Sunday, December 19, 2021

Personal and Family Epigenetics Running Our Present Lives

Here is an interesting article that explains the new field of epigenetics.

What often is running both our emotional and physical health is our own personal past. There truly is still more affecting us than we ever envisioned decades ago!
As mind and brain research continues to unfold, scientists are only just beginning to understand that experiences and memories of our forefathers and foremothers are also running our personal biology.
I'm not talking about "past lives" or "reincarnation", so please don't confuse epigenetics with that topic!
God wrapped up so very much in the human body when He created us. Part of that experiential learning is bound up in the new science field of epigenetics. In order to survive life, all species, including humans, have to learn and REMEMBER what they experienced so as not to repeat that possibly dangerous behavior.
Often these behaviors were repeated so often and are so hardwired into our subconscious memory! God created this as a good thing! However, with sin entering the world, it can often go awry.
When we remember not only the incident but all the accompanying emotional pain and fallout from something horrific, this piece of the learning also gets stuffed into our body's cells.The cells remember the pain which can then get triggered when we sense a danger that is closely akin to what happened in the past.
So, we not only remember the incident as a safety valve to protect us, we remember the emotional pain to reinforce that learning.
Often this is subconscious! We don't know we have inherited great, great grandma's issues, but we have and we can.

We have lots to tap about! Tapping can make a huge dent in this ancestor stuff. And when we clear it using EFT and/or Matrix Reimprinting (or other somatic techniques), often our physical issues also heal once the body's cells release the pain they have been holding.
God is amazing! He thought of it all! We truly are blessed!

God bless your tapping journey! Join us on Facebook for more discussion opportunities!

Visit my EFT for Christians website and request the free EFT information I have listed there.

And grab a copy of my 5 EFT for Christians How-to Tap books to obtain a thorough understanding of how to incorporate the Christian components into your EFT tapping!

Remember, EFT is NOT a substitute for sound medical or psychological care, so please contact your own personal physician when you need that type of help.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Tapping Example from a Client Story! God is so Good!

With permission I recount this client (Jennie) story:
EFT Tapping is such a versatile tool. Here is a practical use of it!
Jennie was having anxiety and some fear around this her upcoming colonoscopy appointment.
And so we tapped on all the different aspects (details) that were bothering her including:
1). Fear of what the doctor might find
2). Anxiety about the procedure itself, including the sedation
3). Anxiety about the awful prep including the diet, as the allowable pre-test foods are things Jennie doesn't usually eat!
4). Fear of catching COVID at the clinic
5). Inconvenience of needing to go to clinic 2 days early to get a COVID test
6). Anxiety about previous prep reactions - feeling horribly cold, shaking, and generally feeling miserable
7). Anxiety about trying to remember to take some car seat protective covering in case of an accident.
8). Fear about getting an IV pre-op, reactions to the anesthetic, and whatever else we tapped about!
Wonderfully, the following morning I receive a phone call! Jennie is now actually excited to get this colonoscopy done and over. Yes, read that! Excited!
Her reframe (changing of our mind) is she is going to ENJOY the 5 day prep! After looking at the dietary list, she realized she would buy and eat foods she loves but rarely eats because they don't fit into her lifestyle right now. She planned to TREAT herself to something special!
Jennie wrote out her menus and created her grocery list. She also wrote out a time line of what had to be done when in order to eliminate re-reading the pages and pages of instructions. Nothing would be missed or mixed up now!
This is EXACTLY what EFT tapping often does for us!
As we tap God "reframes" and changes our mind about thing to come and things that have happened in the past, so that we can settle down and enjoy His presence right here right now in a state of grace without worry or preoccupation.
Tapping does so much more than just this, but if we just used it for issues of today, what a wonderful gift from our Lord!
What have you recently tapped about that God gave you an exciting gift as He switched up your emotions?  Leave me a message, so I can rejoice with you!
God bless your tapping journey! Join us on Facebook for more discussion opportunities!

Visit my EFT for Christians website and request the free EFT information I have listed there.

