Thursday, December 25, 2014

EFT & Trust in God

Wow, is God really exploding some of His truths into my consciousness! This is almost scary!  I pray often for the Wisdom of Solomon, and I know that many times I understand far beyond what I probably should, or see what is really happening below the surface, in situations around me.  At times, it is a heavy responsibility because, if I speak out with the truth, I’m ignored or rejected. I believe this is a true gift from the Holy Spirit – it is discernment, a rare gift.
Does it make me more special than anyone else? Nope!  Everyone has gifts of the Holy Spirit. The only question is:  are we willing to submit to His holy will and use them for the glorification of His Kingdom? One gift is no better or any worse than another. St. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 12: 4-6 & 11, “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.  There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.  There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines”. God gives us exactly what He wants us to have, but the point is we must use what we are given. I mean used actively for the furtherance of His Kingdom here on earth.
My heart is nearly overwhelmed with God’s truth of the past several days. I’m trying to figure out, well, the Holy Spirit is doing the work here, how to make a Christian EFT model, one that can be implemented easily & quickly into the churches nationwide - something understandable with simple concepts on all aspects of the science & psychology of all things EFT.
I’m working with a particularly “difficult” client right now, not that she is being difficult, but that her negative life process is so deeply embedded from years and years of depression. This in & of itself makes this a tough case, but it all goes one step further. She, and I shall call her Edith, is some prominent in the community. Edith is a Christian who is in a rotten place in life, not by any choice of hers.  I need to make Edith’s faith plain to her as we use EFT. God is showing me how He wants Christian EFT to go through Edith’s pain.
The other “difficulty” here is as much as I want to divorce my own personal feelings from this tapping case, I find myself slipping back into some of my old patterns of self-doubt and fears, too.  I’ve tapped about all this, and I’ve rebuked satan & covered myself with the Blood of the Lamb, but the doubts linger. What if I fail? What if I screw up here? What if EFT lets me down? What if Edith’s disease process is so bad that not even EFT can pry it loose? On and on I go with the internal questions.
I have a small squadron of my personal prayer warriors standing behind me, as I do these tough cases. I would never even consider doing any of this work without having myself covered in prayer, and with this woman even more so!
I’ve prayed now for 3 years for God to reveal what & how He wants me to use the EFT that He has given me. I feel He wants me to produce a specifically Christian brand of EFT for the churches, something most denominations will be comfortable with, no matter how liberal or how conservative. When I started developing this I had absolutely no idea what it would look like. None. I had an offer of a free website, specifically for Christians, and I jumped on that. I won’t turn down something free. Once, the website was agreed upon, I embarked on writing all these blogs, as a free blog was also part of the website deal. As I write God just explodes in my head, one idea after another, stuff I would have never, ever thought of myself. Wow, is God amazing, or what?
However, in this process, and in this new “difficult” case He dumped onto my lap, I’ve realized/learned a few new things.
This is an added dimension of trust that I found in me. I never realized it was there, and I know it is enhanced by own personal EFT work. This is a God thing!  This is not of me. As I work daily at this new website and blog, and now this new case with Edith, I realize how vulnerable I feel. I’ve just opened myself up once again to rejection and fear of failure. Today, I realized (while having iced tea with a dear sweet young gal & her 2 beautiful little daughters) exactly what I’m feeling. I’m scared I will screw this all up. That was a huge fear of mine as a child, well into my adult life. It kept me tied up, holding back from doing what God wanted me to do. I couldn’t even trust Him to make stuff work out.
I realized today that EFT has taken me beyond all that, at least for today, and that is all God asks of us – walk with Him one day at a time, trusting Him the entire way, to deal with whatever befalls us. As I have tapped away my childhood issues, God is faithful to me. He has opened up an entirely new level of trust & dependence on Him. I see where, and I knew this before, but it never stopped me from worrying, my failure and possible rejection has absolutely nothing to do with me.  This is huge! If I have complete and total dependence on Him, then, if failure occurs, it is His will for His purpose that it happens. I’m not a failure in His eyes, no matter what other men think. I’m a failure only if I fail to do as He bids me do. I fail if I allow myself to fall into disobedience to His holy will.
Now, don’t get me wrong, intellectually I always knew all this, but today, for the first time in my life, I feel this! I finally get it!  Something has changed in my physiology! EFT tapping has changed something, making it now a part of me. God is at work.
I’ve cleared out enough emotional garbage that God can finally use me for His eternal purposes. Most of the self-doubting worry is gone. And I mean really gone, as in vanished. I think I have arrived at the place where the lilies of the field live!  Matthew 6:25-33 reads:
 “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?  Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin;  and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.  Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?  For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you”.

I’m not called to look down the road a hundred miles, I’m only told to take one step at a time within the will of God, & seek His Kingdom first. I have no need to know what is ahead, and now the past is disabled, thanks to EFT. All that counts is the present. God has the past and God has the future (“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” Matthew 6:34).

I need only concern myself with the here and now – live in the mindfulness of the present, enjoying every minute God has allowed me to have on this earth. And the here and now is listening to the beckoning of the Holy Spirit, His instructions for my life, and then stepping out in faith & follow exactly those instructions. It means being completely and totally yielded to Him in everything.
What a spot to find myself in!  I’ve never been here before. I think it is pretty neat! Will I falter again & resume worrying? Possibly, but God has given me a wonderful tool in EFT. When worry or doubt sets in, I stop, excuse myself from the conversation, and head to a remote, quiet place and tap. What do I tap? First, I repent of the worry & doubt, and then I tap & pray, asking God to once again restore unto me His precious peace and confidence in knowing that I am walking in His perfect will. Psalm 51:10-12 reads: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.  Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit”.
What an amazing place to be, now that I’m 60 years old! The bottom line here is this: As I have tapped my way into internal cleanness, dredging up & discarding all of my emotional junk, God has honored me by blowing open a spiritual component to my Christian life that I never dreamed possible. Maybe this is the stuff, dimensions that the Christian mystics and fathers have spoken of in eons gone by. I knew nothing of it. How could I?  They were so buried under my pain and hurt and negative feelings, nothing good could penetrate them. I’ve picked and prodded myself, peeling away layer upon layer, of useless emotions, arriving at a spot I desired, but never thought possible. This may well be the peace that passes all understanding that St. Paul talks about in Philippians (“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” – Philippians 4:6-7). If it isn’t, then what in the world does that look like? I’d surely be anxious to know, wouldn’t you? Peace & trust, what a wonderful place to dwell. Thank you, Lord, thank you!
If you are interested in finding out how to get to this trustful place in your life, email me. I would love to show you how to do that with EFT. It really does work as I say it does. God be praised!
For more information, go to
To schedule a free EFT coaching session, email me at

Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own health and well-being.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Fullness in Jesus Procedure

For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men. Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification (Romans 14:17-19). All of us want peace and joy in Christ.

