Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Paper Tigers Chasing Us

We often discuss “paper tigers” in EFT training classes. “Evolutionary” science shows us that, like animals, we often instinctively know what is dangerous and we take steps to avoid the same mistakes in the future. Today dangerous fatal situations rarely exist yet we often react to emotional events just as if these were threatening our mortality! “Indeed, the majority of discomfort (dangerous situations)is typically self- manufactured. As Mark Twain once wrote, ‘My life has been filled with terrible misfortunes-most of which never happened.’ We are our own worst enemy. So with a lack of an external battle or enemy, an internal battle has emerged. What’s more, our discomfort today typically revolves around trivial issues that are construed by our mind and body as being ruinous. The war that then takes place within us isn’t just confined to our minds - it also materializes at the cellular level. Nowhere else is this so obvious as in autoimmune illnesses, which are characterized by the absence of an external threat yet the body begins to wage a war within itself, one that takes a serious and sometimes deadly toll.” “Your Survival Instinct is Killing You” pg. 40. Marc Schoen Am I saying we do any of this on purpose? Absolutely not! Our unconscious mind reacts for us as a protective mechanism. God created it this way to keep us alive, but trauma spins it out of control, leaving us with angst, pain, emotional unsteadiness and disease. All the trauma remnants go into a body part(s). We find out 20-30-40 years later what body part(s) absorbed it. Time to let it go before we discover where that discomfort and pain all went! EFT tapping awaits you! Sherrie Rice Smith Certified EFT Practitioner Author of EFT for Christians 5 Book Series

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