanted to learn more.

We have a perineural nervous system - it is connective tissue that covers the nerves in our body. Remember, we have connective tissue everywhere covering our body - connective tissue includes muscles, ligaments, tendons, skin, omentum, etc. Connective tissue has quartz crystals in every cell of the DNA. Quartz crystals, or liquidified quartz, is what gives the body its conductivity.

So, when an injury occurs, and I think most of this is physical injuries, why can it not be a trauma or an emotional injury since we put those injuries somewhere within our body, too, with the injury causing the tissue to lose voltage? Damaged tissue has a higher resistance and electricity flows to areas of lower resistance. Higher resistance actually impairs the healing & is probably what causes heat & swelling in an injury.

Some feel chakras are, like acupuncture points, frequency transmitters.

This I want to research further but Taggart said that our blood cells are our 2nd electron conductor system. Is that why thick heavy iron laden blood has propensities to increased clotting a problem? I'm just thinking!

Dr Stephen Sinatra has done extensive research into the "grounding" or "earthing" movement. He believes inflammation is the root of most disease. Reading some of the above info, it sounds like he might have a point. The earth itself is full of electrons from lightning strikes. Walking barefoot provides us an opportunity to pick up these electrons to counter other modern life damage.

Grounding thins the blood improving the "zeta potential". It takes about 80 minutes for the electrons picked up walking barefoot to reach the blood stream.

All the things we do, like eat sugar, smoke, stress, and anxiety thickens our blood, propelling us to a clotting propensity due to inflammation. Grounding causes the opposite effect making the red blood cells repel each other (zeta potential).

When we tap, we are manually tapping electron into our meridians. What is oxidative stress on our body?  Oxidative stress is when our cells LOSE electrons. Those are free radicals everyone talks about. You get enough free radicals coursing through our body disease begins. There is a tipping point in the body where we hit that in degenerative disease, like with our CoQ10 levels, and death will occur, if a miracle is not forthcoming, because the body cannot recover.

7.83 Hz is a natural universe frequency. The body heals between 7-8 Hz. Each tissue has a different frequency. What is the rage of alpha brain waves? 8-12 Hz.  Theta brain wave is lower @ 4-8 Hz. I teach that we drop into low alpha/high theta when we tap. Cerebral blood flow is increased at that brain wave range.

Brain waves are not confined to the brain. We get that because during tapping the entire body relaxes. This is part of that perineural system.

It appears the body has the capacity to send its own healing microamps to the injury (and again why can't that be emotional damage done to the physical?).

Dr. Becker feels that happens via Schwann cells (nerve cells that surround the axon of nerve cells forming myelin sheath and supporting non-myelinated nerves) and glial cells (these cells don't do any conducting of impulses but provide support for rest of nervous system - to me it's the "stuff" in between nerve cells!). Becker believes the acupuncture system maps the glial cells and it all parallels the peripheral nervous system making the acupuncture spots we tap amplifiers of impulses. Meridians are 30-100 micrometer tubules.

Dr. Nordenstrom, who did more research on this idea, believes arterial micro-capillaries can shunt the body's electricity to an injury.

So, does this explain why physical things can heal when we tap?

Could be!

This blurb is copied from the website cited below:

It would be helpful to review the cellular nature of an injury to fully appreciate the importance of Dr. Chang's research. Dr. Becker has shown that trauma will affect the electrical potential of cells in damaged tissues. Initially the injured site has a much higher resistance than that of the surrounding tissue. Basic physics dictates that electricity tends to flow toward the path of least resistance. Therefore endogenous bioelectricity avoids areas of high resistance and takes the easiest path, generally around the injury. The decreased electrical flow through the injured area decreases the cellular capacitance. As a result, healing is actually impaired. This may be one of the reasons for inflammatory reactions, such as pain, heat, swelling and redness. Electricity flows more readily through these hot inflammatory fluids.

The correct microcurrent application to an injured site augments the endogenous current flow and allows the traumatized area to regain its capacitance. The resistance of the injured tissue is then reduced allowing bioelectricity to enter the area to reestablish homeostasis. Therefore microcurrent electrical therapy can be viewed as a catalyst helpful in initiating and sustaining the numerous chemical and electrical reactions that occur in the healing process.

Don't we serve an amazing God???  How did He think up all these different avenues to healing?
Remember, EFT is not a substitute for medical or psychological care. Please consult your own personal physician for all your personal needs.
Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)

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