Sunday, September 15, 2019


EFT is an amazing tool to allow us to stop carrying emotional loads that we need to simply let go and let God handle.

Often we are too vested in other peoples' outcomes when those outcomes aren't up to us.

Tapping helps us divest ourselves of holding ourselves responsible for other peoples' actions, thoughts and habitual behaviors.

Let God handle it. Tap!

EFT is not a substitute for standard medical or psychological care, so please consult your own personal physician when needed.

Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author of EFT for Christians (2015)
Author of EFT for Christians Advanced (2017)

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Epigenetics and Tapping

Epigenetics is simply defined as the study of biological processes that will switch disease genes on and off. To say this simply – we only have less than 15% of our genetic material as completely predetermined. This might include height, hair color, shape of our nose, but our disease future is not only in God’s hands, but it is also up to our free will!

Because we know that emotionally negative life events do turn on disease genes, it is our choice to do the emotional work to keep these genes turned off, or perhaps to reverse any genes that have already turned on (allow God to heal us). This statement is powerful! God has granted us dominion over the earth (Genesis), but it also appears He has granted us more dominion over our own body than ever before thought!

Let me state this one more time. Highly emotionally charged life memories can allow disease genes, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, neurological problems, such as MS and ALS, etc. to “manifest” in our body. Conversely, it appears that negating and neutralizing those same highly charged events and the perceptions they left us with will do the opposite – keep disease, both chronic and acute, genes turned off, keeping us in good or better health. Research routinely continues to show us how powerfully important our environmental impact is to us.
Essentially anything we come into contact with including what we eat, where we live, who we grew up with, how we sleep and exercise, how we were treated by others, our educational and economic levels, sights, sounds, and smells in our everyday life shifts and changes our internal cellular chemistry.

Epigenetics, a relatively new science, has proven that cells are respond constantly to their environment. Each cell has internal and external antennae that continuously scan our body/mind and our habitat for clues it needs to maintain homeostasis. Our SC wants total stability; it hates change, so it acts like a chemist adding in a dollop of this neurotransmitter, or subtracting a dollop of that hormone based on what our conscious mind would consider insignificant environmental clues just to keep our body stable. Our genes respond situation by situation to all outside and inside thoughts, reactions, and situations, all of which are determined by our emotional perception to what is going on.
So, what does this mean to you and me? We have a greater control over our genetic “destiny” than ever imagined. The field of epigenetics has made it quite clear that our life beliefs and our perceptions about life events deeply affect our physical health. Those perceptions and beliefs literally turn disease genes on or keep them off.
Dr. Bruce Lipton, a cellular biologist, has written an astounding book, albeit from a new age perspective, about this topic. Dr. Lipton’s research seems to prove we can move past our internal and external environmental stressors and move toward better health and well-being by down-regulating the impact of negative emotional beliefs and memories which then down-regulate our disease genes.
If you want to read further on this topic, pick up a copy of his book Biology of Belief. Another excellent book on this topic, another book that will amaze you, is Dawson Church’s Genie in Your Genes. I recommend both as good educational reading."
Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
EFTC 52 Tapping Devotions, Volume 2 Coming Christmas, 2019