And grab a copy of my 5 EFT for Christians How-to Tap books to obtain a thorough understanding of how to incorporate the Christian components into your EFT tapping!

Remember, EFT is NOT a substitute for sound medical or psychological care, so please contact your own personal physician when you need that type of help.

We tap for Jesus!

Sherrie Rice SmithCertified EFT PractitionerEFTforChristians.comAuthor of EFT for Christians 5 Book Series

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Quick Rule Summary When Tapping with Children

Quick rules for child tapping:

Let them lead the process. There is no need for a formal Set-up. Allow children to tell their story in whatever manner they want to tell it - start in the middle, start at the end, mix it up, it doesn't matter, because they are feeling whatever is bothering them, as they talk, so they usually clear the issues anyway. WE don't need to know HOW they feel about the problem, telling what happened to them is often enough to let it all go. Watch them carefully, as one or two rounds at most often solves the problem.
Don't make them do more rounds and burn them out like I did to kids who I tapped with back at the beginning of my EFT career (true confession!)!!!!
I advocate that parents teach their children to tap anytime they talk about an upsetting incident in their lives. This works wonderfully before bed because it then allows the child's subconscious mind to process the incident while they sleep. Incorporating this story telling with their bedtime prayer time is an amazingly effective way to teach children emotional regulation and self-control with God's help.
Parents can begin tapping on themselves when a child starts whining, crying, or yelling about something wrong in his/her life. The child's mirror neurons will begin to settle the child down fairly quickly. Not only does the child settle but so does the parent before s(he) says or does something regretful!

Anyone looking for tapping with children tips,can watch my first 4 EFT for Christians You Tubes (children tapping videos are Videos 1 through 4) as they were on this exact subject! In them I teach everything I know about tapping with children

It is truly amazing how quickly kids clear, often with LESS than one round! Why? Because they aren't carrying the emotional baggage we adults have hauled around for decades.

As stated in Proverbs 22:6 give a child 2 things in life and watch them grow into wonderful Christian adults. What 2 things, in addition to your love and attention? Teach them about Jesus and teach them to use EFT tapping.

God bless your tapping journey! Join us on Facebook for more discussion opportunities!

Visit my EFT for Christians website and request the free EFT information I have listed there.

And grab a copy of my 5 EFT for Christians How-to Tap books to obtain a thorough understanding of how to incorporate the Christian components into your EFT tapping!

Remember, EFT is NOT a substitute for sound medical or psychological care, so please contact your own personal physician when you need that type of help.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Shape of Our Heart Changes with Emotion - Try Tapping

This is a pretty interesting TED talk from a cardiologist who explains how the shape of our heart is changed by our emotions.

Another amazing reason WHY we probably need to tap, or learn how to use EFT, for emotional healing.

It surely appears God created our very organs to respond to our environment and to how we feel about our past experiences.


Remember, EFT is not a substitute for sound medical advice, so if you need medical help please consult your own personal physician.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Dr. Joe Dispenza Discussing Physiology of EFT

My take-away on this wonderful video interview with Dr. Joe Dispenza: This explains WHY tapping on negative past events is the KEY to change. It's all physiology!
We tap on the emotions that keep us stuck to changing the future.
Events are lodged in implicit memories (there is something called explicit memories, too) where the events are STORED in our subconscious mind & our life is run from there.
EFT produces the alpha/theta brains waves, as it does in meditation. This is where we heal and CHANGE.
In reality past events are irrelevant (they are PAST), but it's the emotions attached to them that keep us stuck. So past events are what we tap on because they are the VEHICLE to get us to the feelings that need changed.
"Dark Night of the Soul" is God allowing those circumstances and giving us an opportunity to change.
Emotions ARE the end product of life events, thus one of the EFT techniques is "future tapping." At about 42 minutes, Joe plows into meditation. We use EFT not meditation (you can if you choose to use that), but meditation is a similar process to tapping because we are PAYING ATTENTION to thoughts and body feelings (this is mindfulness).
Life change happens when we MAKE the effort to actually tap. Not thinking about tapping or consider tapping, but tapping! This is probably the "difficult" part of the EFT tapping process - doing it! Once you have a tapping habit instilled, it does pretty much become effortless!
In this interview, insert God for Joe's "universe" and think Biblically as Dispenza talks!
Science seems to prove WHY EFT actually works! Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this opportunity to change our life to more reflect You and who You want us to be.

