Saturday, January 11, 2014
Curiously, as I read the big, long article I posted below, it hit me that the author put into words something I think the Holy Spirit has been whispering to me for the past 3 weeks. He whispers and I ponder for awhile, and then He clarifies, just as He always does to me through an article or a conversation. I'm very quiet during this contemplation period, not even articulating to Brad what I'm thinking, only because it is a stirring in my soul, and I finally wised up to know Who is speaking. I need to await His pleasure and conclusion of what He has to tell me.
He just did it again! Wow!
As I tap with clients, particularly the non-Christians ones, and specifically the ones who use the term "Universe" as their theological base, I've wondered how do I gently, but passionately bring in God as a refutation to their concept of "Universe" without being completely disrespectful and coming off, like so many Christians do, in an alienating manner.
I need a God glorifying way to say He is in charge without coming off looking like a Bible thumper. I want to be a bridge between these crazy new agers and us Christians. I have the mechanism in my hand.
Now, how do I say it kindly? In their language, but not compromising my own?
I haven't figured out how to do that just yet, but this Matt guy's article says to me exactly what I have been thinking! We can use Christian EFT as that bridge, pointing the new agers to the King of the Universe, the real King!
I believe that is why I'm so empathic about this going to the churches, and then coming back out of the churches. This is language these unbelievers understand. The Church can talk to them without compromising its own personal belief system!
Anyway, I will continue to ponder the exact line I need to say. It will come. It will be a classic. It will be God's words to those I tap with; those He has chosen to hear these exact, perfect words of His.
I just find it so curious how and what He uses to talk with us. Now that my soul is quiet; much of the overwhelming emotions released; the ceaseless chatter gone, I can actually listen. It is incredibly refreshing!
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Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own health and well-being.