We crave it in our lives. EFT for Christian’s version of Gary Craig’s “Personal Peace Procedure” is called Fullness in Jesus Procedure. All of us have loads and loads of negative personal stuff in our background. Every single human being does. Anyone who denies this is simply not being honest with him/herself. It is simply impossible to not have had a hurtful event, a dismissive memory, or some childhood or adulthood painful memory. No matter how wonderful or diligent a parent is, somewhere along the line (s)he lost their patience with a child. Undoubtedly, you were that child. I kiddingly tell people that if you can’t come up with a long list of nasty events in your life, then you must have been born on Neptune because you certainly weren’t born here on earth!

The Fullness in Jesus Procedure is relatively simply.
 1) Purchase a small memo or notebook that will fit in your pocket or purse.

 2) Write down every single event, big, little, or in between, that had any kind of a negative impact on you during your life. Even if you feel a memory has absolutely no emotional impact to you, write it down anyway. You remembered it; it has impact somewhere within your subconscious.

3) With due diligence you should come up with several hundred memories or events. I had about 378!

4) Rate each event on a scale of 0-10.

5) Begin working on this process by picking out the events with the highest SUDS and doing those first. Tap on the events or memories until you have completely resolved everything around them. If other aspects or other emotions come up about the memory, as you tap, write them down in your memo book to do separately, unless you have time during the current tapping session to address them. Get yourself to 0 on the SUDS level on each emotion.

6) Daily, work on at least one memory. Preferably, several, if you can make time to do so. Each event probably will only take you a few minutes. By eliminating multiple events a week, you will begin to notice a difference in your life, as the small negative things move out, creating Jesus’ peace within you.

7) If an event seems to have no SUDS attached to it, tap it anyway. I would apply 8 to 10 rounds of Clinical EFT to it, based on your best guess of what the emotion might be and what the SUDS might be. A guess is good enough here to get the job done. If the memory needs more work, the tapping will be enough to break it loose so it becomes more evident to you.

8) Continue through the entire list, even if you begin to feel remarkably better. It is imperative that you clean up everything you can remember in your life. If you don’t, it will return and you will have to tap on it anyway. These things tend to return at the most inopportune times!

9) You may simply tap the emotion attached to each of these memories, or do a “tell the story” or “movie technique”, if it is a longer story with multiple emotional events in it. There really is no right or wrong way to do the Fullness in Jesus Procedure. Little will change in your life unless you make some effort to use the process God implanted in us for this emotional relief.

10) Now, go on to the subsequent events that have the next highest SUDS attached to them. As you proceed along, you will begin to notice that events with similar emotional feelings will begin to fade away of their own accord. This is what this process should do. You are beginning to eliminate “table legs”, collapsing the many tables as you go along.

11) You may well even begin to notice that issues that you haven’t even tapped on yet have already disappeared. Our subconscious knows how it filed all these negative emotional events. Sometimes, it just eliminates some of the bigger files in one swoop!

12) Feel into your body and observe some of your day to day physical symptoms, too. You may tap on those, or watch them, as they may well disappear as you tap on the emotional. Remember, you have stored these negative memories somewhere in your body. That is the essence of the science of “bodymind”!

13) You may even want to make some notes about what your starting weight or blood pressure was. Write a small descriptive paragraph about how you feel generally in life.

After a month or so of daily tapping, check in with yourself. See your progress! It is easy to forget where you started when tapping. Not only do the emotions disappear, but sometimes you may even forget what you felt like before you commenced the Fullness in Jesus Procedure. 

Now, be mindful! Pay attention to how day to day affairs change around you. You probably will find yourself less upset by daily aggravations. How are the grief, sadness, or spouse’s annoying habits bothering you now?

The small bothersome aspects of life will simply begin to melt away, leaving you with Apostle Paul’s “peace that surpasses all understanding” that he speaks of in the Book of Philippians Chapter 4 verses 6 & 7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”.

That is exactly what Clinical EFT does for us Christians. We repent, we confess our sins to God, and then God, through tapping, restores us to a life of peace and joy, just as He promises in Holy Scripture.

Blessed Tapping!

 For more information, go to To schedule a free EFT coaching session, email me at Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own health and well-being. Contact a medical professional, if necessary.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Metaphysical, Ethereal Tapping