Remember please! EFT is not a substitute for good medical care, so please consult your own personal physician when you need medical or psychological help!

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Dr. Gabor Mate on Emotional Pain

A wonderful Dr. Gabor Mate video explaining why many of our negative behaviors - gambling, workaholic, alcohol & drug addiction, porn, sex, eating, nail biting, shopping, etc., etc. have underlying trauma driving it all.
It can take just one negative emotional episode, one comment, for us to begin a lifetime core belief (belief bomb) that transforms our life and sends us spiraling into some type of chronic life altering behavior, something we never asked for and cannot often understand how we arrived there.

Tapping is often the answer to this emotional pain. If you haven't begun your tapping journey, today might just be the day!

Remember, EFT is not a substitute for sound medical care, so please contact your own personal physician if medical or psychological care is needed.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

Friday, July 30, 2021

Can Christians Use EFT Tapping?

Interesting article that addresses whether or not we Christians can use acupuncture. EFT is considered "needle-less acupuncture" because we tap on the acupressure points, not needle them.
I think this article succinctly says what I have tried to explain in the 5 EFT for Christians books I have written.
1). Chinese medicine and Chinese religion are 2 different things, just as Western Medicine and any western religious beliefs are completely different. Usually, when we show up in an ER, we don't ask the trauma physician if he or she is a Christian, we are just grateful for their help!
2). As a Practitioner in EFT when working with a client who has physical issues, our first question is, "have you seen a doctor?" There is definitely a place for both Eastern and Western medicine. If I have a gangrene gallbladder, probably caused by my reaction to abuse, where I carry around rage, anger, hatred, I'm not necessarily going to try to "cure" it with tapping. I want a competent surgeon to remove it before it bursts and I become septic. Then I will want to deal with the negative emotions that got me in the fix to begin with so something else physical doesn't go haywire!
3). Being a history buff, I agree with this author that not all early Western medicine researchers, such as William Harvey, Lister, Salk, etc. were Christians. They might have been. Who cares? Does that mean I reject all their findings? Of course, I don't. Their religious beliefs as they researched how God put together the human body has absolutely no bearing on what they personally believed about the Creator Himself!
4). Research surely now seems to show that there is a direct relationship between our emotions and our physical health. God is in the healing business. Jesus performed many miracles, as did His apostles. Miracles still happen today. Healing is God's purview, not satan's. satan never healed anyone! So, like the instructions to Apostle Peter in Acts, eat sacrificed meat, it doesn't matter what the original intent or belief system was, God blesses it and sanctions for our good because He created it for our well being.
Comments? Thoughts?
Remember, EFT is not a substitute for medical care, so please contact your own personal physician before tapping on any physical issues or problems.
Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Epigenetics and EFT

As I often do, I pulled out a copy of paragraphs of an article to comment on, but please read it in its entirety. It's not that long.

"We often do not take into account that epigenetically it has been shown that a father’s sperm literally carries the genetic residue of his traumatic experiences in addition to the life experiences of a mother who is carrying the eggs of her yet preconceived child. He references the traumatic lineage of affecting three generations with a singular traumatic event that is fascinating to really take into account."
My comment: This always amazes me as it confirms Scripture of the Exodus and Numbers references to the "sins of the fathers". Sins of the fathers isn't necessarily sins but epigenetic residues tagged ONTO DNA. DNA (gene) doesn't change, but they get tagged with a protein that marks them as important genetic information and is then passed down the generations. Some day I will take time and do a study of the OT word "sin" to see what God really meant here!
"Here are some questions from Mark’s book that you might ask yourself:
• Could you be feeling like, behaving like, suffering like, atoning for, or carrying the grief for someone who came before you?
• Do you have symptoms, feeling, or behaviors that are difficult to explain in the context of your life experience?
• Was there a trauma in the family (an early death of a parent, child, sibling or an abandonment, murder, crime, or suicide etc.), an event that was too terrible, painful or shameful to talk about?
• Could you be connected with that event, living a life similar to the person no one talks about?
• Could you be reliving this family member’s trauma as though it were your own? These kind of questions have us looking beyond our own life experiences and begin the expanded view of looking to how, for a variety of reasons, we have taken on a mission that in a sense has nothing to do with us."
My comment: When one understands emotionally that some of these questions are true in his or her life, most likely a Christian EFT Practitioner's help will be needed to dig to the bottom of the pain.
"Words act as carrier pigeons from the unconscious, fluttering forth with messages that need to be revealed, be it in metaphor or language that feels somehow estranged or belonging to another’s life experience."

