Friday, March 29, 2019

Author Interview for EFT for Christians 52 Tapping Devotions

Here is an interview I did for the Christian Book Show around the 2017 released EFT for Christians 52 Tapping Devotions book. Have you picked up your copy yet? 

EFT for Christians 52 Tapping Devotions takes EFT to an entirely different level of practice.

This book has a short weekly devotion followed by a tapping "action" part that the reader can practice and meditate on all week long. 

It is a great teaching tool to help the reader understand the various questions that one can ask to gain the tapping insight needed to clear life's emotional stuff.

Grab your copy today to deepen your relationship with your Lord!

Remember, EFT is not a substitute for sound medical advice, so consult your own personal physician when that need arises.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author of EFT for Christians Advanced  (2017)
Author of EFT for Christians 52 Tapping Devotions (Christmas, 2017)
Author of EFT for Christians Devotions (Christmas, 2020)

Use Promo Code SAVE20 when ordering from Publisher to get 20% Of

Friday, March 22, 2019

Can EFT Help Physical Problems, too?

"Not only can EFT improve psychological problems, it can improve physical symptoms too. How it that possible?

There is a strong association between emotional stress and disease. A study of 17,421 adults performed by a hospital chain, Kaiser Permanente, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) looked at the relationship between their adverse childhood experiences (ACE) and disease (Felitti,, 1998). ACEs were events like the divorce of their parents, an incarcerated parent, or an addicted parent. The ACE study found that those who had the highest amount of emotional trauma as children had higher rates of many disease as adults. Those diseases included cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. The authors of the study likened the medical establishment to fire fighters who direct all their water at the smoke (physical disease) while ignoring the flames underneath (unresolved emotional trauma).
That is not to say that physical disease is entirely psychological in origin. What it does indicate is that a lifetime of carrying the burden of trauma takes a toll on our bodies. When people use EFT for physical problems, they are releasing the emotional memories associated with the symptom. Once those memories don't hurt anymore, the stress response is reduced, and the body has a chance to heal."

EFT for Christians (original book), page 67

EFT is not a substitute for good medical care, so please consult with your own personal physicians when you deem medical help is needed.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
Use Promo Code SAVE20 when ordering from Publisher to get 20% Off

Friday, March 15, 2019

Tapping Postively Doesn't Work

"Tapping negatively is heavy-duty work. We have heard for decades to repeat positive affirmations about ourselves and situations around us. Dr. Gabor Mate explains why positive affirmations simply don’t work:

As Dr. Michael Kerr points out, 'compulsive optimism is one of the ways we bind our anxiety to avoid confronting it. That form of positive thinking is the coping mechanism of the hurt child. The adult who remains hurt without being aware of it makes this residual defence of the hurt into a life principle.'

He continues, 'Even more fundamentally, not posing those questions is itself a source of stress (author’s emphasis). First, 'positive thinking’ is based on an unconscious belief that we are not strong enough to handle reality. Allowing this fear to dominate engenders a state of childhood apprehension. Whether or not the apprehension is conscious, it is a state of stress.'" (Mate, When the Body Says NO, 244–24)

Excerpt page145 EFT from Christians Advanced

EFT is not a substitute for good medical care, so please seek that for yourself, if you have need of psychological or medical care.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author of EFT for Christians Advanced (2017)
Author of EFTforChristians 52 Tapping Devotions (Christmas, 2017)
Use Promo Code SAVE20 to get 20% Off 

Friday, March 8, 2019

Memories Tied to Feelings

"Through our five senses, we record all the incoming data from our diverse experiences in the brain's synaptic wiring. If knowledge feeds the mind through the brain, then experience feeds the mind through the body.
The release of different brain chemicals produces specific FEELINGS; consequently, the end product of every experience is a FEELING or an emotion. FEELINGS are chemical memories.
FEELINGS are what allow us to record our sensory experiences through our neural circuitry and brain chemistry.
Episodic memories are remembered as FEELINGS, and FEELINGS are always related to experiences.
Episodic memories ALWAYS tie a person with a place, a thing with an event at a specific time, or a person to a time in our life, to name a few."
Dr. Joe Dispenza, Evolve Your Brain, pages 196-197

Capitalization emphasis mine.
 This is why we must tap on specific negative memory details, events, thoughts, triggers, etc.!

EFT is not a substitute for sound medical care, so please contact your own personal physician when you feel the need to do so.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
Use Promo Code SAVE20 when ordering from Publisher to get 20% Off