Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Childhood Limiting Beliefs Hang On!

I heard Simon & Garfunkel’s song “My Little Town” other day and the lyrics got me thinking, again. Verse 3 goes as this, “And after it rains there's a rainbow and all of the colors are black. It's not that the colors aren't there, it's just imagination they lack. Everything's the same back in my little town, my little town, my little town.” For many of us our childhood trauma has locked us in just like the rainbow that lacks imagination. We were so busy protecting ourselves and our hearts from further pain, all the color of life was lacking, and we stayed small within our “little town” of our mind. We created limiting beliefs, lies, about everything around us - who we were, what we were, where we belonged, who did/didn’t love us, including God, what our abilities were, were we even safe at all, etc. For me, when I dream or just have my eyes closed I see no color, just black, white, and maybe gray. Through the decade plus of tapping, as I just about fall asleep and am in that alpha-theta brain wave state, I get glimpses of vivid pictures complete with its full compliment of appropriate colors! It’s beautiful! Once I realize consciously what I’m seeing, it all disappears! I know that as healing continues more will come. I guess my subconscious mind still, even today, doesn’t feel safe enough to go full techni-color, like the old movies called it. So how much of our trauma gets tied up into those sensory pieces? Neurologically it’s an interesting question! Sherrie Rice Smith Certified EFT Practitioner Author of EFT for Christians 5 Book Series

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