My comment: I love this paragraph because METAPHORS and our OFT REPEATED comments or statements (or those of our family members) frequently give clues to what lies beneath the emotional surface. Pay attention to WHAT you say. If you have a saying you repeat over and over, tap and dig below it. Find why it is an important thing stuck in your vocabulary! And take some time this holiday season to ask older family members what life experiences they have had and what family stories they have been told. You might receive a greater gift that will expand your emotional healing than you ever imagined possible! God bless your healing!!

Remember, EFT is not a substitute for sound medical care, so please contact your own personal physician when you feel medical or psychological care is needed.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Annoyances, annoyances, oh, how I hate being "annoyed" which probably translates more into feeling "inconvenienced". Robo calls! How many of those do each of us receive every day?

A week ago, I was feeling "beside" myself with the constant home phone interruptions, none of which were anyone we knew.

I tapped on how I felt about all the excess noise and phone racket which lead me to a brilliant conclusion to have Brad dig out the phone operator's manual & figure out HOW to turn OFF the RINGER!

The answering machine still works, so we would get any important messages.

Conclusion? Calming myself, instead of whining and complaining about the rude phone calls, helped me ID a solution. And that is what tapping does! Calms us enough to help think through a problem, reaching a solution!

What has EFT helped you with recently to quiet down enough to fix a problem in your life?

EFT is not a substitute for sound medical care, so please phone your own personal physician when medical or psychological care is needed.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Tapping and Household Chores

Today while vacuuming I realized something!
What household chore do you detest the most? Bathroom cleaning, vacuuming, cleaning the basement, scrubbing floors, wiping down the inside of refrigerator?
Bathrooms don't bother me. I'm not fond of dusting or vacuuming.
Today I realized the hating why of vacuuming! Mom used to tell us to vacuum each square inch of the carpet something like 10X. It was too much work!
Now, I understand why she so instructed us. Old vacuums from decades ago had little suction, especially those old hand-pump models. It took lots of repetition to pick up a speck of dirt! Our new models suck up everything quickly!
What's my point?
If you hate some chore, take a minute and tap on HOW you feel about having to do it. Clear out the feeling content and see if it shifts to something more productive and less grueling. You might even begin to like the chore!
Just a little cognitive shift or realization around our beliefs about most anything often takes the negative out of it.

EFT is not a substitute for sound medical or psychological physician help, so please contact your own personal doctor when any kind of medical needs arise.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Fight, Flight and Freeze Response and Tapping

I've had questions asking to explain what the freeze response is, so I will answer that question here:

Freeze response is a direct reaction to abuse or trauma, if we don't activate fight or flight. We have no real control over which mechanism the subconscious mind (SC) chooses. These responses occur in fractions of seconds.  Which of the 3 the SC chooses is predicated on what other abuse, including our parental attachment, or lack of, or the trauma we have already endured years ago.  When life threatening danger comes our way, we do one of 3 things - we fight, we run, or we freeze  (neither running or punching to get us out of the dangerous situation). It is actually healthier to fight or to run, as we release/blow off/negate the built-up "energy" (hormones & neurochemicals) in our nervous system. Animals (and humans) shake after experiencing a life-threatening event. The shaking expends the reaction in that moment, blowing off those unwanted chemicals, so the horrific experience isn't trapped (freeze response) in the body to cause us to relive the trauma over and over again for decades. Never STOP a shaking person. Let them shake!

