Sunday, December 19, 2021

Personal and Family Epigenetics Running Our Present Lives

Here is an interesting article that explains the new field of epigenetics.

What often is running both our emotional and physical health is our own personal past. There truly is still more affecting us than we ever envisioned decades ago!
As mind and brain research continues to unfold, scientists are only just beginning to understand that experiences and memories of our forefathers and foremothers are also running our personal biology.
I'm not talking about "past lives" or "reincarnation", so please don't confuse epigenetics with that topic!
God wrapped up so very much in the human body when He created us. Part of that experiential learning is bound up in the new science field of epigenetics. In order to survive life, all species, including humans, have to learn and REMEMBER what they experienced so as not to repeat that possibly dangerous behavior.
Often these behaviors were repeated so often and are so hardwired into our subconscious memory! God created this as a good thing! However, with sin entering the world, it can often go awry.
When we remember not only the incident but all the accompanying emotional pain and fallout from something horrific, this piece of the learning also gets stuffed into our body's cells.The cells remember the pain which can then get triggered when we sense a danger that is closely akin to what happened in the past.
So, we not only remember the incident as a safety valve to protect us, we remember the emotional pain to reinforce that learning.
Often this is subconscious! We don't know we have inherited great, great grandma's issues, but we have and we can.

We have lots to tap about! Tapping can make a huge dent in this ancestor stuff. And when we clear it using EFT and/or Matrix Reimprinting (or other somatic techniques), often our physical issues also heal once the body's cells release the pain they have been holding.
God is amazing! He thought of it all! We truly are blessed!

God bless your tapping journey! Join us on Facebook for more discussion opportunities!

Visit my EFT for Christians website and request the free EFT information I have listed there.

And grab a copy of my 5 EFT for Christians How-to Tap books to obtain a thorough understanding of how to incorporate the Christian components into your EFT tapping!

Remember, EFT is NOT a substitute for sound medical or psychological care, so please contact your own personal physician when you need that type of help.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

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