Thursday, June 13, 2024

Emotional Pain Lands IN the Body!

"BALANCING THE EMOTIONS 'Any imbalance in an emotional state - when one emotion dominates or overrides the others - can predispose one to heart disease,' says Frank Lipman, MD, an integrative physician, board-certified internist, and licensed acupuncturist. 'Learning to deal with emotions is extremely important.' But studying these emotional states is difficult, concedes Lipman, 'It's not something you can measure easily.' Nonetheless, emotions can get stuck in the body. When you release these emotional holding patterns physically, he says, you're releasing emotional states, as well.' Lipman has facilitated these releases in patients through acupuncture. He also refers some patients to body workers and healers, who are able to shift energy in the body." Want help moving those painful emotional states? Email me for a Christian EFT practitioner referral - we have practitioners in several countries in a couple continents! Sherrie Rice Smith Certified EFT Practitioner Author of EFT for Christians 5 Book Series

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