As a R.N. I've often thought about this! We know fear generates a ton of internal stress, so fear of death or whatever other stresses (financial, relational, etc.) someone encounters during cancer treatment could potentially mess with any treatment.
We also now understand if one fears GETTING cancer or any other disease (based on family history) is probably enough for gene expression to occur. Simply the stress from fearing a possible disease could be enough to give one the disease!
How many times have we heard a friend say something like this, "My grandmother died of ovarian cancer, my mother now has ovarian cancer, so I guess I will get ovarian cancer?'
That statement repeated often enough could possibly come true! You may not even have an ovarian cancer gene in your body that was going to give you cancer, but repeating the above statement (about anything) could be enough to epigenetically express a cancer gene.
This same idea goes for anything in our lives, not just diseases! "My parents were divorced, so will I", "my grandparents died young, so will I", my sister flunked out of college and she is smarter than I, I can't possibly graduate", etc., etc. are all epigenetic statements of sorts.
Watch what you say in daily life! Tap the negative beliefs away!
Internal stress reduction is imperative, especially the thoughts you simply think about - the ones you keep repetitively telling yourself in your own head!
Remember, EFT is not a substitute for sound medical or psychological care, so consult your own personal physician before using EFT. Thank you!
Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author EFT for Christians (2015)
Author of EFT for Christians, Tapping into God's Peace & Joy (2016)
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author EFT for Christians (2015)
Author of EFT for Christians, Tapping into God's Peace & Joy (2016)
Author of EFT for Christians Advanced (2017)
Author of EFT for Christians 52 Tapping Devotions (2017)