Saturday, October 29, 2016

Another Christian's Perspective on EFT

Steven Baerg wrote this to me & I reprint it here with his permission: Steve has a great perspective on Christian EFT:
"I have personally and with clients seen EFT as the most powerful tool to help people make peace with the past so they can move forward into better feelings, thoughts and actions and for Christians a fuller experience of the freedom to fulfill God's calling for them!
My goal is to become truly excellent at EFT so that i can assist people in truly living out Christ's character in them along with gaining a huge amount of emotional freedom and peace. So I have been studying eft seriously..... I am considering after I feel I have mastered or at least come close to mastering EFT, I'll start on Matrix... at least learn what it is about and then decide.
I am a skeptic.... but open minded and quite honestly struggled over the question of EFT and Christianity a lot .... stopped using it for a while and just prayed about it...My first priority is God and if I believed EFT would interfere with our relationship with God I would have to quit EFT despite the results.... but over time I have come to see the real mechanism of action and process of EFT as being very congruent with the Bible in the sense that it cooperates so well with how He made us....(this has been about a 3-4 year journey for me)
One major understanding that has helped me greatly is that "spiritual" non Bible believers nearly always end up worshiping / idealizing what God created rather than the God who created it. Therefore it is not wrong to accept and rightly use what He created as long as we are careful to remember it is the creation you are working with NOT the creator. 
Most the "new agers" around EFT look to the energy as some sort of special spiritual thing with creative power and innate life force and in that sense worship the energy... But that is a confusion between God's amazing creation and the God who created it.... once I got that figured out I have come to be pretty comfortable working with this amazing aspect of God's creation even though others mistakenly idolize it as a "god" in it's own right which is wrong. But the fact that they "worship" it doesn't change the fact that it is a potentially very helpful tool God wishes to bless us with. After all, people worship the sun... it doesn't make the sun evil or mean we can't appreciate it as a wonderful example of God's creative power and love for us."
Steven Berg can be contacted at: 

EFT is not a substitute for a medical provider, so take personal responsibility for your own physical and emotional wellbeing.

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Author of EFT for Christians - on Amazon

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Tapping on Body Sensations and Mindfulness YouTube Video

EFT is not a substitute for physical or psychological care, so please contact your own personal physician for all your emotional needs.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Memory Reconsolidation and EFT

I like this article. It is pretty succinctly states how memory reconsolidation actually works in clinical settings.
This man states what no one else will really say - that we "erase neural circuits".  We all know it is happening, but in EFT circles we are cautioned not to actually say that. I just say it! We are changing our neurology with tapping.
The steps of how to accomplish the memory reconsolidation are all packed into how EFT is done with the set-up and the tapping.
We ask the client what memory or habit they want changed. We help them retrieve a memory, or God does, that matches how they feel about the memory or habit. And then tapping disconnects the circuits holding the feelings around the memory/habit/event in place, permanently altering it all. 
That 5-6 hour window occurs where the memory is friable. In Matrix Reimprinting we tell clients to go through the process of "re-imprinting" the changed scene at least once in the ensuing couple of hours.
This may be where doing a floor to ceiling eye roll or the 9 gamut is truly useful in hardening those positive changes made during the session, integrating the new message into all parts of the brain anatomy, truly rewiring those circuits.
The author claims we must make the session "truly experiential". EFT does that, as we re-ignite by allowing the triggers to come to the surface around the negative memory or event that haunts us, tapping all the while.  God uses tapping to break down that incessant hardened memory while we set up 2 different thoughts in our mind.
"We accept" ourselves in spite of what is going on - this bad memory. The exposure to the problem and just allowing us to be ok with it, or stating we are ok even if we aren't, or hope we can be someday.
As the amygdala finally gets the message that we are now safe in this moment of time and that the trauma is now truly over, the hippocampus can put the memory to bed as a past event.
The author is correct in that it all works in spite of much input from the "therapist". The coach is the guide to the process, not really much involved other than directing the client to go where one needs to go to change the memory, neutralizing it.  
Remember, EFT is NOT a substitute for medical care. Please call your own personal physician in case of a medical emergency.

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (ret.)
Certified EFT Practitioner              
Author "EFT for Christians" on Amazon

Friday, October 7, 2016

Christian EFT Set-up Statement

What does the EFT set-up statement do?

The set-up statement has 2 parts. “Even though I have this problem, I know God loves me and I accept myself just the way I am” is one of the Christian versions I use.

The first part is a cognitive recognition of exactly what the problem is. Obviously we insert into the statement where I used the word “problem” something concrete and specific to us, like anxiousness, fear, creepy feeling in my chest, pressure in my chest, butterflies in my stomach, whatever we are feeling and tapping about.

Second part is the acceptance statement. That can be anything you want it to be. There is a standard one used most often, but it doesn’t have to be the only acceptance statement you use.

The whole reason for the acceptance part of the set-up is to get us eventually to ACCEPT ourselves right where we are right now in spite of our beliefs, experiences, and mistakes in life. Once that acceptance comes, we can let go of all the beliefs and stuff that ties us down to a particular way of living or acting. Once we let all that go and truly let God's will reign in our lives, look out because God has just been cut loose to work out His perfect will for you! And that is when truly amazing things begin to happen in life! Unbelievable things!

EFT is not a substitute for medical care, so please consult your own personal physician for any physical or emotional needs.

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author EFT for Christians,  Tapping in God’s Peace and Joy