Can I even explain what happened yesterday when I did my own personal tapping with Irene Baum, EFT-INT? I’m surely going to give it my best shot. This is the metaphysical, ethereal, woo-woo part of EFT, but it all works! As I continue to finish clearing those last fragments of my childhood abuse, I’m down to the hard-core, deeply embedded, dark, hidden stuff. This takes work to root it all out, not necessarily hard work, just mindful concentration, understanding exactly what I’m feeling where. I often wonder how many people go to this depth to do what I am doing. This process has taken me 27 months to accomplish. Life had been so disastrous emotionally for me that now I want every single vestige of it all gone! Is that possible? Well, EFT & Scripture teach everything is possible. I’m out to prove that theory! I phoned Irene for an extra session, as I now know the symptoms of another “big one” coming, an emotion begging to be released from my psyche. This takes some intense mindfulness to see/understand the subtle changes in my behavior. Because I have moved so much emotional stuff, I have found myself now in a creative space, something I have never known before. Prior to this, I was simply trying to survive emotionally, keeping my nose above the overwhelm line so I didn’t drown in the negative memories. In fact, I used to tell people I had no creative ability. I was a kid of science. That is no longer true. I’m both now. When stuff is percolating underneath the surface, begging to be freed, I find I cannot write, I cannot read, nor can I think. I manage to do some emails, play a few games on my iPod, take a walk, maybe go to the gym in some half-hearted manner, but that is it. I waste my life! I’m back to existing. I pretty much dislike all TV, so that isn’t an option either, as it is for many people. I don’t choose to waste time, so, Irene, let’s go! The body sensation this time was totally different than I had ever experienced. I felt a deep-seated, left sided, interior chest pain. Oh, I have chest pain all the time while tapping, but this moved location on me. It had to do with deception. “EFT will never work for my weight, even though it works for every other person in the universe” was my premise. I knew this deception thing went way back. I always think I have life or events figured out and somebody pulls the rug out from under me. Always. I feel like a fool, like everyone does this to me on purpose, just to laugh at me. This was my parents’ operating MO, or that is how I perceived it to be. We tapped a bit to release the deception, and Irene did something different (she is always coming up with different!). She put me in her chair, facing “my” chair, telling me to have my Mom sit there. Oh, ok. Now, Irene tells me, tune into my chest and tell her what in the world this new & different chest pain was all about. That’s when I noticed the big, black bowling ball! No, bigger than a bowling ball, and it was tied to my heart with 6 big, thick, oily, old, smelly (I could almost smell the oil) hawsers from the Newport, R.I. whaling ship days. No wonder my chest hurt carrying that around. The ball was full of hate and deception. Irene asked if I wanted to give it back to Mom. Well, not really, it would kill her. It’s too much and too heavy for an old lady. “So, you have been carrying this around for your Mom all these years?” Irene asked. Yes, it was my job, I guess, it was her that stuff she gave me. We went through all the questions. Do I want to be rid of it? How could we cut those hawsers? Where should we dispose of it? Who would I be without it, etc. etc? I couldn’t think of anyone I would want to carry this black ball around for me, so my conclusion was, and this took a bit of tapping to figure out, have my now dead baby brother, Bill, cut the ropes and haul it away somewhere to be hidden where no one else would ever find it. It was too ugly and painful. I wanted no one else to ever carry it. Billy showed up. He agreed to help, but what added comedy to this was he whips out a great big machete. Ok, goofy boy, don’t get carried away here and chop me to pieces with your silliness, I told him, find another 6” knife that will do the job without hacking everything up! He always was the comedian of the family. Guess he’s not changed much in death! For all of you newly introduced to EFT, who is wondering what in the world am I talking about, here are what is going on. This is the mechanism that the subconscious can use to clear the deep-seated life altering, life running beliefs that are buried somewhere within the soul in order for us to truly get healthy. Am I really seeing my brother Bill? No, but in my mind’s eye he was standing to my right, just waiting for me to tell him what to do. I know he was there. I could FEEL him standing there. As you learn to tap deeper and deeper into your stuff, you, too, will experience similar things to what I am describing. Remember, according to Dr. Bruce Lipton, your subconscious takes in 40 million bits of information per second, but your conscious mind only processes 40 bits of it. Where does the rest go – all 39,999, 960 bits? It’s all stored in your subconscious. That great big computer databank of a mind you have socks it away for you, sometimes protecting you from the negative memories, sometimes just placidly storing it all. What this means to you is every single thing that has ever happened to you, good, bad, or indifferent, is all stored in your bodymind, which consists of all your organs, muscles, skin, and connective tissue. Somewhere within your physical self, every negative memory is locked in there somewhere. Good memories aren’t the problem, but the negative ones surely are. They will probably eventually trigger some disease. They all need to go, wherever negative memories go in the cosmos. And this is exactly what I was doing this session, digging deep into my subconscious by tapping, dropping myself into alpha and theta brain wave states, so I could access where this deceptive black bowling ball of junk was stored. It was time to release it. I needed help doing it. Billy was willing. The process took a while, as my session lasted 90 minutes with Irene. I won’t go into all the tapping, but one by one I felt it was now ok for Billy to cut the hawsers. I even told him which ones to cut first, knowing that if he cut 1, 3, 5, and then one more, the black bowling ball would be cut loose. I instructed him; remember I’m still the bossy big sister, to hang onto the ball as he cut the last hawser because I didn’t want the damn thing dropping on my foot! He’s a good boy, listening well, doing what I asked him to do. I then told him to take the ball out somewhere in space and hide it forever where it would never be found by another person ever again. It was too heavy, too ugly, and too destructive for anyone to encounter in the future. I watched in my mind’s eye as he turned, and eventually walked out of sight, carrying my black emotion-packed bowling ball of deception away! I looked at the clock. My session was scheduled to end at high noon. It was exactly, on the dot, 12 noon. I’m always a bit amazed, as a practitioner, how a session begins and ends many times within the parameters of the time set for it to do so. That subconscious of ours is so very intelligent. As crazy as that session was, what happened afterwards was even crazier. I sat there in Irene’s chair, trying to get my bearings. I was physically exhausted. That is not unusual; our sessions are so intense I usually am just plain pooped. What was unusual was as I looked at the chair where Mom was “sitting”, witnessing this entire 90 minutes of tapping, I, for the first time in my life, felt a twinge of forgiveness for her. I’ve always wondered what forgiveness would feel like. I had no idea. No one could tell me. I’d know it when I felt it was all people would say. Well, I just felt it! It was amazing. Oh, I’ve forgiven Mom a thousand times in my life. I knew I had to. As a Christian, I’m commanded to do so; as a human I knew I had to forgive her, or the poison of it would kill me. What’s the saying – un-forgiveness is you drinking the poison yourself, hoping it will kill the other person? I knew eventually, if I said the words of forgiveness, I had to feel it. What a surprise this was! It happened for the first time. What a freeing feeling! As the forgiveness flooded me, albeit briefly, I said the words out loud to Mom – “Mom, I forgive you. I know you did the best you could with what you had to offer. I understand that. It’s ok”. When I got home later, after a 30 minute drive, I was really exhausted, both physically and emotionally. I eventually just sat down to rest a bit. It was then that I realized that everything in my body hurt, particularly the base of my neck, my mid-back, and my knees. Well, how appropriate! What parts of the body would hurt when carrying an exceptionally uncomfortable load for a very long period of time? Yes, neck, back, and knees. The thought came to me. I wonder how releasing those decades long held load would impact my posture. I have tapped on my posture, and all the incidents around it that came to mind, but nothing has changed. Time will tell on that. Later the exhaustion lifted as I consumed multiple glasses of water. By bedtime, I realized my heart had changed. Instead of its usual hard compacted consistency, and I used to consider myself “hard-hearted”, it now appeared to have a spongy or latticed look to it like maybe it could soak up or allow something good to grow on it! What an interesting metaphysical heart picture. But even more throughout the night I experienced some zinging in different parts of my body, particularly my legs. About a year ago, this electrical-like shooting sensation started after another intense tapping session with Irene. My first nursing impression was, “Oh, I’m having a stroke”. I didn’t have a stroke, nor do I plan to ever have a stroke, but I have since encountered the same sensations on multiple occasions. I know what these are now. It is the meridians clearing, or, as I like to explain it, batches of related cellular receptors all clearing at once. Parts of me are coming back to full life after years of being numb and near lifeless. As Irene tells me I’ve landed in a “new land”. I’m in transformational new territory. And I felt as if I would simply float off, like an astronaut would out in space if his tether was cut to the space shuttle, so Irene & I had to come up with something to “ground” me once Billy cut the last hawser. All I could think of was something of stone. That was too permanent. She hinted around awhile with some ideas until it struck me to use a pair of retractable, collapsible kids’ bike training wheels! I attached them to my feet, Billy cut the last hawser, and I am now free, roaming around like an explorer, excitedly, in a new place. New territory, new life, a transformation experience has just happened to me. I know I’m not quite down yet with my emotional junk, but that’s ok, I will enjoy this new chunk of life, knowing it continues to bring me longer and longer periods of peace between the “big ones”. I just have to persevere through all these memories and emotions to get to the land of never ending peace and joy that God has for me. I’m actually beginning to think it is possible. So, I will see you around the block, me and my metaphysical training wheels, as I explore this exciting life of freedom EFT has given me, something I have dreamed of and cried for over decades of my life. It’s coming into existence! Thank you, God, for giving me EFT! For more information, go to . To schedule a free EFT coaching session, email me at Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own health and well-being.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Psychoneuroimmunology & Christian EFT

Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is a relatively new branch of medicine, developed because the impact between the psyche, nervous system, and the immune system seemed to be apparent; they are linked in a unique God created way. Early physical feelings of an illness increase stress anxiety, activating classic stress responses, such as cortisol release. There is an entire physiological mechanism here that occurs during sickness or after accidents. Through a series of chemical reactions, the body through the brain, particularly the hypothalamus, figures out something is wrong, revving up the inflammation process, sending the infection or damage repairing cells to the scene. This response somehow makes us change our daily MO of how we operate – we ingest less water and food, we sleep poorly, we move less, and fever begins, in some cases. We just know something is wrong and the stress begins, compounding the body’s response, causing anxiety within the mind-body. It shifts the healing mechanism from the diseased or injured part to dealing with our emotions associated with the problem. All our energy is directed to the wrong place, slowing down us getting well. Emotional stress will cause the same reaction. When we feel isolated, or down, or rejected, the body begins the same stress reaction within our cells, actually making us sick. Science in this new field is showing that if the emotional impact of negative events in our lives is interrupted, the physical reaction is also interrupted, keeping us healthy because the immune system stays strong and intact. The less we are ill, the stronger the immune system remains because it doesn’t need months to recover from a previous illness, accident, or round of recent antibiotics. So what is PNI exactly? By strict definition it is something like the study of the connection between neural and endocrine systems and the functioning of the immune system by understanding how stress reacts within the body. Neural pathway is the way the body communicates within itself, passing all these minute pieces of information among the body parts. Endocrine system is the cortisol releasing part of the process. These appear to interact strongly with how our body uses our immune system to keep us healthy & alive. This is the stuff that makes up mind-body medicine. PNI studies how the body deals with cognitive stress. The way a person perceives a stressful event may indeed be more important than the event or the stress itself. How I would perceive a car accident may not be the same intensity that someone else may perceive it. And a stressful event can literally be simple something perceived in the mind, such as worry, anxiety, or dread over something that may or may not happen. Your subconscious simply doesn’t know the difference between a “made up” occurrence or a real actual occurrence. It treats both equally – it stresses the body equally with both situations. When a stressful signal is recognized by the senses, the hypothalamus begins the processing. Then a series of messages are sent via neuropeptides and neurotransmitters to all parts of the body. It was once thought that each body part had a specific neuropeptides and its accompanying cellular receptors. It has subsequently been found that the body contains a mixed batch of these everywhere. These communications are system-wide. Brain peptides are found in the gut, etc. Few are organ specific. Stress in and of itself is not the issue, but how we deal with the stress is the problem. Some people seem to have no issues dealing with high levels of stress. Somehow they have learned to compensate for it. The rest of us, and that is more of the majority of the population, simply don’t do well with high stress levels, and constantly high stress levels compound the wellness problem. The high stress levels, according to research, are what set us up for diseases such as heart disease, cancer and some autoimmune diseases. Epigenetics shows we can literally turn those disease genes off or on by the way we handle stress in our lives. Our human body functions well in homeostasis. It likes to feel good, running at low stress levels with as little emotional turmoil as possible. Where most humans get into trouble is with cognitive sensory input. We tend to internalize outside sensory information repetitively, embedding that coding into our physiological system. All of that sensory information is processed through the nervous system in conjunction with the endocrine system, and then impacting the immune system. A simple example is this: A child learns early on that when Mom curls her lip at him (her), it means Mother is disappointed. If Mom uses this method of showing disappointment in a child’s behavior over and over again, as an adult, every time the person sees anyone with a curled lip, similar to Mom’s, the adult assumes (perception) it means the curled lip person is disappointed with them. This is cognitive learning. It is a visual or auditory or tactile event where repetition encodes the behavior of another into the psyche of a child, setting up emotional stress for a lifetime. Now, this is a simple example taken to the extreme, but should that same child be exposed to hundreds of such behaviors by his parents and by others that over a course of 18 years of life, it builds up a huge bank of cognitive stress, especially if there is no loving attention added to the child rearing to offset the adult behaviors. Negative emotional responses cause physiological changes. These are the chronic cognitive changes that impact long-term health. Emotions in and of themselves aren’t the problem. How we digest them emotionally is what causes the problems. There is another physical mechanism at work here, too, that is called the HPA axis. These mechanisms can get a bit complicated here. The even more interesting fact is the body does these reactions within milliseconds of a perceived or actual stressor, meaning each of these steps take just fractions of seconds to happen. God created our bodies in a nearly unbelievable manner. Let me see if I can simplify this HPA axis mechanism for you. Stress situation happens, and the body decides if it is a true problem or not for us (remember that a problem can be physical, as it is really is happening to us i.e. accident, illness, death of a loved one, or it may simply be an internal stress i.e. worry about test tomorrow, how our dress will fit for the party tonight, or whether we will be hired for the job we interviewed for today). If a person has a physiological response to the situation, then stress is happening within the body. Physiological response includes elevated heart rate, lack of hunger, dilated pupils, changes in bowel patterns, increased respiratory rate, sweating, etc. Now, the body decides the stress needs to be dealt with. Some short term stress, like a loud noise, is defused quickly once the person recognizes the source of the noise, realizing it is not a problem, and then all the physiological markers return to normal rather quickly. If the situation is deemed stressful, the hypothalamus, located at the base of the brain, is activated. The hypothalamus is the stress judge. It takes immediate charge, sending out 2 signals – one to the pituitary gland (located in the base of the brain) and the other to the adrenal medulla (located on top of the kidneys). 