Freeze is the part of our inborn safety mechanism where the emotional pain gets stuck in our nervous system where it rattles around, remaining active, triggering us whenever some sensory input reminds of us of the original abuse or trauma. When wild animals freeze, think "playing possum", they can sometimes avoid being killed because the predator looses interest in "dead" prey. We humans do our own version of the freeze mechanism for the exact same reason. We hope the human predator forgets we are present!

While in the Freeze response we are flooded with endorphins (natural anesthetic), as this article states, so that if we are wounded (or eaten for animals) the pain is numbed. That is why people with horrible wounds can jump up and run out of danger's way or save another human. The endorphins have numbed the excruciating pain in the moment. Later they collapse, screaming, when the endorphins wear off.

Eventually, the way God created our bodies, once the immediate, short-term danger is past, the body "recovers", resuming the sympathetic response (SNS) where we will feel hungry, breathing normalizes, heart rate slows, desire for sex returns, thinking processes come back on-line (this is the same response kids with "test anxiety" have & it's why they cannot "think" during a test). Short-term stress in humans is fine; it is long-term on-going hidden chronic stress in us that eventually causes diseases.

Slower parasympathetic (PNS) is where we want to live. We don't need on-going trauma memories, as that eventually is going to cause our physical bodies to get sick. We need to use tapping to process the abuse and traumas we have endured. It's all about HOW our hormones react, so we can stay physically (and emotionally) healthy.

Yes, the bottom line is your SC thinks you are still in the on-going trauma and abuse, if you haven't processed by tapping (or other somatic technique) the abuse or trauma you have endured. The SC has no sense of time. SC "lives" in the present tense. So, any of us with an abuse/trauma background who hasn't yet used a technique to "inform" the SC to let the negative stuff go, allowing forgiveness to replace the pain, is constantly still right now reliving that abuse in the present day as if it just now occurred. You may not feel consciously like you are , but your SC is holding the emotional pain for you in the background of your mind, and it continually runs that abuse "movie" over and over again 24/7/365.

Our behaviors and reactions occur because of and due to our emotional pain being held by the SC. Our SC mind hides our abuse memories from our conscious mind to keep us functioning day to day. But the trauma is still there. Eventually, we lose control and we don't function well!

We are still in CONSTANT freeze until we tap and process whatever has happened to us. Bottom line is the PNS will take care of itself, if we have tapped and calmed our responses to the negative things that has happened to us.

Chapter 2 of the original EFT for Christians explains this process in detail, as does the physiology chapter in the EFT for Christians, Tapping in Peace & Joy, chapters 2 & 3.

Tapping is one of the emotional tools to help regulate our emotional pain. Consider giving it a try.

Remember, EFT is not a substitute for medical help, so please consult your own personal physician when physical or emotional help is needed.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Tapping and More Epigenetics!

To me, this Epigenetic article illustrates the VERY BEST REASON we, especially us women, should be tapping! Women do the bulk of the care-giving.

If epigenetics is true, and I suspect it is, we MUST clear our emotional junk rather than send it further down our generational lines to our grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc.

In Christianity, we tout our charitable endeavors! What better charity could we do for mankind overall, and our families in particular, than use tapping to let our emotional trauma go, allowing forgiveness to enter, and clear our DNA of those genetic tags where the trauma has attached itself.

Even if you are past the childbearing age, tapping will still help clear your on-going genetic lines!

What a gift you have to give to your family! A wonderful life-giving on-going gift. Give children 2 things in life and nothing can stop them! What are those 2 things? JESUS & EFT!!!

Remember, EFT is NOT a substitute for medical care, so please contact your own personal physician if you have emotional or physical issues before starting EFT.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
414-232-1612Author of EFT for Christians 5 Book Series

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Sexual Abuse and Tapping

Why don't women, in particular, seek help after sexual abuse. Here's why!

The term "rape" is the overarching global title given to any uninvited sexual event. And the exposing of it all, thanks to the Pennsylvania Grand Jury 2018 Report , is messy, soon to become messier, as the extent of the cover-up and complicity comes to light.

