Jeremy Camp's song We Must Remember is a great reminder that God died once and for all for us! He has tossed our sins as far as the east is from the west - He remembers them no more!
EFT is a process that God uses to make us forget our confessed sins and move on to do the job He ordained for us to do for His Kingdom before we were born!
Remember, satan condemns; the Holy Spirit convicts.
If you have confessed your sin, including those bad habits, hatred, anger, etc., and still they plague you and you cannot seem to move beyond it, conquering the behavior, remember it is satan messing with you.
Try EFT - God is faithful to make us more and more in His image if we just use the processes and mechanisms He laid out for us to use.
Here is Jeremy's song for your enjoyment!
For more information, go to . To schedule a free 15 minute EFT consultation to see if Christian EFT is right for you, or for a list of available Christian practitioners, email me at .
For a copy of my new book EFT for Christians, either order from, or go to my website and click on the Paypal button to take you to a payment page. I will ship the book shortly. Thank you!
Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own emotional and physical health and well-being.
I tap for Jesus!
Sherrie Rice Smith
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