2 different responses could be triggered depending on whether the stress is short-term or long-term. Short- term stress is dealt with by the Sypathomedullary Pathway (SAM) and long –term stress is dealt with by the HPA System (HPA). Within the SAM pathway the hypothalamus activates the adrenal medulla, which is part of the autonomic nervous system that controls most of our bodily functions without us thinking about them, such as breathing, heart rate, digestion, etc. The adrenal medulla activates the release of the adrenaline hormone. This hormone gets the body ready for the flight or fight response by pumping large volumes of blood to our larger muscle groups in our legs and arms, getting us ready to start punching or start running fast to avoid danger. Once the threat is over, the parasympathetic nervous system once again takes over, calming us back down into a state of homeostasis, or calm. There are few ill effects from short-term stress. It is simply a life protecting mechanism built in by God for survival. For another article another day, there is a huge problem when we do neither fight nor run, but instead we freeze. Negative memories are snapped into place in the body-mind when we freeze. The freeze mechanism is we human’s biggest problem. The Hypothalamic- Pituitary-Adrenal system is somewhat similar. The stress situation activates the HPA with the hypothalamus stimulating the pituitary gland which secretes ACTH (adenocorticotropic hormone) with the ACTH stimulating the adrenal glands to produce the hormone corticosteroid, or cortisol. With long-term stress such as abuse, the cortisol level never returns back to normal, producing an accompanying cascade of physical problems, such as diabetes, because the blood sugar remains elevated, obesity because the fat metabolism is disturbed, adrenal fatigue because the adrenals are constantly working, and many other issues causing heart disease and cancer to occur. All the while the immune system is also distressed allowing infectious diseases to enter the body, too. This all leads to permanent HPA dysregulation simply by the magnitude of the chronic cortisol release by that same HPA system. When intense negative stress (distress comes from Latin word districtus, which meant “to hinder”) events happen, traumatization occurs, and the HPA axis is activated. The traumatic events that we can recall tend not necessarily to cause us any intense problem. The problem occurs when we bury the trauma in our subconscious. This causes dissociated traumatic memories (DTM). The DTM are stored in the subconscious mind and are not accessible to the conscious mind. They do cause physiological responses that seem to be associated with absolutely nothing environmentally, or anything outside the body, but most anything can trigger them. Your subconscious remembers every single detail around the trauma, so when we encounter something that is similar to a traumatizing detail the subconscious will cause us to react again, just like we did when the trauma actually occurred. We may have absolutely no idea what is actually happening because we aren’t consciously aware of the memory. The limbic system stores all these memories in different parts of the body, not just in the brain. Any of the 3 parts of the traumatizing event, cognitive, emotional or sensory, can act as stimuli. We end up with bewildering behaviors that we cannot seem to break, such as an over-reaction to something minor, a crying jag over spilled milk, or anxiety because we see a blue car. Until some sort of energy technique is applied that will help the person root out of his or her subconscious the basis of the emotional response, the behavior tends to continue, wreaking havoc on life of everyone around him or her, mostly themselves. This problem is often extremely disturbing. Research seems to suggest that at least 15% of those experiencing long-term chronic trauma can develop PTSD. If the stressful situation seems life threatening, the hypothalamus tosses the problem over to the amygdala where the fight or flight mechanism is activated to decide if the problem is really life threatening. The amygdala is also located in the back lower brain. It appears it is the amygdala (and parts of the brain around it) and hippocampus, which seems to be responsible for memory retrieval, helps write the emotions upon the mind-body, as it experience the emotions about the occurring event, as one of the functions of the amygdala is to prepare us for survival. The amygdala recognizes guilt, fear, anxiety, remorse, etc., along with body pain issues and these emotions are then encoded as body sensations when they are chronic, causing long term pathological issues. The 5 senses are directly connected to the amygdala, so they add their input into memories, too, helping to permanently encode them. Negative memories in the amygdala encryption have been shown to require both protein synthetic and neurochemical processes to happen. This is where neuropeptides and neurotransmitters come into play. This is also where the protein sheaths around disease genes can be turned on and off. It’s a pretty complicated physical process. Now, not every negative traumatic event is encoded permanently, only those in which we feel unable to escape, causing us to feel helpless and powerless, and without any available resources to assist us, or it is an event in which we feel some responsibility for the outcome. This is where the “freeze” part of the flight, flight & freeze mechanism enters. Many times one single event is sufficient to cause great emotional damage, especially if the person has suffered multiple early environmental events, which can include earlier abuse that then set the stage for just the perfect emotional storm. This is particularly possible for children, who are subjected to chronic stress, early in life. If the trauma is so awful, the person then completely disassociates the memory to protect themselves. The memory is so unbearable that survival to the subconscious comes into question; however, the emotions around the event are buried deeply within the body and each time a triggering event that the subconscious recognizes as part of that early pattern occurs, the physiological symptoms and feelings reoccur. The subconscious keeps replaying the event in the hope of changing the outcome. Our imagination does just as well at triggering out physiological response as the actual event does. The memory just doesn’t die. It is repeated in our subconscious mind as if it is happening at this very moment. This is cognitive pattern learning at its finest. As you can see our emotional response to events is a complicated process. PNI is one of the new fields of medicine that is responding to this information in an attempt to uncover all the aspects of how this unique body system works. PNI’s primary thrust is investigating the connection to cognitive stress. Since it is apparent that our emotions greatly impact our immune system, in particular, and all the other body systems, we must learn how to disarm all negative emotional events in our lives, if we choose to stay healthy & vibrant in our daily life. Hopefully, this is where EFT or some other energy coaching appears on the scene to assist the person in deactivating this neural response to the negative memory or memories, giving them back an abundant life that Jesus talks about in the Gospels, both physically and emotionally. For more information, go to To schedule a free EFT consultation coaching session, email me at: Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own health and well-being.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Step of Faith & Emotional Freedom Techniques

