Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Buy Yourself a New Years Gift!

Buy yourself a New Years gift for $25 USD. https://www.facebook.com/groups/695813854276933 Send your $25 Paypal payment to Cathy Corbett Reiling @ CathyReiling@gmail.com. Cathy will then "admit" you to this private Facebook video learning page for one month. Cathy has created a how-to tap video of almost to 2 hours in length, and I added another short example of a personal tapping session, too. You can watch the videos over and over and over again for 30 days until you understand the nuances of HOW to tap for yourself. This product is the SAME as the EFT for Christian Workshop that is offered by our publisher for $39. The $39 one also gives you 2 e-Books which this Facebook venue does not. Either one will get you some great basic EFT tapping instructions. Christmas blessings to each of you and your families! Sherrie Rice Smith Certified EFT Practitioner EFTforChristians.com Author of EFT for Christians 5 Book Series

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Dopamine, Our Pleasure Neurotransmitter! Friend or Foe?

Did you know that when we experience pleasure of one kind or another, our brain chemicals impact our limbic system including the hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, & nucleus accumbens, in particular, and ventral striatum, which are connected to the neurotransmitter dopamine and the brain’s natural opiate, endorphin. Once the body associates a pleasure with those chemicals, it wants more! And more. And more. Let’s use chocolate as an example. Often the mere thought or seeing chocolate produces a release of dopamine in the brain. Then when we taste it, opiates (endorphins) are released further binding our behavior to chocolate eating! Once we eat the chocolate our dopamine level begins to drop. The ANTICIPATION of the pleasure drives the dopamine more so than the actual consumption! Now we have entered dopamine lack which often leaves us feeling deprived and we reach for more chocolate to drive the dopamine back up. It’s cyclic and chocolate is simply an example, as anything pleasurable can send our dopamine levels into overdrive, including other foods, alcohol, sex, shop lifting, work, exercise, dare devil activities, drugs, etc. A similar experience happens with cortisol and sugar. This can be the beginning of an addiction or a craving around a substance or activity that drives anxiousness. Anxiousness is very uncomfortable, but tapping can help. How? By often finding the source event or memories driving the pleasure and tapping on those. Many ask why would I want to rid myself of pleasure! You wouldn’t but perhaps letting go of the excess behaviors might feel like a good idea. And it is, as it often then leaves us more satisfied with less of something (like calories, alcohol, etc.). Questions? Thoughts? Comments? Sherrie Rice Smith Certified EFT Practitioner EFTforChristians.com Author of EFT for Christians 5 Book Series

Friday, May 13, 2022

Resistance to Actually Doing Tapping

Emotional healing is personal to each of us. How we do life is all based on what we learned as youngsters. If our family understood emotions, listened to each other express them, and reacted in an appropriate way, we often live our adult lives in a more comfortable emotional way. When a child has seen much emotional abuse, learning to express oneself as an adult is often more difficult. It is a learned behavior. There are times when we wish or think we are ready to heal, but doing so just plain doesn't come easily. Why? The youngster inside us doesn't feel it is safe to confront or access earlier feelings now because it wasn't safe to do so back in childhood. Our feelings today directly reflect how we felt decades ago. Tapping is all about feeling safe. Sometimes during talk therapy, and I know this from personal experience, discussing how we feel now about something decades ago often brings a torrent of tears, anger, and sadness. It just plain feels safer NOT to discuss any of this. Leaving it buried deep within our psyche seems to be a more prudent course of action, however, doing that usually doesn't bring healing. When a client doesn't seem ready to change, we call this "resistance" in the EFT trade. Sometimes it sounds like we are blaming the client for not wanting to get emotionally better. In reality most of the time it has to do with safety and feeling ok to discuss, tap on, and let go of our old emotional baggage that just isn't allowing us to move forward as our Lord would have us do. It isn't satan holding us back, it is our own stored stuff. And it may not be our fault we aren't ready to heal now. It is our responsibility to try to work on it though, as emotional healing usually brings us closer to our Lord. EFT is one of the best techniques and the closest thing to a safety net that is known today. When we access a memory that makes us uncomfortable, tapping most often will settle down the feelings that come up around it. A few tapping rounds usually does the trick. Don't beat yourself up if there are memories you aren't quite ready to tackle alone with tapping yet. You can also email me to obtain a referral to a Christian EFT Practitioner who can walk beside you as you do tap on these memories. Andy Hunt's article is all about feeling safe during tapping in order for us to access and let the emotional content of old memories go back to the Cross where they belong. God bless your healing! Remember, EFT is NOT a substitute for sound emotional or medical care. Call your own personal physician when you need that kind of help. Sherrie Rice Smith Certified EFT Practitioner EFTforChristians.com Author of EFT for Christians 4 Book Series Use Promo Code SAVE20 when ordering from Publisher to get 20% Off

