"The "Over focusing" on the past is usually quite different with EFT. You focus on it long enough to release the trapped emotion (blocked energy) and rewire your neural circuits to no longer respond with emotional intensity to the memory. you usually won't forget the events but with completed EFT the memories carry the same emotional charge as remembering Columbus sailed the oceans blue in 1492.
While not a usual result, i have one client tap on a time when he was about 8-10 years old and was dropped off at military academy. His father had told him they would just check it out but once he met the principle his suitcase was unloaded and his father drove off.
It was over 30 years earlier that this event happened. It took 2 and half sessions to thoroughly go through all the parts "aspects" of the event and a few months later he reported he had not been that happy in years. His depression was gone and he felt like a new person....even while carrying the license plate number of the car his father drove away in. He reported looking at it but it just didn't trigger the old feelings anymore....he had made peace with the past or released the attached emotions or rewired his neurons around that memory or released his blocked energy (which ever explanation works best for you).
In later experiences with other clients it seems to be true that the higher number of traumas a person has and or the lower level of assistance they had as a child in learning how to manage their emotions the less likely you'll get an "instant cure all" result.
Still you do gain a lasting significant level of peace with each event you resolve with EFT. (NOTE: you may not get every part or aspect of an event the first time you go through it....sometimes you get one part resolved but then your body/mind takes you to the next layer below which you didn't know was even there because the first layer was what was getting your attention. So sometimes you may need to "redo/tap again" on an event to get a few missed parts or aspects cleared up. But once you do, you can reasonably expect long term fixes.
In short you really only focus on a specific piece of/event in the past just long enough to make peace with it and then move on to the next issue of concern... EFT is not just a regurgitation of the same old things over and over again.
For myself (EFT aside) I personally believe and encourage my clients to use the past to learn from (so you don't keep making the same mistakes) and make peace with it....beyond that you should be looking forward to where you feel God is leading you in the future....but sometimes we need to make peace with the past so we can cut the hidden reins controlling our present and future.
I firmly believe God designed us to live freed from stress, the past and other emotional baggage so we can more fully live freed for a life that matters for eternity."
This was written by Steve Baerg. Steve can be reached at: TheStressReliefCoach.com.
Remember, EFT is not a substitute for medical attention. Please take personal responsibility for your own emotional and physical health.
Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author of EFT for Christians - on Amazon
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