Saturday, April 23, 2016

EFT & Memory Fragmentation for Practitioners

This article outlines several important facts for us as we tap with trauma victims.

Trauma tends to fragment memories, totally distorting what actually happened. As an EFT coach, none of this matters. I always say truth in trauma is irrelevant. It's all about perception and that perception becomes the client's truth.

Our job is to go with whatever the client brings to the table to tap about. Truth or perception, it all has to be neutralized, if the client is to heal.

Remember that "trauma capsule" we discussed in class? The author talks about it in the latter part of this article. A client may remember what happened before the trauma and what happened after the trauma, but little is remember DURING the trauma. All the memories of the trauma specifically are often hidden away and buried by the subconscious in that "trauma capsule".

It is a protective mechanism. The trauma was too severe and too awful to actually remember.

In the end the details of what actually happened don't matter.

So, again, tap whatever the client brings to the table. Be thorough with all the different aspects. Dig, if you must, to find all those sensory specific details that lock this trauma in place. Ask tons of questions, too, if you feel the trauma needs further clearing.

Once this is thoroughly accomplished, you will have changed the client's life forever. It really is akin to a miracle!

Questions? Fire away!

Remember, EFT is not a substitute for medical help. Take personal responsibility for all of your personal emotional and physical needs.

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (ret.)
Certified EFT Practitioner             
Author "EFT for Christians" (2015)

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