Underneath that broad topic is the sub-category of incest. We know in EFT that a trauma to one person is not a trauma to another & how each of us responds is indeed extremely individualistic.

But incest carries another couple of layers of pain/deeper issues.

Because most perps are known to any rape victim having a close family member take sexual advantage of a child/adolescent creates a double or triple "bust of trust", as I call it.

Rape may be a one time event, violent, unwarranted, but incest within an offending household can literally go on for 1-2 decades, event following event following event. Memories building chemically, binding the victim in a web of hardened core beliefs, as stated in this article. Often PTSD follows because of the complex developmental trauma.

There is so much bio-chemically bound up into the mechanism as to the whys and hows a victim gets tied to his/her perp. It hardwires itself into another disconnected (dissociated) story of its own whereby the truth becomes so blurred that extracting the facts decades later in nigh unto impossible.

As we become a better trauma informed society, this will change. But we are nowhere even close yet. I still have EFT acquaintances who cannot discuss this subject, let alone tap with a client on the topic.

For all of you reading this, please just remember - be compassionate, listen if called upon to do so, no judgments please, and tap for yourself as you hear any sexual trauma (or any trauma) stories told to you. The tapping will calm you so you can stay with the story, listening quietly. It may be the first time a "victim" has told anyone what has happened to him/her!

EFT is not a substitute for sound medical advice, so contact your own personal doctor when help is needed.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner

Saturday, May 1, 2021

EFT Christian Spiritual Healing Collides with the Physiological

A wonderful thoughtful Christian tapper Rev. Ronda Stone wrote me, "I think about EFT and how the Lord has given this wonderful tool to us to help cope with all the trauma in one’s life, the lack of feeling loved, and the everyday stresses that accumulate and cause the body/mind to pay the toll in sickness, disease, emotional, and physical pain.

Even though we love the Lord, we are only human and made of clay when facing trials and
difficulties.  It is hard for us to put aside the difficulties and emotions without being concerned or worrying about the outcome of a diagnosis or accident. 

The Lord is there for us all along, but in our human make up and propensity to worry and fret, we block Him from being the help to us that He wants to be because of the connection we already have  to fear, sadness, anxiety etc. from past events."

Ronda's insight is right on and I replied to her this way, "And what you wrote is part of the spiritual explanation of EFT and the reason why we, as Christians, should APPLY tapping to all pieces and parts of our life. To lower the cortisol and adrenaline levels that God created in us that helped us escape REAL physical danger years ago (flight, fight), we need to tap today about what happened back then to undo the stress it continues to cause today for our subconscious mind. God created our hormones to react to REAL danger where we would be harmed or eaten (predators, warfare, assault, abuse)! The elevated levels of chemicals was the way God created us to "remember" life's lessons so we don't repeat our harmful mistakes. The chemicals help us to remember the danger lessons, they encode the learned memory. Think of a child touching a hot stove. He might do it once or perhaps twice, but never again!  This is the same mechanism we all use, but with trauma it happens on a much grander survival scale. 

Today our "danger" is rarely a true physical danger, but living with negative memories from past events literally resides in our body's cells is our present day stress level.  When we were "attacked" and we ran or fought back, we "blew" off the cortisol and adrenaline. Running or fighting back clears the cortisol and adrenaline from our nervous system. Shaking after an accident appears to do the same thing. We "discharge" the trauma, so to speak.

When we "freeze", neither running or fighting back, the incidents become trauma. Most of us "freeze". We are taught not to fight back or lip off. We then hold the horrific event in our nervous system where it stagnates, stews, and skews our Godly perspective of love and safety. Our thoughts of self-doubt, rage, resentment, and hatred arise in place of love and safety God wants us to feel. These feelings foment for decades; they rarely repair themselves without some kind of emotional support. Because those emotions are so painful to live with we shift our behavior toward self-destroying activities, such as addictions (eating, porn, gambling, sex, shopping, workaholism, etc.) to distract ourselves from what we feel. Tapping "reboots" the body systems!