Many of us pray for years, and maybe even decades for God to deliver us from one thing or another, be it a physical illness or an emotional problem. Often, we blame God because He doesn’t seem to be listening whatsoever. We find something new, and think, “Ah, this is the answer”, only to have us once again fall flat on our faces, back to the exact spot where we began. Eventually, despair or desperation sets in. We all know about St. Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” which he never fully explained as to what it exactly was, but it does sound pretty annoying to St. Paul, as he roamed the Roman world evangelizing it for Christ. God has His reason for allowing us issues in life. Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, ruining what was a perfect world, until sin entered it with their act. God didn’t choose that for Adam and Eve; they chose it for themselves and passed those effects on to us today. Some of the denominations call this “original sin”, as it originated in Adam and Eve, our first parents. Why today God has opened up a newly discovered (probably once known, but lost through the ages) healing modality that is quite effective. It is so radically different than our Western medical mindset that it scares people, many of them Christian. Into our physiology God placed a mechanism for healing, if we are willing to accept it and give the modality a try.

 The modality is called Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), accidently found about 20 -25 years ago by Gary Craig, a Stanford University engineering graduate. Over the years, Gary has slowly consolidated the EFT process into a few easy steps from the earlier laborious protocols, which were difficult to learn and tedious to perform. Today, tapping, as EFT is called in some circles, is simply to learn and simple to use. I’ve personally taught 4 year olds to tap for themselves. In the Book of Joshua, chapter 3, we have a story of the Israelites crossing the Jordan River on their way to the Promised Land of Israel. Interestingly, it is after 40 years of wandering the desert because of their unbelief in the God who saved them from the Egyptians. The Lord the God told Joshua that as soon as the priests’ feet touched the Jordan River water the River itself would part, allowing the contingent of Israelites to cross on dry land. Does any of this sound familiar to you? How many of you have wandered in the desert of your emotional and/or physical problems for what surely seems like 40 years, wondering when God was going to deliver you from it? Perhaps there is a message here in the story of Joshua and the Jordan River. Is it time for you to step out in faith, once again asking God for your healing, and either emailing an EFT practitioner to help, or downloading an EFT how-to manual from the website ( and trying EFT for yourself? “Show me the way in which I should walk and the thing I should do” Jeremiah 4:3. “Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, for I lift up my soul to You” Psalm 143:8.

 Stormie Omartian, a popular Christian writer today says, “Once you have taken that first step, God will show you other steps to take. He will teach you how to walk in the Light of His truth, revelation, and love. You’ll discover ways to avoid the things that separated you from Him and all He has for you. You’ll learn to walk away from fear, depression, condemned loneliness, loss, un-forgiveness, and disappointment”. All of those emotions Stormie listed above are feelings that EFT deals with well. Is today your day to reach out & take the first move & see what miracles God might have in store for you through EFT? It is a scary step for some. I understand, as I had second thoughts myself when I was first introduced to it. Pray about it please. “He will teach us His ways and we shall walk in His paths Micah 2b. ] “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord Psalm 37:23.

 For more information, go to

 To schedule a free EFT consultation coaching session, email me at:

 Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own health and well-being.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Open EFT Letter to a Depressed Friend

