Thursday, June 13, 2024

Emotional Pain Lands IN the Body!

"BALANCING THE EMOTIONS 'Any imbalance in an emotional state - when one emotion dominates or overrides the others - can predispose one to heart disease,' says Frank Lipman, MD, an integrative physician, board-certified internist, and licensed acupuncturist. 'Learning to deal with emotions is extremely important.' But studying these emotional states is difficult, concedes Lipman, 'It's not something you can measure easily.' Nonetheless, emotions can get stuck in the body. When you release these emotional holding patterns physically, he says, you're releasing emotional states, as well.' Lipman has facilitated these releases in patients through acupuncture. He also refers some patients to body workers and healers, who are able to shift energy in the body." Want help moving those painful emotional states? Email me for a Christian EFT practitioner referral - we have practitioners in several countries in a couple continents! Sherrie Rice Smith Certified EFT Practitioner Author of EFT for Christians 5 Book Series

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Brain Can Change Itself (with some help from us!)

Wonderful quote! Norman Doidge, M.D., a neurologist at Columbia University and author of “The Brain That Changes Itself”sums it up nicely: “The discovery that the human brain can change its own structure and function with thought and experience, turning on its own genes to change its circuitry, reorganize itself, and change its operation, is the most important alteration in our understanding of the brain in four hundred years.” And that’s what we do when we use EFT tapping - change our brain and change our DNA genes! —— Example: Tapping on how a mother was emotionally distant growing up would look totally different with each person/client because how that was felt or experienced is specific to the person who is tapping. We tap on events, events, events, neutralizing as we go along, step by step, day by day. Tapping has a formula but it’s just that. A formula. Chemistry and mathematics have formulas, too, but outcomes of both are dependent on what factors are attached to the formula! Tapping outcomes differ between people, too, depending on multiple factors, but we plod on, tapping, doing the best we can. If we hit a wall, time to call me for a referral to a Christian EFT practitioner! Sherrie Rice Smith Certified EFT Practitioner Author of EFT for Christians 5 Book Series

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Empathy vs. Compassion

“Wisdom without compassion is ruthlessness and compassion without wisdom is folly.” Fred Kofman “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” Plato “By practicing compassion, we can become more resilient and improve our overall well-being. Bloom says, ‘careful reasoning mixed with a more distant compassion […] makes the world a better place.’” “The problem with empathy is the flip side that psychologists refer to as emotional empathy. That’s our yearning to not only understand other people but to feel their pain, too.” We’ve discussed the difference between empathy and compassion on this board before, and I created a YouTube video on the topic. People who claim to be ”empaths” own a hard road, I believe. Feeling others’ pain” as a “thought” in our head rather than as a bodily sensation can help keep us from completely “sucking” up the other person’s physical problems/disease. Being empathetic is an attempt “to feel” the other person’s angst almost as much as if the originating event actually happened personally to us. Either compassion or empathy can lead to the same end we are trying to achieve - helping one another (Galatians 5:13, 1 Corinthians 10:24), but compassion is healthier because we aren’t carrying the actual emotional burden that gets our body into biochemical problems! This is worth reading. Tapping, I believe, can make us more compassionate than empathetic, keeping us healthier both physically and emotionally. And Jesus exuded compassion in His ministry by finding ways to help others without getting tied up in our human drama until the Father allowed Calvary. Sherrie Rice Smith Certified EFT Practitioner Author of EFT for Christians 5 Book Series

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Is EFT Tapping in the Bible?

Sometimes I have people ask me, "Is EFT in the Bible?" Well, of course, it isn't, nor is our automobile (wonder what Jesus would have ridden in on Palm Sunday instead of His donkey???!!), or airplane or refrigerator and washing machine, and we still use those freely. What is IN the Bible is lots of humans with lots of negative emotions that caused all kinds of societal fallout, as it does today. We are human, we have emotional turmoil, but it doesn't HAVE to rule us. Once again, God has provided everything we need, including a path out of emotional pain. The EFT tapping tool sits waiting for us to grab it and use it! Sherrie Rice Smith Certified EFT Practitioner Author of EFT for Christians 5 Book Series

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Emotional Pain Sticks to US

It’s indeed a bit like treating the symptoms vs. treating the cause. The “symptoms” are our emotional angst and possibly physical issues. The underlying “cause” (disease) is our trauma, big stuff or lots of little stuff, hurtful memories, and disturbing events in our life. Those emotional “causes” stick around in our cells where our unconscious mind puts them, completely unknown to us. Our cells can be equated to a house attic, storage unit, old barn loft, etc. We stuff items in any or all of those places, forgetting about them, until sometime possible catastrophic happens and NOW we have to deal with the stored up junk. Emotionally it’s the same thing. Bad stuff happens, we “get over it” (time doesn’t heal all wounds, sorry, folks!), move on and THEN our body starts yelling and our emotions begin to flare, forcing us NOW to deal with the past - all those things we stuffed in our emotional attic, barn, and storage unit. Tapping BEFORE we accumulate all that junk keeps the “storage” unit of our unconscious mind clear, clean, and uncluttered! Tap, tap, tap! Sherrie Rice Smith Certified EFT Practitioner Author of EFT for Christians 5 Book Series

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Early Infant Attachment and EFT

DR. AIMIE APIGIAN “Whatever the degree of regulation we achieved through relationship in the first 6 months of life is the degree that we will be able to connect with others and want to connect with others. The degree to which regulation did not happen through regulation in relationship with our mother reflects the degree that our system had to rely on the freeze response for state control. Attachment is the degree of internal regulation (or dysregulation) that we experience in authentic and intimate relationships to ourselves, others and the world.” Here again EFT tapping is often quite helpful! Sherrie Rice Smith Certified EFT Practitioner Author of EFT for Christians 5 Book Series