Humans dislike emotional pain. It's uncomfortable so we stuff it down or drown it out (addictive behaviors). Neither strategy allows the damage or pain to let go. It most often tends to compound it. Talking about it often sends the pain ever deeper into our bodies. It's the tapping, a somatic technique, that often releases it. The emotional pain went into the body's cells as a feeling; it needs to come out of our body the exact same way.
Tapping is the language both your subconscious mind and body's cells understands. It looks like a silly technique, but it works! 

Dr. Peter Levine speaks of trauma this way, "The paradox of trauma is that it has both the power to destroy and the power to transform and resurrect...heights of transformation and mastery, depends upon how we approach it" (Dr. Peter Levine, In an Unspoken Voice, How the Boy Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness, North Atlantic Books, Berkley, CA., 2010, page 37).

Everyone has trauma of one sort or another (some minor, others horrific), every single human being does, and it is personal and specific to each of us. Our approach to dealing with it is the key to whether we heal or not. God wants us healed. We can allow the pain to destroy us, or we can transform it into life lessons where we have an unique perspective in the healing to offer other hurting human beings. That lesson often is one of hope - "I will walk with you through your emotional pain because God has helped me. I know this pain intimately, and I know a technique that will help you."

So, how is the healing done? We physically need to get our elevated flight-fight hormones (Cortisol, Adrenaline, & others) lowered in our body (tapping is that tool), removing the barriers (high adrenaline, etc.that trap the memory in our body). We need the tapping to clear the cellular receptors and quiet our brain's limbic alarm system so it stops reacting to every sound, touch, and sight around us. Peace and safety comes back to live in us once again. And it is all God's created healing touch doing the work. 1 Peter 3:10-11, 2 Thessalonians 3:16, James 3:17

The hormones God created to keep us safe often go awry during trauma (someone's mistake or sin). They stay chronically elevated as our subconscious mind plays the trauma over and over again repetitively ("movie" in our head) throughout our present day, everyday, behind the scenes of our conscious mind (we may not even know the memory is still running). This is our subconscious mind reminding you remember never to get into that situation again. This is the way your mind tries to keep you safe.

That "movie" wears us down emotionally and physically because our bodies weren't designed to live well with elevated levels of stress hormones. And our own personal trauma reactions, often self-destroying behaviors mentioned above, compound life's problems. Disease ensues eventually.

What is one of God's answers to these problems? Tapping!

EFT most often neutralizes our reaction to the originating trauma, allowing God now to free us from the impact of those traumatic memories. The fog that lived between you and Him dissipates. You see Him for Who He is. You can now step into that relationship you always desired with Him. He's always been there, but the emotional fog, and your behavioral reactions to it, has kept you from fellowship with Him! This healing becomes real to you on all levels - emotional, spiritual, mental, and often physical. Romans 8:6.

Seriously consider starting your tapping journey today!  Let Him renew your mind! God is waiting for you with open arms!

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
Author of EFT for Christians Advanced  (2017)
Author of EFT for Christians 52 Tapping Devotions (Christmas, 2017)
Author of EFT for Christians Devotions (Christmas, 2020)
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Thursday, April 15, 2021

Trauma Healing

“No one can ‘treat’ a war, or abuse, rape, molestation, or any other horrendous event, for that matter; what has happened cannot be undone. But what can be dealt with are the imprints of the trauma on body, mind, and soul: the crushing sensations in your chest that you label as anxiety or depression; the fear of losing control; always being on alert for danger or rejection; the self-loathing; the nightmares and flashbacks; the fog that keeps you from staying on task and from engaging fully in what you are doing; being unable to fully open your heart to another human being.

Neuroscience research shows that the only way we can change the way we feel is by becoming aware of our inner experience and learning to befriend what is going on inside ourselves.” Bessel Van Der Kolk,The Body Keeps the Score

And this is where Christian EFT comes in!
Mix the tapping together with our faith base, allowing Jesus to take the pain and all our feelings and thoughts back to the cross with Him!

EFT is not a substitute for sound medical care, so please consult your own personal physician when care is needed.

Sherrie Rice Smith
Certified EFT Practitioner
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