Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Brain Can Change Itself (with some help from us!)

Wonderful quote! Norman Doidge, M.D., a neurologist at Columbia University and author of “The Brain That Changes Itself”sums it up nicely: “The discovery that the human brain can change its own structure and function with thought and experience, turning on its own genes to change its circuitry, reorganize itself, and change its operation, is the most important alteration in our understanding of the brain in four hundred years.” And that’s what we do when we use EFT tapping - change our brain and change our DNA genes! —— Example: Tapping on how a mother was emotionally distant growing up would look totally different with each person/client because how that was felt or experienced is specific to the person who is tapping. We tap on events, events, events, neutralizing as we go along, step by step, day by day. Tapping has a formula but it’s just that. A formula. Chemistry and mathematics have formulas, too, but outcomes of both are dependent on what factors are attached to the formula! Tapping outcomes differ between people, too, depending on multiple factors, but we plod on, tapping, doing the best we can. If we hit a wall, time to call me for a referral to a Christian EFT practitioner! Sherrie Rice Smith Certified EFT Practitioner Author of EFT for Christians 5 Book Series

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