Sunday, April 17, 2022

EFT for Christians Discussion Group Has a New Look!

 We've decided to try a new network to replace Facebook.

Here is the link

This link will take you to the main Emotional Freedom Tapping EFT board. Once there, look for the "cohort" link and ask to join the EFT for Christians one.

Please bookmark the page so you can come back to it anytime!

Please only join this forum if you promise to participate at least TWICE a month with a meaningful comment or post. "Cheers" do NOT count.
Because this "cohort" is under the larger umbrella of Emotional Freedom Techniques, you will have to join it first and then this cohort.
Make sure when posting that you are on the EFTC board and not the big Emotional Freedom board that we are listed under. Bookmark EFTC so you find the correct place!

See you there!

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

Sunday, March 13, 2022

EFT for Christians is Alive and Active on our Facebook Venue

Facebook EFT for Christians discussion group is up and running full speed.

Come join us there for interesting teachings and discussions on all things Christian EFT.


See you there!

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

Sunday, February 13, 2022

EFT for Christians Discussion Group

Facebook EFT for Christians discussion group is up and running full speed.

Come join us there for interesting teachings and discussions on all things Christian EFT.


See you there!

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

Sunday, January 30, 2022

EFT for Christians Discussion Network

Facebook EFT for Christians discussion group is up and running full speed.

Come join us there for interesting teachings and discussions on all things Christian EFT.


See you there!

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Why Christians Can Use EFT Tapping!

This article succinctly says what I have tried to explain in the 5 EFT for Christians books I have written.

1). Chinese medicine and Chinese religion are 2 different things, just as Western Medicine and any western religious beliefs are completely different. Usually, when we show up in an ER, we don't ask the trauma physician if he or she is a Christian, we are just grateful for their help!

2). As a Practitioner in EFT when working with a client who has physical issues, our first question is, "have you seen a doctor?" There is definitely a place for both Eastern and Western medicine. If I have a gangrene gallbladder, probably caused by my reaction to abuse, where I carry around rage, anger, hatred, I'm not necessarily going to try to "cure" it with tapping. I want a competent surgeon to remove it before it bursts and I become septic. Then I will want to deal with the negative emotions that got me in the fix to begin with so something else physical doesn't go haywire!

3). Being a history buff, I agree with this author that not all early Western medicine researchers, such as William Harvey, Lister, Salk, etc. were Christians. They might have been. Who cares? Does that mean I reject all their findings? Of course, I don't. Their religious beliefs as they researched how God put together the human body has absolutely no bearing on what they personally believed about the Creator Himself!

4). Research surely now seems to show that there is a direct relationship between our emotions and our physical health. God is in the healing business. Jesus performed many miracles, as did His apostles. Miracles still happen today. Healing is God's purview, not satan's. satan never healed anyone! So, like the instructions to Apostle Peter in Acts, eat sacrificed meat, it doesn't matter what the original intent or belief system was, God blesses it and sanctions for our good because He created it for our wellbeing.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner