Sunday, December 5, 2021

Tapping Example from a Client Story! God is so Good!

With permission I recount this client (Jennie) story:
EFT Tapping is such a versatile tool. Here is a practical use of it!
Jennie was having anxiety and some fear around this her upcoming colonoscopy appointment.
And so we tapped on all the different aspects (details) that were bothering her including:
1). Fear of what the doctor might find
2). Anxiety about the procedure itself, including the sedation
3). Anxiety about the awful prep including the diet, as the allowable pre-test foods are things Jennie doesn't usually eat!
4). Fear of catching COVID at the clinic
5). Inconvenience of needing to go to clinic 2 days early to get a COVID test
6). Anxiety about previous prep reactions - feeling horribly cold, shaking, and generally feeling miserable
7). Anxiety about trying to remember to take some car seat protective covering in case of an accident.
8). Fear about getting an IV pre-op, reactions to the anesthetic, and whatever else we tapped about!
Wonderfully, the following morning I receive a phone call! Jennie is now actually excited to get this colonoscopy done and over. Yes, read that! Excited!
Her reframe (changing of our mind) is she is going to ENJOY the 5 day prep! After looking at the dietary list, she realized she would buy and eat foods she loves but rarely eats because they don't fit into her lifestyle right now. She planned to TREAT herself to something special!
Jennie wrote out her menus and created her grocery list. She also wrote out a time line of what had to be done when in order to eliminate re-reading the pages and pages of instructions. Nothing would be missed or mixed up now!
This is EXACTLY what EFT tapping often does for us!
As we tap God "reframes" and changes our mind about thing to come and things that have happened in the past, so that we can settle down and enjoy His presence right here right now in a state of grace without worry or preoccupation.
Tapping does so much more than just this, but if we just used it for issues of today, what a wonderful gift from our Lord!
What have you recently tapped about that God gave you an exciting gift as He switched up your emotions?  Leave me a message, so I can rejoice with you!
God bless your tapping journey! Join us on Facebook for more discussion opportunities!

Visit my EFT for Christians website and request the free EFT information I have listed there.

And grab a copy of my 5 EFT for Christians How-to Tap books to obtain a thorough understanding of how to incorporate the Christian components into your EFT tapping!

Remember, EFT is NOT a substitute for sound medical or psychological care, so please contact your own personal physician when you need that type of help.

We tap for Jesus!

Sherrie Rice SmithCertified EFT PractitionerEFTforChristians.comAuthor of EFT for Christians 5 Book Series

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