As difficult as it could possibly be, try your best to tap for 15-20 or more minutes a day, tuning into whatever it is that the Holy Spirit brings to mind for you (I have literally tapped thousands of hours for my healing - it had to be a priority to me, or I was simply going to end up a physical wreck - I know where I was headed). If you can do so, whenever a feeling of one sort or another washes over you during the day (or night), if you can do so, stop right then and there and start tapping, calming yourself. Slow deep breaths of 4-5 seconds in, holding for 2 seconds, and breathing out for another 4-5 seconds does similar stuff by dropping us into that alpha/theta brain wave area where we tend to be a bit steadier. Its similar brain waves to those who meditate. EFT drops us into that same brain wave state, too. It's your way of telling the limbic system to quiet down. It understands that language! I have no idea how long this will take, but after you have done enough of this, and you will never know how much is enough until the feelings break up (which isn't really too helpful for you!), call me & I will teach you, if you so desire, the next steps in EFT. The manuals tell us to get specific on events. That's what I would show you - some shortcuts and ideas of how to clear all that out of your memories. Remember, EFT doesn't remove memories; EFT just pulls the emotion out of them, neutralizing them by calming down that limbic system where the stress trigger lives in the body - yours is working overtime! Anyway, tapping globally, as we have been doing, is ok when the pain is high, but, if you can do it, tapping on specific events will undermine the stress level much more quickly. By specific I mean, grab hold of a very detailed memory of your past. Pull it into your head with all its glory, and then tap out of that memory every single emotion involved in it. Just tap the emotion, if you want to say something - at each tapping point. No need to get fancy. Simply works. If EFT calms you in the moment, then it should calm you long term if enough is done. Try something else, if you want - say "I'm so happy" at each tapping point. Obviously, it isn't true, but sometimes it confuses the subconscious enough to switch neurons around. I would have gotten to that with you eventually. There is another technique that is part of Dr. Patricia Carrington's (former psychology faculty member @ Princeton University who has used EFT for 20 years) Choices Method where she alternates between the positive and negative tapping statements at each tapping point. "I'm so happy", or "I'm so depressed", or any variations of that, or "My life is wonderful", etc. There are a couple of reasons why this sometimes helps - my favorite answer is the technique so confuses the subconscious that it simply gives up the ghost because it, literally, doesn't know what the hell you want! Remember, the subconscious is literal, linear, & logical. By constantly telling it negatively, without tapping, how you feel, it just encodes that deeper into the cells because it thinks that is what you want. It's why "talk therapy" rarely works because there is no tapping going on, or some other release method used. It's also why clinical psychologists by the dozens are switching from talk therapy to EFT! Talking without tapping drives the emotion further into us. Anytime, you are on the phone or talking to anyone about how you feel, tap! Use those finger points I showed you, if you can't tap on the body or head points. This technique is called "Tap and Rant" or "Tap and Complain". We all do it, but make sure we tap while we "vent" (the old psychology term)! I tap on my finger points during the sermons in church. Brad asks if I'm upset. No, I'm simply tapping. Tapping, just to tap, is therapeutic (we could get into the quantum physics of what goes on when tapping, too). The "bodymind" understands what we are doing. It's like a hug to our own self. I tap all the time. Tapping when I'm happy or joyful, encodes that into my cells, too. I want God's joy encoded! Out with the old; in with the new! It took time, nearly 2 1/2 years for me, but I'm there, or nearly so! Some people do this in a matter of weeks Like I told you, there are dozens of different EFT techniques, and I mix and match them, along with different energy modalities. In other words, there are 100s of things that can be tried. I only showed you a couple. I did as I was led by Holy Spirit to do. Here is the website with other "depression" cases listed. I haven't read them, except for the above one from Valerie Lis. Remember, too, with depression, one of the hardest things is to recognize that you might feel a bit better with EFT. Because the pain is so deeply embedded in those cells, and the cognitive pattern so set in what seems like cement, noticing an improvement is one of the issues with depression. Watch carefully please. EFT makes very, very subtle changes that you yourself may never notice, but Pastor or the girls might. It is very subtle in many cases. I warn clients of this...someone else may notice before you do! If they do, they are correct. I tell clients to see if they can beat their families in noticing their personal changes! Pay close attention to how you feel. The changes are most likely there; you just have to see them, and then allow God to build on them. Thank you for the privilege of tapping with you! Please let me know how you are doing. You are in my prayers and I have put you on a couple of permanent prayer lists in other states. There are prayer warriors out there on duty before the Throne of God 24/7! For more information, go to To schedule a free EFT consultation coaching session, email me at: Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own health and well-being

Friday, February 28, 2014

Christian Quantum Physics of EFT & Prayer

1 Timothy 4:4-5: For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected, if it is received with gratitude; for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer. Philippians 4:6: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Most Christians understand the concept of petitioning God in prayer, but the idea of “praying the answer”, is foreign to most Christians. We just keep asking and asking God for the desires of our heart, but few of us have the faith to simply ask, and then flip into praying with thanksgiving for the answer already given us by Him. Oh, we are doing as He instructs us when we petition the throne of God (Matthew 7:7: "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you), but He has already heard you. In fact, He knew what you were going to ask for before you ever asked. He is omniscient, you know! Pray, and then give thanks for the answer that will manifest itself through God’s mercy.
Quantum physics tells us to take the asking to the next level. Let me explain why. As I have said on numerous occasions that explaining the quantum physics or neurochemistry or neuroscience behind EFT in a few paragraphs is extremely difficult! Let me see what I can with this subject of prayer and quantum physics.
Quantum physics teaches us that we can, and this is all God because this is how He created us, turn our thoughts into reality. I can hear your thoughts (questions) right now and yes, this is for real. God implanted in each of us a mechanism where what we think becomes our reality! Literally! Science has proven this fact. I love when science proves what God does, don’t you?
My premise here is this: If our thoughts are our reality, meaning that thinking something negative will cause the negative to happen, then why don’t we Christians use that physiology that God implanted in us to the full effect, thinking and praying the positive, making that our reality. First, we pray & petition God for what we want, like help passing an exam, or getting over the flu, or safety on an upcoming out of town trip, or Christian conversion for our lost sister, etc., then flip our prayer, while tapping, if you so choose, into one of thanksgiving to God for already answering the prayer. In other words, pray the answer!  Thank you, Jesus, for the A on my exam; thank you, Jesus, for curing me of the flu so I can go back to work; thank you, Jesus, for our upcoming safe trip; thank you, Jesus, for bringing Susie to You.
Now, if during the tapping and praying, some event or memory comes to mind around the prayer & thanksgiving, and it has an associated emotion to it, and then takes this one step further by tapping away the negative emotion, clearing any blockages to the prayer answer. In other words, dissociate any learned neurochemical blocks mentally from what God is going to give you & what you truly want in life. 
Why do our thoughts become our reality?  Because the subconscious is literal, logical, & lineal, and it takes what we think & produces it in our being. If you think you will get cancer, I can nearly guarantee it will happen.  Your subconscious thinks that is what you truly want. How many times have you said, “so and so is a pain in my neck?” How often has a real pain in your neck showed up shortly thereafter the statement? You just manifested your reality by saying it!
How does this happen? Dr. Joe Dispenza calls it the “law of repetition & association”. Donald Hebbs said it best, “Neurons that fire together, wire together.” The feelings and emotions of life make up our present reality. Want your reality to change? Do you want to be that person God wants you to be? Then look at the emotions and feelings of the past, as you feel them today, and change them by tapping. Carrying around the same thoughts and habits day after day, and thinking something is going to change, is probably a pretty fruitless idea. What is the saying – “What’s the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over, but thinking you will get a different result.” By thinking and acting the same day after day, hoping for some change, it tends not to happen. The neural connection need to be fixed for that change to happen.
Recently, a friend of mine told me this story. Her college age daughter called her on the phone saying, “Mom my pillow stinks, I’m going to get pink eye from it”. As always her Mom’s reply was, “Watch what you say.” The following morning the girl called to tell her Mom she indeed did have a reddened eye, probably pink eye. It was confirmed later in the day, necessitating the college kid missing an entire day of classes. Is that incredible? Yes, but it is reality. In the next week, watch carefully, and mindfully, exactly what you say.  Then notice, if what you said was negative, how it manifested itself within your life. Begin to change that behavior. EFT is a wonderful mechanism for that change. In a future video that I will put on Youtube, I will set up a tapping protocol for you to show you how to change some of these negative habits in your life that are manifesting themselves into reality, helping you to become the person God wants you to become.
God doesn’t call us to this. He calls us to abundance and health. Use this God directed tool of EFT to change those negative thoughts and behaviors to something more God honoring and healthy.
For more information, go to .

To schedule a free EFT coaching session, email me at .

Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own health and well-being.  Contact a medical professional, if necessary.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

OCD Like Behavior Gone with Clinical EFT!

This past summer a client, whom I have known for many years, presented to me with a fairly common problem. Tom is male and doesn’t always identify with what emotion he is feeling, but this he did know: he was sick & tired of his wife always yelling at him for forgetting everything! I snickered to myself with this one as how many times I have heard this complaint from all the women I know; however, what presented itself was no giggling matter! Tom & I have tapped in the past & he has exactly 4 emotions – fear, frustration, anger, & sadness. This time proved to be absolutely no different. Tom lays fear and frustration out on the tapping table, telling me no matter how hard he tries, he always forgets something, then his wife gets angry, yells, & the day gets ruined. I had Tom tune into that fear & frustrated he told me was in his chest and tap for a minute or 2, allowing his subconscious to bring to his mind the earliest event with this feeling, he could remember. Sure enough, back to his childhood he went, again. “Dad was always yelling at me about something. I never did anything right, so I would check and recheck everything, like light switches, by turning them off and on about 4 times. Of course, that just made Dad madder and I got yelled at even more, but I had to be sure I wouldn’t burn down the house!” Tom’s fear & frustration was a SUDS of 7, so we began the tapping. I’m not going to take you all through all the tapping phrases I used because they are the usual Clinical EFT ones, but what I want to relay to you is something I learned from Valerie Lis, an EFTUniverse instructor. As Tom & I tapped this session, his fear and frustration dropped as it always does, but I wanted to take this a bit further. I questioned him about the light switch issue. Did he still do that behavior in his adult life? Tom admitted that he always has, but he went further, telling me he had a few other habits that were similar, like double checking doors and stopping the car about 5 miles down the road when leaving on vacation to make sure he had packed one thing or another. This infuriated his wife, too. To me, this was beginning to sound like an OCD problem – Obsessive Compulsive behavior of sorts. Now, I can't diagnosis OCD, but I sure can tap on the symptomology of it. And that was what we were going to do here and now - tap on those symptoms! Tom is a very accomplished man & to look at him one would never suspect this behavior, but it obviously was giving his married life some challenges. I asked Tom if I could try a method I had learned from Valerie on him. He was agreeable to try just about anything! The fear and frustration were reduced to his usual 1, so now he was ready to re-program some neurons! Valerie teaches to have the client tap on both sides of anything OCD like. I had Tom close his eyes and imagine that he can never, ever again do anything in his life except turn light switches on and off, 24/7/365, no eating, no beer, no vacation, no sleep, nothing except turning those damn switches on and off. “How do you feel about doing that?” I asked Tom. Tom’s anger & frustration was way off the chart, probably above a 10 SUDS. So, we tapped down that 10 anger & frustration again to his usual one. Tom is an engineer and he will never, it seems, admit he is at a 0. His one is everyone else’s 0! I then asked the opposite side of the question. “Tom, you can never, ever again touch a light switch to double check it. You turn it off once and you walk away. How does that make you feel”? His answer was similar to the first question, “frustrated”. This frustration was a 9 SUDS. We tapped the 9 frustration to a 1. As I think about how this method works using the standard EFT, it appears to me, and maybe Valerie said this, so I will give her credit, that neutralizing both sides of issue by using the “never, ever 24/7” phrases, the client tends to land somewhere right in middle between the 2 odds or extremes. I’ve used exact technique on a couple of occasions and it appears to do just that. The unbalanced, severely tipped behaviors seem to ameliorate themselves back towards something more controlled. In this case, it happened immediately! Dawson Church asked me to write up this case as part of my EFT-EXP certification. This case was tapped on July 10, 2012 according to my records. I asked Tom yesterday, August 16, 2013, about the status of his light switches and door checking. He proudly related to me that he never again double checked a thing since the day we tapped his forgetting things! Isn’t EFT a glorious thing? To God be the glory! For more information, go to To schedule a free EFT coaching session, email me at Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own health and well-being. Contact a medical professional, if necessary.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Curiously, as I read the big, long article I posted below, it hit me that the author put into words something I think the Holy Spirit has been whispering to me for the past 3 weeks. He whispers and I ponder for awhile, and then He clarifies, just as He always does to me through an article or a conversation. I'm very quiet during this contemplation period, not even articulating to Brad what I'm thinking, only because it is a stirring in my soul, and I finally wised up to know Who is speaking. I need to await His pleasure and conclusion of what He has to tell me. He just did it again! Wow! As I tap with clients, particularly the non-Christians ones, and specifically the ones who use the term "Universe" as their theological base, I've wondered how do I gently, but passionately bring in God as a refutation to their concept of "Universe" without being completely disrespectful and coming off, like so many Christians do, in an alienating manner. I need a God glorifying way to say He is in charge without coming off looking like a Bible thumper. I want to be a bridge between these crazy new agers and us Christians. I have the mechanism in my hand. Now, how do I say it kindly? In their language, but not compromising my own? I haven't figured out how to do that just yet, but this Matt guy's article says to me exactly what I have been thinking! We can use Christian EFT as that bridge, pointing the new agers to the King of the Universe, the real King! I believe that is why I'm so empathic about this going to the churches, and then coming back out of the churches. This is language these unbelievers understand. The Church can talk to them without compromising its own personal belief system! Anyway, I will continue to ponder the exact line I need to say. It will come. It will be a classic. It will be God's words to those I tap with; those He has chosen to hear these exact, perfect words of His. I just find it so curious how and what He uses to talk with us. Now that my soul is quiet; much of the overwhelming emotions released; the ceaseless chatter gone, I can actually listen. It is incredibly refreshing! For more information, go to To schedule a free EFT consultation coaching session, email me at Always remember to take complete responsibility for your own health and well-being.